Chapter VIII, I refused!

Northern Prefecture, Death Valley.

Mandala has a rate of 20,000 and is relatively far from War God Temple Powerhouse.

If the two armies are against each other, the imposing manner is strict and majestic!

This place is located on the edge of Northern Prefecture, thousands of miles deep, and is also like the Wasteland Mountains. Few people come here.

Mandala has set up Battlefield here because it is desolate enough, even if the great war breaks out, it will not affect the innocent people!

Although the number of Mandala behinds is nearly double that of the Western Mountains War God Temple.

However, because of the collapse of the Four Great Influences of Floating Mountain, Yin-Yang Fairyland, Northern Underworld Sect and Barbarian Desert Church, Northern Prefecture is still inferior to the Western Mountains on the overall Strength.

Coupled with the Western Mountains all the way to the expedition, the morale is strong, like an iron-blooded army, emits with invincible and powerful belief.

Even some of the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses, in this imposing manner, are also in the air, extremely shocked!

Wang Cang Old Monk and Wei Guang Ming look at each other, their eyes are a little solemn, and there are some concerns!

Even if Gemini Heavenly Venerable becomes Gemini Transcended Heavenly Venerable, the role played by this scene is far less than the shock of hundreds of Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses.

Then there are three Great Heavenly Venerable ranked characters on the Western Mountains.

Both are extremely difficult!

Although it really fights, the impossible is the opponent of Gemini Transcended Heavenly Venerable, but the three Great Heavenly Venerables are in the Influence, which are the Great Influences of the Western Mountains background. They have powerful townstay treats and want to entangle Gemini. Transcended Heavenly Venerable can still do it for a moment.


Two people looked slightly at Mandala.

“I don’t know Grand master Zhao, where is it now?”

I don’t know why, the two people have a lot of hope for the cultivation base, which is not as good as Mandala’s Zhao Fang.

This strange feeling, even their own interpretation is not transparent.

“After the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, he didn’t return to Nine Stars City. According to his own words, there is something else. But if he knows what’s going on here, he will definitely come.”

Mandala looked at the two people and said faintly.

While speaking.

In the Western Mountains, War God Temple walked out of a Great Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse.

“Gemini Heavenly Venerable, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

The old man, dressed in a golden robe, looks extremely luxurious and aggressive, looking at Mandala and chuckling.

“Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Gui !”

The Mandala expression is calm, but under this calm, it is a faint chill of the hidden emits.

Ten years ago, she was sneak attack heavy injury, which was two points. If Zhao Fang returned, she brought back her other body. I am afraid that she can only hide in Nine Stars Trading Firm. Repeated and monotonous in a room to continue healing.

“A decade, I didn’t expect Gemini Heavenly Venerable to be more and more beautiful!”

Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Gui, extremely surprised at the look at Mandala, but he remembers that Mandala suffered a heavy injury after two points, no one hundred and eighty years, fundamentally impossible to recover.

But now, the other party is standing there, although there is no deliberate emits aura.

But Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Gui, but can feel, Mandala within the body, like a secluded pool, deep and unmeasurable aura.

What surprised him even more.

In the face of Mandala, his calm and confident heart suddenly suddenly slammed like a dangerous precursor.

This makes him very suspicious!

Mandala ignored the person’s seemingly chilly, but humiliating questioning, plainly, “Zhan Gui, your War God Temple, and even the Western Mountains, for no reason, so aggressively into Northern Prefecture, is it too mad? ”

“hehe ……” Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Gui forced the instigation of his heart, his eyes sneer a few sneer, “It’s not for no reason.”

Paused, he looked at Mandala’s gaze, “Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, I have participated in the Great Influences of the Western Mountains. However, Northern Prefecture junior was too mad, and even joined forces to kill all my War God Temple. Disciple, and Sword Cleansing Pond disciple, if we swallow, how do we stand in the Western Mountains in the future?”

Mandala raised her eyebrows slightly. She has been in seclusion. For the things in Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, I just heard about it from Zhao Fang.

But Zhao Fang said, it’s all about the news. As for murder, or killing who, it’s never been said.

She has not heard such news from other channels such as Yu Xingyun.

Right now, I still heard about the first time.

War God Temple is recognized as the first of the Five Great Influences in the Western Mountains.

This is so because War God Temple has two Great Heavenly Venerable Level Powerhouses.

Sword Cleansing Pond, in the Western Mountains, is second only to War God Temple, Sect, and also has a Great Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse oversee.

These two Great Influences can almost represent the Western Mountains.

At this moment, I heard that some people are in Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea. For these two Great Influences take action, the other influences of Northern Prefecture are complexion, some awkward and somewhat shocked!

Who is it, how dare you be so bold?

Of course, there are also many people who remain skeptical about the words of Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Gui.

Can at the same time Strangle War Temple Temple disciple, and Sword Cleansing Pond disciple, unless it is Northern Province Seven Great Influences elite, united as one, may be able to make such a result.

But let Northern Prefecture Seven Great Influences elite disciples unite as one?

This damn is nonsense!

Therefore, after the shock, many people wake up. For the Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Gui, there is obviously some doubt that he deliberately made an excuse to declare war on Northern Prefecture.

Only those who participated in the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, although they did not witness the happening of the Four Noble Truths Temple on the same day, they vaguely listened to the elite discipline of the parties. At this moment, Wen Yan, the expression changed dramatically and vaguely guessed.

They have been voiced to their respective Sect Elder Generation.

After learning the news, the owners of Northern Prefecture Influence are also complexion greatly changed, and the face is incredible.

On the Northern Prefecture side, like a fly-like buzz, the Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Gui started to talk again, the sound is no longer the original harmony, with a little natural indifference:

“Handing over Zhao Fang, Nine Stars Trading Firm to compensate me for the Western Mountains Five Great Influences. This time, the matter will be settled.”

Mandala raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the conditions of the Western Mountains.

Northern Prefecture Other small and medium influences also secretly gave a sigh of relief.

Handing over someone and paying some damages is of course a matter of losing face.

However, if both sides explode great war, Strength, which is not much different from the two sides, hits the end, and at most it is the bone side suffer.

This result is not a good thing for either party, Influence.

If you do this one step, Northern Prefecture and Western Mountains, at least 1000-year can not recover Origin Qi!

On the overall background, it is inferior to ‘Southern Xinjiang’, ‘Dongyi’, and the ‘Central region’ is getting farther and farther.

and so.

When it’s not a last resort, even War God Temple, I don’t want to have a large-scale war with Northern Prefecture.

In their view, War God Temple made this request, which is already an extreme concession.

So, after Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Gui finished, the eyes of everyone on the field stayed in Mandala, which is Gemini Transcended Heavenly Venerable, looking forward to her reply.

“I reject!”

Mandala has little thought, and he said plainly.

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