Eighty Hundred 50 Chapter Two Mandala


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’ Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Kong ‘,obtain 999 million Spirit Point, 990,000 Spiritual Force Value, 990,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Great Heavenly Venerable Zhao Kong ‘,obtain ‘storage ring means ‘.’




Zhao Fang’s mind, quickly became buzzing.

Little Linzi’s powerful Primordial Spirit attack instantly obscures the Primordial Spirit, which includes two Great Heavenly Venerables and hundreds of Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses.

Although their Fleshy Body is still there, strictly speaking, they are already dead!

Looking at the end, aura is completely, has become corpse’s Huo Zhen Great Heavenly Venerable and others.

Whether it’s the Western Mountains or the Northern Prefecture and others, it’s shocking!

They couldn’t understand, in the Primordial Spirit fluctuation, what kind of power was in the background, and in the blink of an eye, obliterate so many Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses.

“Is this person using this method to kill the War God projection?”

“This fellow is young and has the power of this Rank. What kind of monster is he?”

For a moment.

In the Western Mountains, everyone finally believed that the powerful “Ji Feng” could have died in Zhao Fang.

But what makes them unfortunate is that Zhao Fang’s Primordial Spirit is so powerful. Latest fastest update

Powerful to the only Outer Circle in the Primordial Spirit Flu, at that moment, there is the illusion that one kind of spirit World collapses.

It is conceivable that the perception of Huo Zhen Great Heavenly Venerable and others within the scope of the attack will be more clear and terrifying!


“congratulations Player level up , current cultivation base 8-Star Heavenly Venerable.”


Little Linzi’s Primordial Spirit attack brought Level 1 half of Experience Value to Zhao Fang.

If you save the remaining Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse in the Western Mountains, the level of Zhao Fang may be able to be overthrown by 9-Star Heavenly Venerable.

9-Star Heavenly Venerable, and up, is Transcended Heavenly Venerate!

At that level, plus the cards in his hand, Zhao Fang can sway Heaven Domain, no one can be defeated!

Therefore, his cold eyes cast on the remaining Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses in the shocked and somewhat dazed Western Mountains.

Feel the strong killing intent of this gaze, and the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses are all reacting, one complex and greatly changed.

But without saying anything, with a look of horror, turn and escape!


The speed of their escape is fast, how can they match, the speed of the Primordial Spirit!

Little Linzi had a bit of painful reappearance of the Primordial Spirit.

With the strength of Little Linzi’s current Primordial Spirit, if he does not seek the dead end, he must capture the Zhao Fang body and encounter the Vermilion Bird Sacred Flame in the Zhao Fang Primordial Spirit, which is suppressed by the Vermilion Bird Sacred Flame.

Otherwise, with his tyrannical Primordial Spirit, Heaven Domain, he is also rampant!

Even Huo Zhen Great Heavenly Venerable can’t stand the impact of this Primordial Spirit, let alone these Heavenly Venerable.

Just blinking.

The Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse, which panicked and fled, fell in half under the impact of Little Linzi’s Primordial Spirit.

After the sound of ‘dīng dīng’, Zhao Fang’s experience is getting closer and closer to 9-Star Heavenly Venerable!

The rest of the Western Ranges of the Various Influences were also frightened by the complicatedion of the scene, and they dared not resist.

Some, even stumbled, said to surrender!

For such people, Zhao Fang has always been disdain to kill.

After handing over the situation to Zen School Radiance God Church, Zhao Fang took Mandala and returned to Nine Stars Trading Firm.

A blink of an eye.

Two months passed.

The Western Mountains have been handled properly!

Many Western Mountains Influence, under pressure at the time, surrendered to Northern Prefecture Influence headed by Nine Stars Trading Firm.

After the Northern Prefecture, many influences entered the Western Mountains, the Western Mountains, other Influences dissatisfied, and swear to death, but they lost their Great Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse, and they are all in vain.

The Western Mountains were overwhelmed by the whole line, and they completely surrendered to the Northern Prefecture Industries, and it was only a Time issue.

For these, Zhao Fang doesn’t care much.

Even if I knew that Radiance God Church took advantage of this opportunity to constantly grow up and threaten to override Nine Stars Trading Firm, Zhao Fang ignored it.

He is doing something more important.

For Mandala Protector!

In the two-month period, Mandala’s most Time is sleeping.

The body surface ignited a layer of golden flame, Zhao Fang learned from Little Linzi that This is the fire of Nirvana.

“She is now at the crucial moment of Nirvana, maybe a day or two, she will wake up again.” Little Linzi observed for a moment, quite a bit weird.

“what happened?”

Zhao Fang gradually became familiar with him, and heard the hidden meaning of his words, could not help but ask.

“It’s just weird. Nirvana, usually only the Buddha sorghum, and the poultry like Vermilion Bird Phoenix, will automatically enter the Nirvana state when it is dying.”

“It can be either a Buddhist monk or a Phoenix poultry, every time Nirvana, as long as a few years, and more on 1000-year, it is not impossible!”

“And she, just two months, has already succeeded Nirvana, which is somewhat unexpected Ah!”

Zhao Fang frowned. “Nothing will happen?”

Little Linzi was a little silent, not sure. “I don’t know too well. Nirvana is too fascinating. I just heard that I have never seen it before.”

“I haven’t seen you say wool.”

Little Linzi :……

Mandala’s diffuse golden flames are getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that Mandala can be burned into slag at any time.

But what is strange is that Mandala is unscathed and the skin does not even show any signs of burning.

“Nirvana is generally a refining heart. If the heart is not dead, it is still resisting. These Nirvana fires can’t hurt Fleshy Body, but once you are tired and don’t want to resist, it is dangerous.” Little Linzi 叨叨gū gū.

“Close your beak.”

Zhao Fang said a lot of irritability.


Outside the small courtyard, Zen School Wang Cang Old Monk, with two other Old Monk, respectfully stood outside the door waiting.

“Wang Cang Senior Brother, that Benefactor Zhao, is that really amazing?”

“Forget Brother, Benefactor Zhao, Junior Brother, I have witnessed it on the same day. If he can take action, even if he can’t demonize, he can help me Zen School and suppress the magic head 1000-year again! ”

“Forget the Junior Brother, the monk does not swear, you This is serious?”



At the first place of the Zen School Discipline, the first lecture, hosting the abbot three people talking.


A maura like a river, like a river, rushes out of the room where Mandala is located. Among the aura, there is an extremely powerfulfluctuation and a Pressure’s Might.

The three people who were still talking, immediately shut up, extremely shocked to look at the room, and the eyes of the eyes were unbelievable.

“2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate ?!”

“No, the cultivation base has been upgraded, 3-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate !”

“It’s 4-Star!”

“Upgrade again, 5-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate !”

The three people sneaked into the Dharma, the rumors of the Primordial Spirit, among the peers, no one can do it right.

Even the aura of Transcended Heavenly Venerate can vaguely perceive something.

At this moment, I noticed that the room was climbing and getting stronger and stronger, and the three people who were pressured by the three people were a little breathless terrifying aura, the three people were six eyes, and the eyes that had always calmed down were rarely beaten. The meaning.

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