Chapter 864 Prince Zhang Mansion’s gauntlet

“Xiao Mei thank Young master for helping me!”

Zhao Fang came to Prince Yu Mansion The next day, Xiao Mei, who has been in a coma, wakes up.

Knowing that Zhao Fang saved himself, Xiao Mei stood still with some weak body and came to thank Zhao Fang.

Looking at a sick beauty gesture, but still reluctantly to thank her Xiao Mei, looks at the other party’s sincerity with a few casual charm, Zhao Fang where do not know, what is this.

“I want to use the beauty meter to set me up? Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, you are not afraid of losing the younger sister and the soldiers?”

Zhao Fang smiled in the heart, but the surface was not moving.

With Xiao Mei’s words, Xiao Mei left to ‘reluctantly’.


Prince Yu Mansion Steward Come, please Zhao Fang and others go to dinner.

There are no outsiders at the banquet, only Xiao Yu Xiao Mei brother and sister.

During the banquet, Xiao Yu had a meaning for him to match Xiao Mei.

The strange thing is that Xiao Mei did not refuse.

Just head down, and when you look up occasionally, you can still see the flirtatious enchanting eyes in your eyes.

“The routine is still a routine, but I like it!”

Zhao Fang is not a gentleman. As the saying goes, it’s cheap to send it to the door.

Under the plan, conversely is Xiao Yu, some of them are not sure about Zhao Fang.

Follow-up is no longer mentioned!

Zhao Fang sneered in his heart, ‘small sample, can this point be able to withstand, but also want to routine me? ‘

After three rounds of wine, the dishes have five flavors. Latest fastest update

After the chill, Xiao Yu presented Zhao Fang with two storage ring fingers, which contained a lot of materials.

Zhao Fang did not explicitly say this.

This person is ready to come out immediately after returning home.

I have to say that Xiao Yu is indeed a caring person.

Zhao Fang, who had a good impression of Xiao Yu, immediately thought about whether or not to take the throne for Xiao Yu. In this case, he could get more materials than he does now.

The next few days.

Zhao Fang has been in the room for Alchemist Tool Refiner.

Xiong ba and others are also practicing, and occasionally go out to Glazed Dragon City to see the growth.

Sitting in the room, feeling all around the rich Fire Element Yuan Force, Zhao Fang blinked and wanted to see the underground World of Glazed Dragon City.

But found.

The underground of Glazed Dragon City is surrounded by an unknown Array.

Even Zhao Fang, who wants to break the Array, is not something that can be done overnight.

“From Flame Empire not simple, this class of Array can be arranged! Unfortunately, when Little Linzi before killing Lian Sheng, the soul power is too much, and now falls asleep, otherwise, with his Primordial Spirit, you should be aware some problems.”

Zhao Fang slightly frowned.

At this time DD

There was footsteps coming, followed by a crisp knock on the door and into the room.


The same came, and Steward’s pretty voice.

“Zhao Young master, Wang Ye has please.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang’s brow slightly picked.

Since the Xie Feast of the day, Zhao Fang has said to Xiao Yu that he wants to seclusion for a period of time.

With Xiao Yu’s temperament, if there is not something, Stewar will not come to find himself.

He grew up and pushed the door, looking at the respectful Steward, nod said: “With I’ll go!”


Steward said, lead the way.

Zhao Fang Primordial Spirit scattered slightly, in the palace, but found a few powerful aura.

“Two Great Heavenly Venerable, one 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate.”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth smiled and took back the Primordial Spirit when the three people had not reacted.

When I came to the main hall of Prince Yu Mansion, Xiao Yu had been waiting for a long time, and I saw Zhao Fang, still as I did before, respecting the salute.

Zhao Fang smiles, hands clasped together politely asks: “Prince Yu is looking for me, but what is it?”

Xiao Yu smiled, but took out a one-piece hot dragon post with Fire Dragon and handed it to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang opened and glanced at the corner of the mouth but revealed a trace of smile.

“Imploring Rain fight?”

This post is from Prince Qi Mansion.

Invite Prince Yu Mansion to come to the Great Master, two days later in the Plaza of the Dragon, in front of the Flame Empire, and thousands of people away from the Fire, the common Imploring Rain.

In fact.

The Imploring Rain date is not set by Prince Qi Mansion.

But there are reservations in advance!

However, Prince Qi Mansion defined the prayer of Divine Ability in the Eight Immortals across the sea as the situation of the gambling.

At this moment, invite Prince Yu to participate.

This is a jersey!

Prince Qi Mansion declares war on Prince Yu Mansion again!

The Imploring Rain Great master, invited by Prince Yu, was killed halfway by Han River’s Five Tigers.

Where is the Imploring Rain Great master.

The only thing he relies on is Zhao Fang.

Therefore, Xiao Yu invited Zhao Fang and hoped that Zhao Fang would take his idea.

“I naturally promised you, this thing will definitely not be shirked.”

Zhao Fang smiled and handed the message to Xiao Yu. “See you in two days!”

Say, wait for Xiao Yu to stay and turn and leave.


Xiao Yu looked at the back of Zhao Fang, the expression startled, Zhao Fang’s reaction, quite unexpected.

In fact, he did not have much confidence in Zhao Fang Imploring Rain.

It’s just a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

But now Zhao Fang’s attitude is more or less, which makes him feel a little dull and has something more called hope.

But soon, Xiao Yu complexion pulled up again, complexion some gloomy.

The one that led to his expression gloomy is the name of the person who represents the Emperor Rain of the King.

Xi Jun Yu !

“I didn’t expect that Xiao Qi was so big, I invited people from Five Great Clan.”

Xiao Yu has heard of this name, although it is not the younger generation of the Five Great family, but he is a strong cultivation base, not inferior to those who are the Central region, the extremely outstanding youth Powerhouse.

Look at your side.

Zhao Fang although has outstanding strength, but Imploring Rain has nothing to do with combat power.


That Xi Jun Yu natural talent was extraordinary. I heard about the 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate peak in my early years. If I really talk about combat effectiveness, it is not weaker than Zhao Fang.

The more I think, Xiao Yu’s original a trace hope, once again swept away by the endless gray.

Prince Qi Mansion sent the post to Prince Yu Mansion.

The message was spread out to create a momentum of fighting.

The intention is that I want Xiao Yu to have no retreat and have to fight.

Prince Qi Mansion even figured out that if Prince Yu Mansion did not agree, they would take some special measures.

I never thought about it.

Less than half an hour before the post was handed in, he received a reply from Prince Yu Mansion.

Prince Yu Mansion, fight!

When the news came out, it was immediately passed on in Glazed Dragon City.

The influence of the Glazed Dragon City parties who heard this news is very incomparable.

Especially when I saw the name of the person who was fighting Prince Qi Mansion, I was a bit dumbfounded.

“Zhao Fang? This is who? Have you heard of it?”

The results can be imagined.

In Northern Prefecture, Noble Young Master Zhao’s reputation, no one knows no one.

But in the Central region, in the Flame Empire, most people, or first time, heard the name from the battle post.

“I haven’t heard of it. It is estimated that Hidden World is not a Powerhouse.”

“It’s not the Powerhouse, the Prince Yu back to Glazed Dragon City. I used to look at Prince Yu. It was just a group of slell of mother’s milk not yet dried!”

“No, is Prince Yu going to admit defeat?”

“This makes it clear that in the face of Xi Jun Yu, the pride of the day, even if we are away from Flame Empire number one genius Lu Ping, not to mention the unknown Zhao Fang?”

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