The 867th chapter is changing

From Flame Emperor and others, they have not left for three days and have been staying in the small attic.

They have been waiting for the news of Zhao Fang.

Although I know that Zhao Fang has removed the Earth Vein Heavenly Flame, most of it is impossible.

But their hearts still have some expectations.


When the third day came and quietly passed until the evening of the third day, there was still no movement in the Array, and everyone looked a little silent.

Within three days, they were near the Array, and they felt that there was a burst of powerful flame fluctuation.

Knowing that Zhao Fang has encountered the spirit of Earth Vein, there has been some fight.

This situation only occurred on the first day when Zhao Fang entered the underground vein.

On the second day and the third day after that, there was no such fluctuation.

Just like the spirit of Earth Vein, the arrogant intruder has been cut off.

This is a little uneasy from Flame Emperor and others.

With the arrival of the third day, and after more than half of the time, the Array did not activate, and there was no Zhao Fang aura fluctuation. After the Flame Emperor knew that Zhao Fang had been buried in the ground, he shook his head slightly and sighed.

Turning around, the expression looked at Xiongba and others in a complicated way, and the eyes finally fell on Xiao Yu, leaving a sentence of ‘good health, not to be slow’ and left.

At the same time, there are those who are ministers, as well as Xiao Qi Xi Jun Yu two people.

“tch tch, look at this, 80% is out.”

Xiao Qi stared at Array, quite a bit of gloating.

“what did you say?”

Xiong ba Xiong’s eyes, awesome aura swept, Xiao Qi in ones heart trembled.

But as a peak Heavenly Venerable, how could he fear Xiongba and sneer taunted, “This Zhao Fang natural talent is good, there are also means, it is the brain is not good, he thought he was, actually want to get rid of even Transcended Heavenly Venerate Late Stage Powerhouse, Heavenly Flame, which can’t be cleaned up, this time, even the little life is up, it’s really alive!”

“you court death !”

Xiong ba eyes chilly, one step before the step, directly rushed to Xiao Qi.

In the wave of Xiao Qi’s carelessness, Xu Feng Nian Icebound’s power quietly came, and the root couldn’t completely cut Xiao Qi, but limit his speed, still can do it.

Same as for moment, Sword Slave and Tian Peng from both sides sneak attack.

This scene.

It’s almost an instant, it’s amazing.

Even if it was Xi Jun Yu, in the reaction, I only saw that Tian Peng, who was hiding in Void, and Sword Slave, who was like a sword, and Xiao Qi, who was controlled by figure at the same time, stabbed a sword!

These two swords are not because there is no room for Xiao Qi to be Prince.

Recruiting is a must, direct attack!

If you are stabbed, Xiao Qi, Prince, is sure to drink and hate on the spot!

“You dare to kill me! Ben Prince wants to destroy your whole family!”

Xiao Qi roared, but his life should not be. In the midst of danger, it would have been broken through the cultivation base, and it even loosened, breaking through the Great Heavenly Venerable level.

Although the cultivation base is promoted, it is impossible to ask for the situation at hand.

At the crucial time, he used the aura of Great Heavenly Venerable to suppress the ice-cold aura under Xu Fenggian, and the figure was free.

Slightly sideways, I escaped Sword Slave’s sword, but Tian Peng’s blow was to stick his chin directly on his shoulder and cut a blood trough.

Blood screams!

Xiao Qi After retreating, complexion is slightly pale!

“You court death!”

Xiao Qi was furious, suddenly roared shouted: “Seat Great master, kill me!”

On the side of Xi Jun Yu, brows slightly wrinkle, did not rush forward.

With his eyesight, I can see clearly that Xiongba and others are difficult.

Although they are just 7-Star Heavenly Venerable, according to the cultivation base, they can shoot themselves with a slap.

Can now just a few people’s cooperation, can be called seamless, if Xiao Qi Luck is good enough, the situation is broken, I am afraid that at this moment, it is already a corpse.

What is even more shocking to him is that these people have advanced and regressed, obviously with a lot of time.

His extensive cultivation base surpassed Xiong ba and others, but in this small attic, Strength was suppressed so much that he could not fully exert his strength and was not sure that he could kill Xiong ba and others.

The most important thing is.

Even after three days, Xi Jun Yu did not confirm whether Zhao Fang was really dead.

For this hairy brat, Xi Jun Yu is still somewhat wariness.

Therefore, he did not want to play against these small things, Zhao Fang, and even his men.

“Seat Great master, what are you doing?”

See Xi Jun Yu for a long time, Xiao Qi is even more angry.

“Great Prince, I am not helping you kill.”

In the face of this big Prince, who is strong from the Flame Empire, Xi Jun Yu is also very strong.

Of course, he also has such a strong capital.

Wen Yan, Xiao Qi’s complexion is somewhat unsightly.

At this time, Xiao Yu stepped forward one step, coldly looked at Xiao Qi, “Xiao Qi, if you dare to kill Xiongba, Prince Yu Mansion will declare war directly to you Prince Qi Mansion, even if you can not grab the throne, this King guarantees that you can also drag your Prince Qi Mansion !”


Xiao Qi extremely angry, the complexity of the ashen.

He has no doubt about his second brother, because Prince Yu Mansion does have this capital.

Xiao Qi did not have a stalemate, and his eyes glanced coldly at Xiong ba and others: “I hope you can live well!”

This seems to be a good wish, actually the threat of Xiao Qi!

For this threat, Xiong ba expressionless, step directly, take action again.

With for a moment, Xu Feng Nian is also a complement.

Seeing this position, Xiao Qi was scared, and he didn’t want to experience the second time just after his life and death.

I didn’t want to fight with Xiongba at all, and spread the scorpion and ran outside the attic.

Don’t look at him already hurt, but as Great Heavenly Venerable, his speed is definitely not comparable to Xiongba.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Xiao Qi’s silhouette disappeared in front of the attic.

Xi Jun Yu finally looked at the Array, and the lip angle was slightly raised. It seemed to be a somewhat ridiculous flavor, and turned away from the attic.

Originally still very lively attic, there will be Xiao Yu Xiong ba five people.

Xiao Yu accompanied Xiongba for another two days until Steward Stewart voiced Secret Art and said that after Outer World had an accident, it left.

On the occasion of departure, Xiao Yu invited Xiongba four people to return to Prince Yu Mansion.

Xiong ba is planning to stay here.

Xiao Yu did not force, left Jade Talisman, and went back alone.

It was another three days.

There is still no movement in the Array!

“Eight days.”

Xiong ba murmured.

Xu Feng Nian brows slightly wrinkle, Tian Peng is also true.

Despite this, they do not believe that Zhao Fang will die underground.

After all kinds of experience, they have a blind confidence in Zhao Fang.

The four still stay here waiting.

Maybe it will take a few months, or even years, until the day when Zhao Fang appears.

But when Xiao Yu contacted Jade Talisman for help, the four left the small attic.

Out of the attic, it was discovered that it was already a day away from the Flame Empire!

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