The eighth hundred and seventy-eight chapters of the king return!

“Wang Ye!”

He yelled at the action he wanted to take, but he was confused and confused. He was always watching the battle, but Xu Jun Yu, who had never taken action, found a gap.

For a moment. Latest fastest update

Prince Yu Mansion crashes across the board!

The situation that was originally recovered slightly collapsed completely!

“This time, this King has to look at it, what is your means for Prince Yu Mansion?” Qi Wang laughed.

“You will die.”

Xiong ba ignored the 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, and looked at Xiao Qi.

“How? You still hope that Xiao Yu can turn over? Or do you think that Zhao Fang, who is already dead in the underground veins, can revenge for you? Don’t count on it, that fellow estimates that even the body is burned into slag! Ha Ha ……”

Xiao Qi impudent laughs.

Just he is barely fell ——


In the distance, the location of the small attic of the Imperial Palace corner suddenly burst into a terrifying noise.

Then, there was a flame of gods rising up, and the Heavenly Fire flames sprinkled into a room full of Pressure’s Might, which seemed to be a fire, emits endless Divine Might’s flame god bird, entrenched above the Imperial Palace!


The flame bird humming, like the discovery of the abnormality before the Prince Yu Mansion, the figure moves, the blazing flame whistling.

It’s extremely fast and the flame temperature is extremely high!

Under such circumstance, the forward Space seems to be twisted under this flame.

Imperial Palace some distance from Prince Yu Mansion.

If you are at common, even Transcended Heavenly Venerate, if you want to get to Prince Yu Mansion from Imperial Palace, you will need to spend a period of time.

However, the flame god bird appeared, not far from the Prince Yu Mansion, but only a few seconds before and after, the speed is absolutely extinct, has reached the extreme of human!

“It seems to be a person!”

Suddenly, Xi Jun Yu’s eyes glanced, and he noticed that there was a figure in the flame bird.

When the flame bird is getting closer and the figure is getting clearer, Xi Jun Yu’s eyes are wide and some incredible: “How can it be? How is he still alive?”

Not only Xi Jun Yu, even Qi Wang, I also noticed the appearance of the figure.

“Zhao, Zhao Fang?”

Qi Wang is unbelievable.

The figure in the flame bird, slowly raised his head, cold and indifferent gaze, sweeping toward the king.

At that moment, Qi Wang’s heart was endlessly scared. At the moment of his gaze, his chest was hit hard, and he sneaked out of his chest.

“Qi Wang!”

Other Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses were shocked and were quick to rescue Qi Wang.

The figure in the flame bird, did not pay attention to this, plain eyes, looking to 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate to Xiongg ba three people, eye reveals killing intent.

“Boss !”

Xiong ba was suddenly excited to scream when he saw the figure in the flame bird.

“Grand master Zhao !”

Xiao Yu is also a surprise.

Zhao Fang clicked nod, his eyes were distressed by Xiong ba and others, and he looked indifferently to 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, not far from Xiongba. “Give you a chance to live, abandon your Cultivation base, apologize!” ”

Wen Yan, the 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, looks cold.

When I was sneer, I ignored Zhao Fang, speeded up, rushed to Xiongba, and still wanted to kill Xiong ba.

“court death!”

Zhao Fang broke off.

He held his hands in a virtual hand, and each hand held a sword in his palm, saying that it was a sword, but it was better to say that it was a fire.

But just in his sword of all of a sudden, Zhao Fang’s figure disappeared directly in place.

Turned into a silhouette faster than lightning, approaching the 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate.

Pū chī ~

Without any movement, after seeing the disappearance of the flame bird, the head of the 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate rushed!

Blood spurts from the broken head, like a fountain!

The man still maintains a forward-looking posture, with the body and even vitality, but his head is a complete human head.

“A quick sword!”

Xi Jun Yu pupils shrank , complexion shocked.

He suddenly found out that even with his own eyesight, he barely saw the trajectory of the sword nothing more.

If you change yourself to block, the end is better than the 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate.

“What did he experience inside, how is Strength so terrifying?”

Xi Jun Yu was shocked and looked at the road in front of Xiong ba and others. Actually, it was not strong, but it was like an unshakable World, which made him feel like an unprecedented soulmn.

Zhao Fang turned and looked at Qi Jun and others. “Xiao Qi, you seem to have done something stupid.”

In public, Xiao Qi is stupid, and Zhao Fang is still the first one.

I was just shocked by Zhao Fang. At the moment, under the help of Heavenly Venerable, I have recovered a lot of Xiao Qi. When I heard this, the expression suddenly gloomy.

“You are still not dead!” He looked at Zhao Fang, clench one’s teeth, with a wariness flavor.

Zhao Fang ignored him and looked at the 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate heading to Xiao Yu.

“be careful !”

2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, who is facing Xiao Meng, sees this scene, eyelids jump, and reminds.

It is still late!

It is also a fire, the blood is mixed in the fire, the rays of light are particularly dazzling!

One hit dagger!

Second place 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, dead!

Just in the blink of an eye, on the Xiao Qi side, they lost two Transcended Heavenly Venerate.

Unlike Xiao Biaozhi, who was seriously injured by Xiao Meng sneak attack, and Xiongba, who broke the Fleshy Body, this time, the two Transcended Heavenly Venerate are completely dead!

“How can it like this? Why is this happening!”

Xiao Qi’s heart is bleeding.

Transcended Heavenly Venerate Powerhouse, in the Flame Empire, it is an extremely scarce war resource. Today, he is looking at the look at, someone in front of their own face, almost smashing these resources one by one!

What makes Xiao Qi chilling is that Zhao Fang has shown a strong great war force in the battle.

A killing may be a coincidence.

Two killings, but it is proof that the youngster with only 9-Star Heavenly Venerable cultivation base has the power of 3-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate.

Otherwise, simply impossible to 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate!

The 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, which confronts Xiao Meng, also found that things were big, and the complexion changed slightly toward Xi Jun Yu.

In his opinion, perhaps he combined with Xi Jun Yu to block Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang did not stop, as if waiting for him to meet with Xi Jun Yu.

For the self-confidence of Zhao Fang, the 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate complexion is ugly, but did not say anything, standing side by side with Xi Qi Yu and Xiao Qi.

“No one can live alive after three days into the underground veins. What kind of alien are you?”

Xiao Qi is not willing.

Since Zhao Fang appeared, he knew that the trend had gone.

Six 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, now two dead, two disabled, only two left and the strength.

Even so, Xiao Qi is not sure, can clean up Zhao Fang.

More importantly, he is somewhat curious. Why can Zhao Fang stay in the underground veins for a long time?

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