Eighty-eighth one-eighth chapter

Leaving the Flame Emperor.

Xiao Qi was defeated by the mutiny, Xiao Yu took over the big picture, and changed from the Flame Empire.

of course.

The probability of any Influence’s old and new, the desire to spend smoothly, is not high.

What’s more, there is already a time when Xiao Qi is changing.

Xiao Yu is in the upper position, of course, there are other Princes who are dissatisfied, and some General want to go out independently and become a Chinese!


This group of people has ambitions, but Strength is far worse than Xiao Qi.

Even though they have followed them, they are both ordinary 1-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate. When Prince Yu Mansion Xiao Meng took action, it was completely suppressed!

Xiao Yu temper very ruthless, caught the rebellious person, even if the leader is Prince, has not been merciless, killed on the spot!

Such a bloody crackdown for a few days, but let the messy away from the Flame Empire, gradually recovered a lot.

For these, Zhao Fang is already ignorant.

Even if you know, you won’t care.

What he can do for Xiao Yu is already done.

The rest, depending on whether Xiao Yu has the ability to be a throne.

If he can’t even settle this situation, it means that Xiao Yu is not the material of the emperor. It is better to die early, and the province will not know how to die.

Of course, compared to Zhao Fang, Xiao Yu is not suitable for the emperor, he does not know.

What he knows is that Xiao Yu is doing something right!

Do not say anything else, just open the Imperial Palace treasury, let Zhao Fang and others come, this kind of atmosphere, not the common emperor can do.

Zhao Fang With the Old Court Eunuch coming to the Imperial Clan treasury, there is no other Defense Power in addition to an extremely powerful protective Array.

There are no even Powerhouse guards, only a team of Strength’s reluctant Heavenly Venerable escorts.

These escort members, taking advantage of Miyagi’s chaos, reached an agreement with some of the Loose Cultivator Powerhouses who wanted to fish in troubled waters and began to break array!

After the arrival of Old Court Eunuch, I saw this scene, and I was angry and wanted to blame those people.

But Zhao Fang pulled it and the group hid in.

In the group of Loose Cultivator and the Guards member, when the Array opened a gap, Zhao Fang came out to pick up the fruits of victory.

After killing all of the Loose Cultivator and the Heavenly Venerable Guard, follow the gap in the Array and enter the Array.

Then, Zhao Fang was taken away from the Imperial Palace, a little popular in the Flame Empire.

What is Wannian Lingcao, Wannian Goblin, here are all.

Even the herbals Metal, which has been broken in Outer World, is here.

Zero total countless, watching Zhao Fang eyes are spent.

of course.

Because the Flame Empire is a country of fire, there is a vein in the ground, and the number of these treasures is mostly Fire Attribute.

However, the treasure that Zhao Fang can use is still not good.

“Spiritual Qi is particularly strong here, I will arrange the Great Array here to help you Upgrade Strength.”

Tong Xuan Great Array works the same as the Spiritual Wisdom Great Array.

But whether it’s the layout of the definition or the effect of the Array, it is not comparable to the Spiritual Wisdom Great Array.

If Zhao Fang uses Celestial Decree as the Array, even if you don’t have a Celestial Powerhouse, you can raise four Half-step Celestial Powerhouses.

From the treasury of the Flame Empire, there is no Celestial Decree.

But there are a lot of good things.

“Accordingly, if you break through, you should be able to break through to Heavenly Venerable peak. If you are successful, you can even step into Transcended Heavenly Venerate level !”

Zhao Fang laughed.

Upon hearing this, Xiongba is also excited.

After the fire, the four people cooperated with each other, although the might is endless, but because the cultivation base is too weak, it can not support the second wave.

So, when Xiao Qi showed the three cards of Transcended Heavenly Venerate, and Xiongba had one of them on 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, it didn’t last long, and it was seriously injured!

It is because the foundation is too shallow.

If they were cultivation base at the time, they were Heavenly Venerable peak, and the ending must be another look!

What Zhao Fang did first was to arrange the line of Tong Xuan.

This Array is not big for him.

After spending a small half-day skill, after the seven-eight-eighth recovery of Xiongba and others’ injuries, Tong Xuan’s battle was completed!

Subsequently, all four went into practice.

Zhao Fang joined the Spirit Gathering Array outside the line of Tong Xuan, making the Spiritual Qi in the Array rich in degree, several times and out of the line, speeding up the progress of several people.

After placing the Xiongba four people, he began to prepare his own business.

“First, it is the Inextinguishable Golden Body 3rd layer.”

Zhao Fang blinks slightly.

Inextinguishable Golden Body 3rd layer, named King Kong is not bad.

After the Great Accomplishment, whether it is a knife and axe, a thunder fire, or a poisonous wine soaking, it is unscathed, it can be said that it is not invading!

Even if the Primordial Spirit annihilates, Fleshy Body can also be 1000-year!

This rank of Fleshy Body, let alone Heavenly Venerable, even some Transcended Heavenly Venerate, has never heard of anyone who has.

Zhao Fang is not bad for King Kong, and is extremely expecting.


According to the Inextinguishable Golden Body, after the cultivation of the 3rd layer, the power of the Inextinguishable Golden Body is only beginning to appear.

Strictly speaking, practicing the Inextinguishable Golden Body to the 3rd layer is only a small accomplishment of the Inextinguishable Golden Body.

If you are practicing to the 6th layer, you will be admitted to the room.

Even if it is not Great Accomplishment, the world is big, you can go!

As for the last three layers, the practice is also practiced, but few people reach the 7th layer Great Accomplishment.

In the past ten thousand years, the person who reached the eighth floor is even more embarrassed!

This is also the case, leading to the Inextinguishable Golden Body, the once-famous Ancient Forge Technique, which has become modern and has become obscured today.

“Now, the materials such as Golden Congo, Fragmented Golden Ceramic Glaze Grass, Congealing Jade Mushroom, which are needed to cultivate the Inextinguishable Golden Body 3rd layer, have been collected and it is just the beginning of cultivation.”

Fragmented Golden Ceramic Glaze Grass, nature is the reward of the ‘Xingyunbuyu’ Task.

At the Imperial Palace Treasure-House before, System issued the Task Reward.

In addition to the fragmented Golden Ceramic Glaze Grass, he also harvested 100 million supreme coins, as well as the most precious volcanic soul.

Zhao Fang is also not clear, if the mountain spirit is to display Immortal Technique ‘Collapsing Mountain’, it will be big is it.

But if you want to, you should be able to compete with Celestial Powerhouse.

It was collected to prepare for the unexpected.

At the beginning of Zhao Fang’s smelting of the material into the Fleshy Body, the body surface of the body, bursting out of the golden glow.

Among the golden glow, a fuzzy phantom appears, like a Pill Furnace.

Zhao Fang sits in Pill Furnace and seems to be practicing, and is like being refining.

This is a normal reaction that occurs when the Inextinguishable Golden Body 3rd layer is cultivated.

According to the Inextinguishable Golden Body, the 3rd layer begins, and the Fleshy Body’s polishing becomes finer and more demanding.

Just like Alchemist, it takes a lot of effort to refining the fullness and fullness of Pill Medicine.

In general, tempering Fleshy Body is extremely painful.

Inextinguishable Golden Body, naturally more painful!

Even though Zhao Fang had the first two experiences, he still had a painful face when he started running 3rd layer Secret Art, hovered between life and death.

Simply, there are no outsiders in the Imperial Palace, even if he is dumb, it will not interfere with others!

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