Chapter VIII, Chapter Blood Disaster!

Heavenly Wolf Battleship.


Zhao Fang suddenly looked at Gulin, a brows slightly wrinkle.

“what happened?”

Xiong ba did not ask.

Zhao Fang seems to be a little uncertain, shook his head, “Nothing.”

That being said, but the eyes, but more than a look at Gulin.

While he was ready to regain his gaze, suddenly, as if he had caught something, his eyes shrank and his arms lifted up, and the Battling Spirit Seal took it instantly.


On the left side of the Heavenly Wolf Battleship, a burst of rumbled broke out as the Battling Spirit Seal fell.

The aftermath of the explosion dissipated, revealing two huge Vicious Beast silhouette.

At the moment, these two Vicious Beast are yelling at Zhao Fang with anger.

Look at their fierce expressions, and suddenly want to smother the humans who anger them!

“powerful !”

Xiong ba is also at this moment, seeing the two heads of Vicious Beast with a huge body and a look, sucked in a breath of cold air!

Speaking of it, he has not seen Powerhouse.

Not to say far.

In Devil Suppressing Pagoda, whether it is to display 饕餮**, will be the unicorn Primal Chaos beast swallow, near the breakdown of Celestial Realm’s Lian Sheng.

Or it is the unicorn Primal Chaos beast itself, which is also the existence of Celestial Realm.


Xiong ba was surprised to find that either of the two Vicious Beasts was more powerful than the one-legged Primal Chaos beast.

“Celestial Realm !”

Zhao Fang looked at the solemn to the extreme.

His focus is not on the two Vicious Beasts of Celestial Realm, but on one of the tiger-shaped Vicious Beast’s heads, the plain old man with a black eye mask.

Although there is no half of the Force Force on the old man, the fellow who can sit on the Vicious Beast’s head is a common person.


Zhao Fang While seeing the old man, the Primordial Spirit still couldn’t capture the opponent’s position, and even could not perceive his aura.

That is to say, if you don’t see it with the naked eye, he can’t find the other person by the Primordial Spirit alone.

This Rank People, if not the Technician who is proficient in Concealment, is the cultivation base.

Zhao Fang looked at the two Celestial Vicious Beast, very sensible, and classified the old man as the latter.

He watched with vigilance, this suddenly appeared in front of himself a combination of one person and two beasts.

The old man seems to be at the sight at him. At that moment, he has a very ridiculous and unreal feeling, as if he is facing the heaven and earth.

Under this heaven and earth, I am humble like mole cricket and ants!

“hehe, little fellow is very alert. However, the cultivation base is too bad.”

Plain old man smiled and grinned, and even saw some of the broken meat remaining between the other sides.

Combined with the grease left by the opponent’s corner of the mouth, Zhao Fang is sure that this Old Man should be eating just now.

“senior !”

When thinking about this, Zhao Fang is arranging for the old man, and his attitude is extremely friendly. “I don’t know what the senior is?”

Old man did not answer Zhao Fang’s words, muttered to himself: “In less than one year, from the beginning of the Martial God is not the fellow, the achievement of today’s 9-Star Heavenly Venerable. You fellow, is it a destiny? ?”

The old man muttered his voice, and did not hide it, or he just wanted to let Zhao Fang hear it.

Zhao Fang is indeed heard, he is expressionless, but in his heart, because of these words, he has set off waves.

At this moment, Zhao Fang has a whole body that is seen through, no secret feeling!

He doesn’t like this feeling!

Therefore, he wants to change this trend. “Senior, junior has something to do, Forgive for not accompanying, leave!”

Said, he looked at Xiong ba.

Xiong Ba will know how to turn around and enter the Battleship to host the Battleship and accelerate to leave the area.

“hehe, don’t worry, Old Man is not malicious to you, otherwise the two fellows will clean you up!”

“Don’t be convinced, I know your means, know that you have been killed by Celestial Devil Dragon, however, Celestial Devil Dragon is still inferior to them.”

Old man laughs hehe, there is no danger in the words, but Zhao Fang is shocked.

“Who is senior? Why do you know my killed Devil Dragon?”

He was not surprised if he was told about this in Northern Prefecture.

After all, in the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea, many people escaped, and his killed Devil Dragon has spread in Northern Prefecture.

But here is the Central region, and not to mention the Western Heaven Grassland between Northern Prefecture and the Central region, the news from Northern Prefecture is not so fast!

This old man actually knows, and that is somewhat intriguing.

And, from the time of the meeting to the present.

The two sides have no mutual name, but the other party seems to have known his origins, knowing that he will appear here, and the reality is very different!

“System, give me Exchange Teleportation Talisman.”

Zhao Fang has a gaze, although it is true that he is not the opponent of the two Celestial Vicious Beast, but he really has to fight, Zhao Fang will not sit still!

“Time is less than one year, even across the Martial God Treading Void, this Rank practice speed, even if Old Man is planning for the ages, I only see one or two cases, but everyone is a child of the era of greatness. On your body, the aura also has some aura of the epoch, but it is very light, but it has such a good fortune, but it is strange.”

Old man muttered to himself.

Zhao Fang noticed that when the old man spoke, his fingers kept counting, just like the fortune-telling blind that was encountered on the roadside, so it was the same as the deep calculation.


I don’t know why, Zhao Fang found that when the old man is calculating, the feeling of no secret is more and more clear, just like someone is peeking at their secrets.

In this case, Zhao Fang has encountered several times, still do not know, how to put an end.


Old man closes, faintly shakes his head, “Whether it is the son of the eclipse, this cultivation of natural talent alone is indeed nothing. én? Inextinguishable Golden Body ?”

Old man didn’t go to see Zhao Fang at all, but he clearly noticed everything about Zhao Fang.

At this moment, I was surprised.

“You actually cultivated it…”

Old man The sound is a bit more complicated, but soon it will return to calm.

“Senior, you are looking for a junior, what to order!”

Despite this old man, it is like a neuropathy.

Zhao Fang did not dare to take a nap.

Even if it is a neuropathy, it is also a neurosis of two Celestial Vicious Beast mount Masters. This kind of neuropathy, he basically recruits bare provoke.

Therefore, Zhao Fang is still asking for patience.

“hehe, there is nothing. Before we have also made some dealings, and in the same place as the Desolate Domain, Old Man gives you a reminder for free.”

Old man is still thin smile.

Zhao Fang is still curious, when is the old man talking about?

I couldn’t help but hear the words ‘Desolate Domain’, and in his heart, suddenly rose up.

“When has this Super Powerhouse appeared in Desolate Domain?”

Zhao Fang is full of puzzles.

However, compared to these, he is more curious, what old man wants to give himself a reminder.

“You are black in the hall, and there is a hidden bale in the eyebrows. There will be a Blood Light Disaster in the near future!”

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