Chapter VIII Vermilion Bird Divine Courtyard, Qin Shuwan!

The bushes that are taller in one person seem to be no different from what you see in the past.

But looking at the eyes of the women, you can find the difference in the bushes.

Women charming face slightly changed, looking up, a fire filled, slamming into the bushes.

A strong fire attack with a destruction meaning destroyed most of the bushes.

I also forced the one who was hiding in it.

Zhao Fang If you want to leave, no one can stop her.

It’s just that it’s cheap, it’s nothing to say, just leave.

What is the difference with those fellows who talk sweetly beforehand and immediately drop on their trousers?

Zhao Fang is self-proclaimed to be a very human person, so he has to stay and talk to the woman who didn’t want to let him see the spring.


That women didn’t think so, after seeing Zhao Fang.

Her charming face, immediately became gloomy.

Baleful qi able to move unhindered, under the anger of the appearance, still hidden a trace of shame.

“How long has it been?”

Women pressed their hearts and anger, asked coldly.

“It seems to have been seen.”

“Let’s watch…”

These three words, like the water poured into the pan, immediately let the woman who is strong and angry to fry.

I don’t know, she took out a long sword from there, the figure is like a snake, and it is close to Zhao Fang Zhang Xu, and a sword comes to the west, straight Zhi Bang eyes, Jiao shouted: “Shameless Pervert, accept death!”

Looking at the front of this wearing a red dress, face gorgeous women, the moment of anger, Zhao Fang quite helpless.

I thought, this has anything to do with me. I didn’t mean it. It’s good to send it to you.

of course.

He also knows that if the words are exported, then the women are uncertain and even more crazy!

The red skirt women Sword Art has a strong Attack Power, coupled with her 1-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate cultivation base, the strength can not be underestimated.

But for Zhao Fang, the opponent of this Rank level, he can shoot to death.

In the face of the attack of the red dress women, Zhao Fang raised his hand.

To be precise, it is two fingers, in the red skirt women sword light hit, accurate, caught the sword of the red skirt women.

“how can it be !”

Red skirt women offensive a pause, slightly startled, revealing an incredible look.

She really can’t figure it out. In front of this, it looks like a smaller fellow than himself. He actually has such a powerful Fleshy Body. With two fingers alone, he will catch his own sword with anger!

Zhao Fang naturally saw the surprised expression of the red dress women in the eyes, laughing silently.

King Kong is not bad, really sir!

“Cough… this female benefactor, have something to say, don’t be Impatient, don’t be Impatient!”

After hearing this, Qin Shuwan is even more angry!

“You Shameless Pervert, peeked at this lady’s little solution, actually still have a face to let me have something to say? What I want to say the most is to marry you!”

Women look glamorous and temperament is just as fierce.

What these words say is chop nails and sever Iron.

A pair of irreconcilable until death gesture!

“In this way, the mistake seems to be on your side. I was lying in the bushes and sleeping. You made a noise and disturbed me. Now I still have to mean it. Looking for me to settle accounts?”

“You ~”

Qin Shuwan extremely angry , charming face is a burst of red.

She wanted to swing her sword, but at the moment, the blade was caught by the other side’s fingers, like a hoop, and she couldn’t make any effort.

Under anger, Qin Shuwan yelled again: “Which people sleep in the bushes, you know clearly…”

After the words were not finished, Zhao Fang sighed directly, “I am ignorant, it does not mean that there is no.”

“Pervert, Hugh is a rhetoric, you taint the girl’s innocence, this girl has to dig your eyes!”

Qin Shuwan hates.

Said, the red dress women did indeed do this.

The results can be imagined.

Her slender little hand was immediately hugged by a pair of palms and could not move.

Qin Shuwan was shocked and remembered that Zhao Fang Fleshy Body had an amazing defense.

But regret it at the moment, it is already late!

Unlike long sword, if it is a long sword, she will not leave the sword.

At this moment, she can’t break away from the shackles of Zhao Fang even if she abandoned the sword.

“You, what do you want to do?” Qin Shuwan, looking at Zhao Fang with some fear.

Zhao Fang grinned, and he smiled softly, but this look, in Qin Shuwan in the eyes, is no different from those who hate pervert.

Especially when I heard Zhao Fang’s next sentence, she was even more shocked.

“Of course, I want to do something.”

Qin Shuwan fears, no longer holding a sword, one-handedly swearing, whispering in the mouth, the speed is very fast, even Zhao Fang just heard a few words.

Just two or three seconds later, the women pointed to Zhao Fang, “Phoenix Plume Finger!”

One pointed out that it is mixed with the powerful Fire Element Yuan Force.

For example, a Vermilion Bird, an angry roar, and Zhao Fang’s eyes.

This is extremely fierce, and there is already a straight pursuit of 3-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate.

Zhao Fang expression was slightly moving and quite interesting. When it was resisted, Qin Shuwan’s hand was released.

Although Phoenix Plume Finger is strong, it still does not cause substantial harm to him.

For this, Qin Shuwan is also well aware.

After Zhao Fang released his all of a sudden, Qin Shuwan turned and walked, and the speed was almost at its best. After Zhao Fang slammed Phoenix Plume Finger, he only saw the back of Qin Shuwan.

Upon seeing, Zhao Fang smiled.

But this smile is a bit cold.

“The means of this women, when it is really ruthless ruthless.”

Today, if it is Zhao Fang, change to other Transcended Heavenly Venerate, I am afraid that I will not die, and I will be disabled by the women.

“Forget it, after all, I am losing money, I will spare you this time.”

Zhao Fang shook his head and didn’t chase.

Turned away and rushed in the opposite direction to the red dress.

He felt the aura of Xiongba.

What makes his expression chill is that Xiongba seems to be fighting people.

Moreover, it also fell into the wind, aura is a little weak.


Coldly snorted, Wings of Vermilion Bird unfolded, with Zhao Fang, instantly disappeared in place.

Zhao Fang didn’t know.

Not long after he left.

The red women went back.

Of course, she is not alone, come together, and there is a crutches, looks very old, but every move, give a kind of extremely strong red women who oppress aura.

Qin Shuwan came to the bushes and looked at it carefully. He rushed to the red old woman next to him. “Master, he was here just now.”

The red women’s eyes are faint, sweeping around the surrounds, slowly starting to talk, the voice is hoarse: “You have not been able to detect this person beforehand, all attacks, are also easily resolved by this person, indicating that brat looks ordinary It should be an old Monster who has a good job.”

“However, even if he is the other 15 Great Influences, it will be ruined by our Vermilion Bird Divine Courtyard!”

Qin Shuwan thinks about the scene of just now, and still hates straight one’s teeth.

“én? There is movement in front of you, this aura, who seems to be the White Tiger Divine Courtyard and the Azure Dragon Divine Courtyard.”

Old women blinks slightly.

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