Chapter IX Ten Palace Yama

Pū chī !

The double sword runs through the shoulders of Qin Guang Wang and is transparent.

Time instantly freezes.

Qin Guang Wang in the eyes is also a shock and a secret smile.

“I’m not right!”

Zhao Fang frowned, pulled out his sword, and squatted on Qin Guang Wang. The figure took a sudden retreat.

What surprised him was.

The body of Qin Guang Wang is not as good as the people killed in the past, and the body is blasted by the power of flame.

He stumbled several times, seemingly suppressing the injury with the body, the figure gradually stabilized.

On the other hand, there is a black dagger, the tip of the dagger, with an extremely glaring blood-red.

That is not the blood of Qin Guang Wang.

Zhao Fang looks at the wound below the left rib, the expression gradually becomes solemn.

He just didn’t even notice how Qin Guang Wang took action.

Just relying on the instinctive reaction to quickly retreat, but never thought, still hurt!

What makes him chilling is.

I didn’t even see Qin Guang Wang take action!

This is the point.

“In the past few generations of sneak into the Powerhouse, your Strength is the weakest one, and the reaction is sloppy.”

Qin Guang Wang After seeing the body twice, it seems to have returned to normal, and thin smile looks at Zhao Fang.

“Worthy is Hell Ten Great Kings, it’s not unusual.”

Zhao Fang is also very emotional.

Qin Guang Wang has a smile on his lips and is about to say something.

next moment.

He suddenly found out that Zhao Fang silhouette disappeared in the same place, and what surprised him even more was that he did not see how he disappeared.

“However, you will die today!”

The voice of indifference, ringing in Qin Guang Wang behind, double sword breaking space, hitting.

Qin Guang Wang complexion greatly changed ,suddenly roared said: “It has been smashed!”

On the occasion of Qin Guang Wang suddenly roared, his body suddenly became blurred. In the moment when the double sword came, he stretched out his arms and resisted the double swords.

The arms were cut off in an instant, and the double swords were unrelenting and slammed into his neck.

puff! puff!

Two muffled sounds came out at the same time, and almost all the swords broke into Qin Guang Wang’s neck.

However, when Zhao Fang wanted to completely cut off his head, he was suppressed by a force and could not be deposited.

Only two or three centimeters away, the two swords can meet at the neck of Qin Guang Wang, but unfortunately, they are blocked by life.

Zhao Fang blinks and draws a sworddudly retreat!

Qin Guang Wang The blood violently spurt at the neck, the blood trough on his head, is also halfway in an instant.

Qin Guang Wang , heavy injury !

However, the strange scene happened very quickly.

Just counting, Qin Guang Wang’s sword wound on both sides of his neck no longer spurts blood, but slowly heals.

The gap shrouded with the black mist, like a needle thread, stitching Qin Guang Wang’s wound.

After the black Mist dissipated, Qin Guang Wang’s neck was restored. When he twisted his neck, he even made a crackling sound.

As for the blood trough above his head, it has also recovered.


Zhao Fang raised his eyes and his heart sank.

In the first time sneak attack Qin Guang Wang, he will be heely injured, but the other party will not be able to recover. As soon as he recovered, Zhao Fang guessed something.

Now I see it with my own eyes and I am more sure.

“How? Seeing the undead body of this King, do you still have the confidence to continue the assassination?”

Qin Guang Wang looked at Zhao Fang and sneered.


Zhao Fang Lips slightly raise, “If it’s really undead, what have you blocked? Have you been smashed? Take out the strength of your arms and other parts of the body to strengthen your neck defense? This is a good Secret Art.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Guang Wang complexion greatly changed.

“how do you know?”

“I am not blind. Even if it is not dead, there are preconditions. If I seriously hurt you, at the end, I don’t know, your undead body can still make you not die!”


Qin Guang Wang complexion ashen, deeply looking at Zhao Fang, coldly said: “this King has stunned you! However, you don’t have this opportunity! The rest of the nine palaces, the distinguished, on the way, this King does not believe, trivial 1- Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, can you still compete with Ten Hall King Seniors?”

“Oh? Are they on the way?”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are bright.


Qin Guang Wang expression Shen Shen, he did not expect, Zhao Fang after listening to this news, actually reacted like this, look at his expression, seems to be looking forward to Ten Hall King Seniors gathered.

“This fellow!”

Qin Guang Wang clench one’s teeth , figure back and pull away from Zhao Fang.

Just now, he already realized that Zhao Fang’s ghost movement technique, even Hell’s highest stealth sniper, can’t compare with, plus Zhao’s just attacking the flame of the contain, restraining him from the body’s evil spirits. Cultivation Technique.

Therefore, he is very wariness to Zhao Fang!

“Wait is a very boring thing, not as good as we can learn from each other…”

It seems like a discussion of the tone, Zhao Fang has disappeared in place when the sound fell.

Qin Guang Wang With the last experience, the all of a sudden disappeared in Zhao Fang.

I want to sneak with Zhao Fang.

But in this respect, he can’t catch up with Zhao Fang.

You know, Zhao Fang is showing the Immortal Technique Shrink The Ground To An Inch.

It is what he can compare.


A bloody difficult situation silhouette was smashed out by a sword.

It is Qin Guang Wang.

After he appeared, he did not stop, and he endured the pain of the body and sneaked again.


Qin Guang Wang was blasted and then continued to sneak.

Then be blasted, then sneak!

Grand Ten Hall King Seniors, the famous King of Heaven World, made Qinless Wang, who was scared by countless people, but at the moment, like a stray dog, he was hit by a pursuit.

What is even more shocking is that he has no backhand!

This scene.

If you let people in Heaven Domain see it, don’t know if you will be surprised that your eyes will fall.


Qin Guang Wang figure reappeared, the crown of the crown was broken, the robe clothing was stained with blood, the emits, and the appearance of the difficulous situation became more and more miserable!

As Zhao Fang said, there is a limit to the undead body. If the injury recovers speed, can’t compare with the injured speed, the result is self-evident!

Now, Qin Guang Wang is in a position to encounter this Rank.

If there is really no foreign aid, then Qin Guang Wang will be dragged to death by Zhao Fang sooner or later!


Qin Guang Wang was once again blasted.

At this moment, he is completely unaware of Zhao Fang’s heroic appearance when he first saw him. It is completely a stray dog.

This time, his injury finally superimposed on a terrifying situation.

After the bombing of Qin Guang Wang, there is no for a moment, hiding the figure.

Zhao Fang struggled for half a day, waiting for this moment.

On the occasion of sneer, the double swords are like fire, and the sharp and sharp, such as the Vicious Beast, open the fangs and swallow the Qin Guang Wang.

Qin Guang Wang complexion is pale, wants to dodge, but there is no strength to dodge.

Eyes at the bottom of the sinful death –

“The daring dare!”

A rage filled with the glory of the Pressure’s Might, which came out of the hall.

Followed by.

A pair of dark palms are transformed into a pair of swords directly to Zhao Fang.


The Muli Main Hall broke out with a terrifying noise, and Zhao Fang was also powered by the palm of his hand, and he was forced to retreat!

In its retreat all of a sudden, nine silent, silent, appeared in the Main Hall.

These nine silhouettes, in the appearance of all of a sudden, surrounded Zhao Fang.

The situation, an instant reversal!

Zhao Fang is in danger!

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