The ninth and three chapters of the collision of light and dark!


The loud noise alarmed all Assassin of Underground World.

The Assassins, whether they are practicing, reporting to the Task, or doing other things, all rushed out of their rooms and looked up at the Main Hall.

Looking at the symbol that is the highest right of Hell, it is also the most sacred and solemn building in their minds. It burns in a fierce fire, and collapses in the flames!

“what’s going on?”

The complexion of the people has changed dramatically.

But some people noticed what, the figure swayed and rushed straight toward the collapsed Muli Main Hall.

These people are all elites of the Hell Assassin Organization.

In fact.

Can stay in Headquarters, in addition to Ten Palace Yama this Rank, the rest of the people, are also one of the top talent.

There are not many people, but if you let go, you can definitely harm one side!

But near the Main Hall in Muli, the kings who had walked in the dark saw the hovered between life and death, which was completely ruined by the former Ten Hall King Seniors.

There are several pieces of debris on the ground. From the appearance, it can be seen that Qin Guang Wang, King Chu Jiang, King Song Di, `King Wu Guan and others.

Seven people at the moment, all 奄奄one breath!

It is exactly like a pig dog to be slaughtered, completely losing the power of resistance!

King Wang Bian, King Lun Zhuan, is also a very injured, body emits with a scorching flavor, face is not because of pain, or because of hatred, become extremely 狰狞 twisted. Latest fastest update

But two people still have the power of battle!

As for the Tenster King Seniors, the most mysterious and most powerful Yama (King of Hell) respect, at the moment is also the Beats emits, blood-stained, and the difficult situation is miserable!

If you are in Outer World, it is estimated that no one can associate them with the Hell Ten Great Kings of the mighty shake Heaven Domain.

Not far from the Yama (King of Hell), there is a youngster wearing a flame Armour, a fine figure, a complexion pale, but with a sharp eye.

Youngster stares at Yama (King of Hell) and others, cold said with a laugh: “Yama, today is your death!”

“Wang Zun!”

Hell Assassin exclaimed.

Each face is exposed with an incredible expression.

In the past, they ran across Heaven Domain, whoever killed them would kill others, and others could not resist.

They are already used to the pleasure of this kind of killing.


Today they saw that the most powerful Ten Hall King Seniors in Hell was actually suppressed by a youngster, which shocked them at the same time, and they couldn’t help but feel a little horrified!

Even when seeing the youngster’s indifferent iron look, these self-proclaimed Assassins were also affected by this gaze, just shouting at Outer Circle and dare not rush.

Youngster is naturally Zhao Fang.

Just now, Buddha Fury Lotus was in a mess, and Yama (King of Hell) responded swiftly. At the crucial moment, he took a defensive shield. He was at the forefront of Buddha Fury Lotus, and he was still ravaged by Buddha Fury Lotus. , was seriously injured!

At the moment, when I heard Zhao Fang, Yama (King of Hell) respected the extremely large gloomy.

Simply, his complexion is black as carbon, even if the anger is rushing to the crown, others can not see too much clue, can only feel that the (King of Hell) respected the fierce like a wild beast-like aura.

“Just by you?”

Yama (King of Hell) respects coldly said.

He admits that he underestimated Zhao Fang, so that in a short moment of skill, this Rank has a big disaster, resulting in Hell Peak’s combat power, all serious injuries.

Qin Guang Wang and others are even more affected by the 奄奄one breath.

If Yama (King of Hell) respects most of Buddha Fury Lotus’s might, I am afraid that just one blast will be enough to make Ten Hall King Seniors lose half!


He thinks this should be the means of Zhao Fang strongest.

However, there are still ways to do it.

“Do you still have a card?” Zhao Fang laughed. “But I won’t give you a chance.”

While speaking.

In his hands, six colors flame ball of light, once again condensed.

A new round of Buddha Fury Lotus began to take shape.

Yama (King of Hell) Seeing this scene, the complexion suddenly changes, but he will come to the body, this seemingly inconspicuous six colors flame group, after the burst, will produce what kind of terrifying might.

Naturally, Zhao Fang won’t succeed.

In the roar, Yama (King of Hell) respected the embes of the rich Black Mist, like a chain, around his body all around, these chains above, all over the Soul that he was to kill Powerhouse.


Yama (King of Hell) respects the power of these Souls, gathers them into the Qi Sea Black Mist, then feeds back Fleshy Body, repairs the injured at the same time, his cold eyes, indifferently open, looking to Zhao Fang.


During the low roaring sound, dozens of chains wound around the Yama (King of Hell) body, and more than half of them exploded.

Among them, the Soul power gathered in a group, and with the whisper of Yama (King of Hell), like a flood, he rushed toward Zhao Fang.

“Yu Wang makes you three more dead, who dares to stay with you to five more! With the words, give this King to destroy him!”

Soul’s power whistling, like a dark sky, oppressed Zhao Fang, not yet inside, the terrifying power filled in it, like a plague, is flustered.

Zhao Fang’s condensed Buddha Fury Lotus is also fully formed.

Looking at the constant approach to Soul black cloud, Zhao Fang expressionless, just sent the Buddha Fury Lotus in his hand.

All of a sudden flying out of Buddha Fury Lotus.

This piece of heaven and earth has become polarized.

Zhao Fang here, flame is like a sea of ​​fire.

Yama (King of Hell) Respecting the direction, it is Black Qi shrouded, the sky is smashing, sinister and secret.

The two stocks are completely different, but they contain the power of different attributes. In the middle of the journey, they finally collide!

boom! boom! Hum ~~

This is six colors Heavenly Fire, the collision with the power of countless Deathhouse Powerhouse Soul.

It is a collision between light and darkness!

The two just came together, and the terrifying afterimage caused by the collision instantly killed seven people in Qin Guang Wang lying on the ground.

As the aftermath continues to spread, it spreads to those who are closer and have no chance to leave Assassin.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘Qin Guang Wang ‘,obtain 700 million Spirit Point, 70 million Spiritual Force Value, 70 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘Qin Guang Wang ‘,obtain ‘Three Lives Stone ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘Qin Guang Wang ‘,obtain ‘Subduing Soul Armor ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed looking at the home boss’Qin Guang Wang ‘,obtain ‘Qin Guang Wang’.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘King Chu Jiang ‘,obtain 700 million Spirit Point, 70 million Spiritual Force Value, 70 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘King Chu Jiang ‘,obtain ‘Three Lives Stone ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘King Chu Jiang ‘,obtain ‘King Chu Jiang Order’.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘King Song Di ‘,obtain 700 million Spirit Point, 70 million Spiritual Force Value, 70 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘King Song Di ‘,obtain ‘San Sheng Shi’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘King Song Di ‘,obtain ‘King Song Di’.”


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