Chapter 98 of Eight Gate of Life and Death Tribulation!

“Xi Jun Yu?”

Zhao Fang did not expect that he would meet Xi Jun Yu here.

Say it.

On the same day, from the Flame Empire, Grand Prince Qi Wang, with six 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate including Xi Jun Yu, surrounded by Prince Yu Mansion, Zhao Fang and him.

After winning the Water Origin Mirror, he kicked it and didn’t care about the other person’s life and death.

Even so, his strength is not weak.

Common 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, absolutely can’t!

Xi Jun Yu is still alive, although there is a bit of Luck’s composition, but I have to say that his Strength is also very strong, non-common 2-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate comparable.

“No, it’s 3-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate !”

I noticed that Xi Jun Yu is now the cultivation base, and Zhao Fang raised her eyebrows and laughed.

“Xi Jun Yu, long time no see !”

Xi Jun Yu complexion is quite complicated to hear this long-lost greeting as a friend.

“I didn’t expect that this brought Heavenly Tribulation, it turned out to be you.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang smiled uncontrollably, and his eyes fell on the side of Xi Jun Yu, who was riding the turtle old man.

The old man cultivation base is the highest person in the cultivation base.

9-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate peak has been reached.

It seems to break the half-step Celestial Realm’s existence at any time.

“Sea Clan Powerhouse ?”

Zhao Fang feels the life of the accompanying life and the majestic water Yuan Force in the body of the seemingly old man. Latest fastest update

Reminiscent of the identity of Xi Jun Yu, the identity of the old man, naturally can guess one or two.

“Old Man Sea Clan Great Elder, Hai Mingwei.”

Ride the turtle old man to say with a laugh.

From his smile, Zhao Fang did not see any move to prepare for the future generations and prepare for a strong deception.

This somewhat surprised him!

At the time when Zhao Fang looked at Hai Mingwei, Thunder Tribulation on the top of his head was ready to go to the top.

Feel the Heavenly Tribulation emits’s pounding might, watching the Powerhouses, one by one, but they are rushing back, lest they be smashed.

Zhao Fang blinked Hai Mingwei and regained his gaze. He looked at the traces of the Tribulation Cloud abyss and looked at it. “After waiting for so long, I finally have to rob. I don’t know, how strong this thunder Tribulation is. !”

Think of it like this, Heavenly Tribulation Boom, a few purples of the Purple Tribulation Thunder, like a mad dance of the big bang, went straight to Zhao Fang.

“Eight Gate of Life and Death Tribulation !”

After seeing the color, number and might of the Tribulation Thunder, the Hai Mingwei expression changed dramatically, and the face was particularly shocked.

“Eight Gate of Life and Death Tribulation ?”

Others have heard this, and they are a bit stunned.

Their understanding of Heavenly Tribulation can naturally be’t compare with Hai Mingwei, the Sea Clan Great Elder.

For a moment, everyone asked, this Eight Gate of Life and Death Tribulation, what a great Heavenly Tribulation.

Hai Mingwei ignored everyone, his eyes, always staring at Zhao Fang.

Seeing that Zhao Fang did not dodge in the slightest, he had the meaning of trying to rob himself, which made Hai Mingwei even more shocked.

“He wants to die?”

No wonder Hai Mingwei thinks so.

Most of the people who have seen Transcending Tribulation in the past are prepared.

Or sacrifice an Array, either with a divine weapon or with a Fleshy Body.

No matter which kind of kind, they are very cautious when they respond.

As in front of Zhao Fang, the Eight Gate of Life and Death Tribulation, which is straight into the head, is not in the eyes, expression is a calm and easy, he still encountered first time.

“The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.”

Hai Mingwei sighs, only thinks that Zhao Fang youngster is a talented person, temperamental, and does not know the terrifying of Heavenly Tribulation. Unfortunately, this person is a victim of Heavenly Tribulation.

Others, all of them are expressions silently, shaking their heads gently.

Although not talking, but between expressions, Zhao Fang can not pass the first wave of Tribulation Thunder.

“hōng hōng ~~”

Thunder and lightning, Zhao Fang was quickly overwhelmed by the Tribulation Thunder.

“Poor fellow, it is estimated that it is the first time Transcending Tribulation. There is no common sense of Transcending Tribulation. It is estimated that it has been smashed by Heavenly Tribulation!”

“What a pity!”

The people shook their heads secretly.

Hai Mingwei is staring at the Tribulation Thunder area covered by Zhao Fang, without speaking.

But after a while, he seems to be Sense, complexion greatly changed, exclaimed, “how can it be?”

He exclaimed, and immediately attracted everyone’s eyes.

“What did the Great Elder discover?”

“It is estimated that only the scene where brat was smashed into slag.”

Everyone smiled at Hai Mingwei.

Hai Mingwei was shocked and ignored the crowd. He just muttered: “How did he do it?”

Everyone was puzzled and followed Hai Mingwei’s gaze and looked again at the area covered by the Tribulation Thunder.

The Tribulation Thunder is slowly dissipating, and a fuzzy silhouette is exposed to the crowd after the Tribulation Thunder is completely dissipated.

“how can it be?”

Looking at the youngster that should have been smashed into slag by Tribulation Thunder, but now it is unscathed, but the clothes are slightly wrinkled, and the faces of everyone are shocked and puzzled like Hai Mingwei.

In their unbelievable horror and incomprehension.

The second wave of Tribulation Thunder, as scheduled!

This time, they didn’t talk, they held their breath, just deep in at, the youngster bathed in the Tribulation Thunder, and the look at the other side was once again unscathed.

The shock of everyone in the eyes, completely turned into an incredible horror!

Once, it can be said that it is a coincidence.

But twice, it is not just a coincidence that is simple.

In particular, they found that when Zhao Fang greeted the Tribulation Thunder, he did not resist it, but left it alone and absorbed some of the power in the Tribulation Thunder.

“He, This is using Tribulation Thunder tempering Fleshy Body?”

Everyone faintly saw some clues.

“Is he crazy?”

Regarding Zhao Fang’s thoughts, they believe that no one dares to do this except for neuropathy.

But for now, someone did it this way!

“Old Man has seen an ancient book and has some simple divisions of Heavenly Tribulation.”

Hai Mingwei suddenly started to talk, the voice is deep and deep, revealing a bit of awkward meaning.

In the all of a sudden, the eyes of most people on the field looked over.

“Depending on the strength, from low to high, Heavenly Tribulation is divided into 9th Rank. One Origin Tribulation, Yin-Yang Tribulation, Three Endowments Tribulation, Four Phases Tribulation, Five Elements Tribulation, Six Desires Tribulation, Seven-Colors or Seven-Stars Tribulation, Then there is the Eight Gate of Life and Death Tribulation.”

“Eight Gate of Life and Death Tribulation, one of the rarest and most terrifying Thunder Tribulations in history. Divided into:- Rest, Life, Harm, Delusion, Death, Scenery, Fear and Open being Eight Gates Thunder Tribulation. Eight Gates Thunder Tribulation, not existence in the second increase of the say, this Eight Gates Thunder Tribulation’s might, are extremely terrifying, the order of appearance is uncertain, Luck is good, the first slaying down, you can survive this robbery.”

“Of course, if Luck is not good, he can only squat down on his scalp until he is robbed or killed by Heavenly Tribulation. This robbery will end.”

When I heard Hai Mingwei’s commentary, everyone finally got a simple understanding of the Eight Gate of Life and Death Tribulation.

“én? What is the fellow doing?”

Suddenly someone pointed to Zhao Fang and asked.

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