Chapter 916 is ruined!

The atmosphere is deadlocked and Sea Clan Powerhouse is coming.

The eight people who were originally prepared to storm, complexion suddenly became gloomy.

It’s just a Hai Mingwei, they are not sure to clean up, let alone other Sea Clan Powerhouse.


After all, this is Sea Clan’s nest. If it happens to be with Sea Clan, it will be the outsiders.

For a moment.

The flower demon eight complexion gloomy, staring at Hai Mingwei behind a number of Powerhouse, knowing that this Old Man intervened, things can not be violated, staring coldly on Zhao Fang, “I don’t believe, you can huddle in Sea Clan for a lifetime.”

In this case, it is prepared to be outside the Sea Clan.

Hua Yao and others I thought that after hearing this, Zhao Fang would have some wariness.

I never thought that after listening to the other party, I just looked at myself and others with a look of eccentricity. It was like watching an Idiot.

“brat, don’t think that with Sea Clan support, you can have no wariness, I tell you…”

Bone Devil’s temper is the most violent, and after seeing the meaning of Zhao Fang’s gaze, immediately anger, the bottle eyes ruthless killing intent, whispered.

Before I finished, Zhao Fang walked over one step.

“Hehe, Great Elder, why do you have to refuse people thousands of miles away? Since they want to kill me, they must be prepared to be killed. If so, why should they be driven away?”

Everyone was suddenly stunned, and immediately laughed loudly, looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, revealing ruthless ridicule.

“It’s really the fall of the overnight one’s capabilities. Do you really think that you can kill us?”

Bone Devil disdains.

“I hate the most, others are pointing at me.”

Zhao Fang is still smiling, but after the words are finished, there is a sudden chill, which is filled with everyone’s heart.

next moment.

A moment of silent space breaks through, and a finger penetrates the Bone Devil’s spirit, directly crushing Bone Devil’s vitality and Primordial Spirit.

Poor Bone Devil, the wicked Powerhouse, never dreamed that he would die so badly and die.

Unfortunately, he can’t think of it anymore.

If he knows, it is estimated that he is killed, and he does not dare to reach out to the youngster who seems to be harmless to human and animals, but in fact take action very ruthless.


Bone Devil’s body, bursting open, filled with flesh and blood, even splashed on the other seven.

Looking at the smell of blood on the body, and looking at Bone Devil just now, it was empty at the moment, only the location of flesh and blood, a cold chill of the bone marrow, suddenly from the soles of the seven people, I got to the heavenly spirit.

When the seven people were shocked, they quickly reacted and held the group directly. Confronted with Zhao Fang, expression never had any previous calmness, and some were just nervous and fearful!

Bone Devil, 7-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate peak.

Among the eight people, the cultivation base belongs to the upper middle level.

So Powerhouse, actually the opposite of the seemingly gentle, but really sultry youngster, one finger strangled?

Until now, they still have an incredible feeling.

This is really too dreamy!

If you don’t see the fingers of the youngster, they will even think that Hai Mingwei sneak attack killed Bone Devil.

Hai Mingwei But the expression is dull, not too much surprise.

Zhao Fang can even scatter the Heavenly Tribulation, killing a Bone Devil of 7-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate peak, which is simply very easy.

It just made him feel very surprised.

The other party was previously only 5-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, but in an instant, it skyrocketed to 9-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate peak, which he was all worried about. How did he do it?

Still, is this the real cultivation base?

Hai Mingwei is puzzling!

After killing Bone Devil, Zhao Fang did not continue to take action, but looked at the seven devils, faintly said.

“To tell the truth, I am still disappointed to see that only you guys are coming to kill me. You are too weak!”

When you hear this, the flower demon and others are gloomy faces, and the expression is not good.

Zhao Fang This kind of verbal humiliation caused them to be hit by tons of crit.

But I have to admit that the other party has a qualification to say this.

Even Bone Devil walked in the other hand but the other person said that he and others were too weak, and there was nothing wrong with it!

However, the other party is just a youngster, but they are forced to make these long-time old devils, do not dare to do it.

Every time I think about it, the flower demon and others are all very not willingly.

They thought that the blood cuts of Four Great Divine Courtyards could easily be mixed into reward.

But I don’t want to accept a reality: even the people who are not even in the Four Great Divine Courtyards, what are these Loose Cultivators?


It’s a bit late to think about it now!

“We are a little stunned by you, but you are stronger than Strength. In front of a thousand horses, it is still insignificant. Even if you can kill us, it will take long before you will be smell of those who sniff the blood. Surrounded by the endless ‘hungry wolves’ coming from the blood road, they were swallowed to death.”

Water Devil Incarnate Zhou Hai, sorrowful.

“Don’t let go of it, rest assured, I won’t kill you.”

Zhao Fang laughed, in the eyes of the water magic and others, Zhao Fang indifferently said, “I suddenly thought of a good way. White Tiger Divine Courtyard, if you want to play, then let them have a good time!”

Hai Mingwei, who heard this at the rear, couldn’t help but shook his head and even began to sympathize with the White Tiger Divine Courtyard.

“Kill Ah! Kill!”

At this time, the battalion Wu, who followed the flower demon and others, finally rushed to the endless sea.

For a time, the banner was soaring, the killing intent was like the sea, and it was very dusty.

Seeing the big forces coming, the water magic and others are also dark, but the surface is quiet, even the alert color is more concentrated.

They found that Zhao Fang came over to them.

When the seven people expressed solemn, they suddenly lost the trace of Zhao Fang. They were surprised to find that they seemed to be in another World.

I, a path of the slap of the Giant Palm, slamming directly into their Primordial Spirit.

“Array ?”

On the endless sea, Hai Mingwei looked at the sudden white mist and felt the strange power contained in the white mist. He couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

He thought that Zhao Fang went to the flower demon and others, and was prepared to kill them, but never thought that Zhao Fang actually activated the Array, shrouded all seven people, and aura was completely isolated!

“He is still an Array Master!”

Hai Mingwei expression is more complicated.


All of this, compared with the next scene, is completely slag.

More than a thousand Loose Cultivator Powerhouses are already approaching the white mist range.

Among them, there are some Powerhouses who see the clues. Thousands of people take action together. Thousands of tyrannical attacks at the same time fall in the Array above. Just a moment, the Array white mist is dispelled, revealing the silhouette of Zhao Fang and the seven people of the flower demon.

However, the look of those people has always been in Zhao Fang, and no one has seen it. The seven people of the demon are secretly complicated expressions.

“brat, accept death!”

Someone yelled and attacked Hula and greeted Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang expression is dull, with a smile on his lips. “It’s a fascinating fellow, a flower demon, and it’s handed over to you!”

“Follow, my Master!”

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