The ninth and fifteenth chapter war!

“My name is Zhao Fang.”

Stand in front of Sword Demon Zhou Yi, Seven Blades Killer Zheng Qi Ming and others in front of the white youngster, with the powerhouses laughing at the White Tiger Divine Courtyard.

“You may be strange to my name. But I don’t care. Anyway, you have to die. You don’t have to remember too much. If you die, you will be turned into a ghost and come to me. I will be very upset.”

The white youngster is Zhao Fang, looking at the White Tiger Divine Courtyard Powerhouse with a smile.

White Tiger Divine Courtyard This time, Powerhouse is organized into three grades.

Seclusion For many years, five old professors who barely asked the world.

This is the first grade Powerhouse, five old professor cultivation bases, all at 9-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate level.

The second grade is the top ten professors of the White Tiger Divine Courtyard.

Their cultivation base is 7-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate peak and goes to 9-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate.

The third grade is the teaching of the White Tiger Divine Courtyard ordinary.

Cultivation base is commonly found in 6-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate to 7-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate level.

At the beginning, Zhao Hang killed Si Hangtian, the White Tiger Divine Courtyard, an ordinary teaching.

And Zhao Fang behind, is also followed by a lot of 9-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate Powerhouse.

These people, mostly on his way, passed the ‘introduction to the monarch’ and then enslaved Powerhouse by the Bathling Spirit Seal.

The original flower demon seven people, one died, and six others left.

The remaining 18 people are new.

Four of them are 9-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate peak, which are Sun You Niang, Iron Arm Tong Mu, Seven Blades Killer Zheng Qi Ming and Sword Demon Zhou Yi.

The remaining fourteen, except the seven are 8-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate, the remaining seven are 7-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate.

Then, it is the six people.

of course.

Pursuit Zhao Fang Powerhouse along the way, naturally more than that.

However, with the demon and others as the standard, Zhao Fang will accept the Powerhouse, naturally no less than 7-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate.

As for the 6-Star Transcended Heavenly Venerate level, he was completely killed by him.


The number of his behind Powerhouse is not just as simple as twenty-four people.

Plus himself, a total of twenty-five people.

But I want to deal with it, with the Half-step Celestial Realm Powerhouse oversee, Powerhouse White Cloud Divine Courtyard.

This is how it looks like it is in the court death!

But Zhao Fang just now those words, but said that the arrogance, a pair of white Tiger Divine Courtyard must die, the whole crowd of onlookers, think that Zhao Fang is not crazy.

“Unfortunately, the Old Man ran too fast, otherwise I might have a Half-step Celestial Realm Servant.”

On the way to the way, the Half-step Celestial Realm Powerhouse, Zhao Fang, who escaped from his own hands, regrets.

“Right, I don’t know what to do, just rely on you, but also attack me White Tiger Divine Courtyard?”

Among the top ten professors of the White Tiger Divine Courtyard, one of the tiger’s eyebrows, the face of the national character, and the middle-aged man with dignity.

“Since I feel that I have no qualification, why do you activate Defensive Array? Why not take down the Array, we are killing it quickly, how?”

Zhao Fang smiled.

The word face professor complexion gloomy, imposing manner, such as a tiger will wake up, emits forced people’s imposing manner, “You killed my White Tiger Divine Courtyard, escaped too late, actually dare to send it to the door, Today, you want to leave!”

Zhao Fang glanced at him, yawning rather boring, looking to White Tiger Divine Courtyard abyss, indifferently said, “The two old things inside, you will not come out again, these retard, I will all kill!” ”

“impudent !”

“arrogant !”

The previous sentence is the anger of the White Tiger Divine Courtyard, the sound of thunder, passing away, with an amazing opposing manner.

The latter sentence seems to come from the mouth of two old people.

The sound was not loud, but it was over the cover of the White Tiger Divine Courtyard’s Powerhouse anger, the slow and low emphasis, but also the white gold baleful qi of the White Tiger Divine Courtyard.

Three silhouettes, after this break, appeared silently on the White Tiger Square.

The two people, both white robe, white hair and ruddy complexion old man dress up.

The two people, white hair and black face, white hair and red face, imposing manner high, not angry.

There is no such thing as the top ten professors, emits are forced to imper the manner, just believe in stepping up, a gaze, with one kind of mountain-like invisible oppression.

It makes people breathless.

In the middle of the two people, stood a middle-aged man wearing a star robe.

Middle-aged man refined scholar, with a smile to all around, just looking at Zhao Fang, expression is slightly unnatural.

“I have seen Black Tiger Elder Hu Yuan !”

As soon as the three people appeared, the White Tiger Divine Courtyard Powerhouse saw the white man and the old man two people.

This suddenly attracted a burst of gloom.

“I didn’t expect that the White Tiger Divine Courtyard two Elder Hu Yuan also appeared!”

But soon, the attention of everyone fell on the star robe man in the middle of the two people.

“Old man Xin Mo !”

“He actually stood on the side of the White Tiger Divine Courtyard. Is it the White Tiger Divine Courtyard, please help me?”

“Three Half-step Celestial Realm, more than thirty Transcended Heavenly Venerate Late Stages… White Tiger Divine Courtyard is too much to pay attention to that brat!”

“After all, he killed the White Tiger Divine Courtyard Dean, and this lineup can be understood.”


However, after thinking of Zhao Fang’s words, this piece of arrogant discussion immediately became an incredible horror.

“Hey, this is not a little star. Isn’t this Clone this time? I didn’t expect you to be hooked up with the people of the White Tiger Divine Courtyard. Why, you think it would be my opponent to unite with them?”

Zhao Fang squinted at the old man Xin Mo, the corner of the mouth, revealing a trace smile.

Old man Xin Mo complexion is a stiff.

Although it was not him at the time to kill Zhao Fang.

It is his Clone, Old man Xin Mo’s this Venerable, which has been swimming around the White Tiger Divine Courtyard.

When one of his Clones was slaughtered by the flower demon and others in the endless sea, he received some feedback.

It was also true that he was informed of Zhao Fang’s identity and then came to the White Tiger Divine Courtyard to provide information and interests.

After reaching an agreement, he again dispatched an extremely important Clone according to the agreement with the White Tiger Divine Courtyard, and went to test Zhao Fang.

As a result, it was killed by Zhao Fang!

Although this is not the death of this Venerable, but Clone, called Old Man Xin Mo to practice the ‘heart of the gods’, to the most Powerhouse enslaved by the skill of Heart Demon.

Before the man died, because of the body of this Venerable Primordial Spirit, the threat and feeling of Death, Old man Xin Mo feels the same!

For this fellow who used to ‘to kill’ himself, he naturally hates to the extreme.

Think of Clone’s death, think of the contempt and ridicule of the other party before dying, Old man Xin Mo originally refined scholar Junyi’s face, immediately become gloomy.

He didn’t talk, just looked at the two Half-step Celestial Realm Powerhouses in the White Tiger Divine Courtyard.

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