Chapter 193 Registration

Zhao Fang follows the already separated crowd.

In the eyes of all around, the people were suspicious, curious, incomprehensible, and ridiculous, calmly and calmly came, the drug shop named ‘Pharmaceutical Wang Xuan’.

I haven’t had time to find out, I heard an extremely displeased voice.

“Taifeng Lei Feng is who? Old Man has never heard of it?”

The person who speaks is a serious old man with an old-fashioned face.

This old man is staring at his eyes, extremely poorly staring at Zhao Fang.

If it is a common person, it is estimated that the complexion that has long been scared by this old man is whitish and directly exits.

Zhao Fang turned a blind eye, extremely flat. “I want to sign up, I should choose Inscription Apprentice.”

Serious old man was slightly amazed, and looked at Zhao Fang with amazement, but did not continue to pursue it, just casually pointing at the people who were waiting in line, plainly said: “Line up.”

Zhao Fang glanced at it and saw that under the long dragon, there were already hundreds of people.

Although you want to be an Inscription Master, you need extremely harsh conditions, but Heaven Domain is not far from the Desolate Domain, whether it is cultivation resources or other aspects.

At the Desolate Domain, it may be difficult to find out who is qualified to become an Inscription Master.

But in Heaven Domain, this kind of person is rare, but it is still there.

“When is this going to be?”

Zhao Fang raised her eyebrows and was somewhat dissatisfied.

Serious old man did not pay attention to him, was intently asked a yellow robed youth in front of him.

“first name.”

“Huang Dang.”


“Huang Dang !”

Because the yellow robed youth has some problems with the mouth, which leads to a very normal name, which is heard in the ears of the people and becomes abnormal immediately.

“What are the specialties?”

“Is it okay?” yellow robed youth weak.

When this statement came out, it immediately made a big laugh.

Serious old man is complexion black, he presided over the recruitment of apprentices, or the first time to encounter this wonderful.

“If there is only this, you can go back.” Serious old man black one piece face.

Yellow robed youth After listening, complexion is a bit whitish, thinking for a moment, weak and weak, “I, I will Blacksmith!”


Serious old man frowns, it seems that I really didn’t understand.

“I will Tool Refiner!”

Yellow robed youth This is quite normal.

“Tool Refiner ?”

Serious old man licked yellow robed youth, indifferently said, “There is a Refining one on the spot.”


Yellow robed youth, dumbfounded, ‘how can it like this? Not the same as Liu Zhizhi said. ‘

He did not notice.

That person, whom he called Liu Zhizhi, listened to this, but grinned, and the laughter was full of ridicule. Latest fastest update


Serious old man complexion sinking, where you still don’t know, yellow robed youth is in yourself, “You are a monkey? Roll!”

Yellow robed youth Where did he dare to stay, and he did not return to the head, but his heart was the blood of the dog.


Serious old man voice stereotypes, the paper that will record the yellow robed youth message, burned directly, and looked up again, but it was a bit stunned.

Then I was so angry that “Who made you jump in the queue?”

What stands in front of him is a smiling white youngster. It is just now 恬 shameless, boasting as a perfect peer of Inscription.

Serious and old-fashioned, down-to-earth, not arrogant, when he saw Zhao Fang’s first sight, he did not like this flamboyant fellow.

So, there is no good complexion at the moment.

“Cough, you really blame me, it is really the back of the brothers, I can’t bear to wait for me, so this makes me come first, you say it?”

Zhao Fang turned and looked at the people of behind.

To the surprise of the serious old man, this group of people actually ordered nod.

Although some people’s expressions are reluctant, just like being forced, but at the same time, forcing so many people nod, have to say that this is one kind of thing.

Serious old man although rigid, but not a fool, in this group of people, most of the results are Golden Venerable level, only a few reach Heavenly Venerable.

However, dare to sign up for the Inscription Master election, obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp.

And this group of people, at the moment, tolerated the impudent of the front of the brat, which is somewhat intriguing.

Where does he know.

Zhao Fang is able to make this group of people, obediently nod, completely licking the terrifying cultivation base.

The oppressed people did not dare to speak.

However, the aura is not aimed at the serious old man, even if he has the Heavenly Venerable peak cultivation base, it is not perceived.

Serious old man looked at Zhao Fang deeply, then bowed his head and asked: “What is the name.”

“Taiyu Lei Feng.”

Hearing this name, serious old man frowned deeply, ‘Central region, have this last name? ‘

Of course, this thought is just a flash.

Continue to ask, “What are the specialties?”

“I will be Alchemist.”

Serious old man looked up, “I will Alchemist? What Grade Alchemist Master? Take your guild nameplate and show it to Old Man.”

Zhao Fang has a hand, extremely, “I don’t!”

Serious old man startled, immediately angered, “Do you play me?”

“I can refining on the spot.”

Looking at Zhao Fang’s plain expression, serious old man doubts, “Does he really Alchemist?”

It is doubtful that Zhao Fang walked into the front of a Venerable Pill furnace, and then hit a Red flame and activated Pill Furnace.

“én? is Alchemist’s approach.”

Serious old man shines in front of him, suddenly feels that this exaggerated brat in front of him may actually be Alchemist.

Can be next second.

He immediately overturned his own cognition.

“Idiot, Idiot, Alchemist, all are extremely be careful and harsh, you can easily throw it into Pill Furnace, you think it is cooking.”

Serious old man yells, and my heart is sure, Zhao Fang will not Alchemist.

Everyone still waiting in line, see Zhao Fang eating, just now being depressed by Pressure’s Might, immediately went a lot, and smiled gently.

As for those onlookers, it is impudent and laughs loudly.

For these, Zhao Fang expressionless, ignored nothing, it seems that the whole mind, are immersed in the Alchemist cause, so that the serious old man who had already given up Zhao Fang, smashed.

But immediately, the serious old man sneered, “This way I grabbed the medicinal herb, if I can refining out Pill Medicine, my Senior Yan Su will be your teacher.”

When I heard the words of Senior Yan Su, everyone became more and more sure that Zhao Fang was making a fool of himself.


Senior Yan Su indifferent to to talk, did not wait for Zhao Fang.

Seven people were recorded in a row, and when they were preparing to record the eighth person, it was originally identified by Senior Yan Su. Absolutely possible to refining out of Pill Medicine’s Medicine Cauldron, it was a scent of medicine.

Senior Yan Su sniffed, the complexion drastically changed, and suddenly stood up, staring at Medicine Cauldron, who was carrying Danxiang, and his voice extremely dry, “High Grade Venerable Pill?”

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