Chapter IX Tyrant Blade Liu Tiannan

“If you have the chance, please ask Grand master Zhao to see Xiu Yu once in the past.”

Hai Mingwei.

Zhao Fang smiled, not much to say, looking at the black and white whirlpool in the air.

“Senior Brother, I am going to enter Outer World Battlefield!” Zhao Fang looks at Grand Master Dao Guang.

Grand Master Dao Guang complexion is not very good-looking, he has been reluctant to enter Zhao Fang into Outer World Battlefield.

In his opinion, since Zhao Fang owns the ‘King Grade natural endowment’ of Inscription, it will become the Celestial Inscription master in the future. It is the person who can revitalize the Inscription Palace, not the ordinary Martial Artist. For some resources, it is extremely dangerous. Outer World Battlefield is working hard.


Today is obviously the day of Outer World Battlefield activate, but he is at the Outer World Battlefield activate two hours, only after the vast majority of people have entered Outer World Battlefield, only to tell Zhao Fang.

It is also meant to stop Zhao Fang.

“Really to go in?” Grand Master Dao Guang still does not give up.

Zhao Fang knows that Grand Master Dao Guang is kind, but he is more curious about Outer World Battlefield, and he is confident that he can enter the Outer World Battlefield by his own means. Even if he is in danger, he can protect himself and smile at nod.


Grand Master Dao Guang sighed and no longer persuaded.

He took out a storage ring, said solemnly. “This is some of the charms I have prepared for you. It can save your life at a critical time. Everything must be careful. Senior Brother expects you to return safely.”

“hehe, thank you Senior Brother.”

Zhao Fang Collapsed the storage ring handed over by Grand Master Dao Guang. In the hot eyes of all the seniors, the storage ring was collected, and the back did not return, directly rushing into the black and white whirlpool.

After Zhao Fang entered, the black and white vortex did not disappear.

But in the center of it, there is a Light Gate that slowly blocks the entrance to the black and white whirlpool.

At first glance, the whirlpool is as usual, but in fact, the entrance to the entrance is blocked.

“Grand Master Dao Guang Don’t worry, I am watching the Junior Brother. It is not the kind of short-lived person. Outer World Battlefield is dangerous, but it is just a lower-level Battlefield nothing more. Even if it is dangerous, it is not dangerous. Go, and, he has the Great Master, your gods are blessed, and you will be safe.”

There is senior Powerhouse consoled.

“I hope so.” Dao Guang sighed.


Outer World Battlefield.

Several Central City 1st rate Influence’s youth Powerhouses, after killing a Vicious Beast of Heavenly Venerable peak, fell to the side of the ground, gasping for breath, in the eyes full of luck for the rest of their lives.

They are also the talent of 1st Rank in Heaven Domain, but the cultivation base is only the level of Heavenly Venerable Late Stage.

The adventure entered Outer World Battlefield, also for a future.

Although it is full of Hurricane and Space Crack’s Outer World Battlefield, for them, it is an extremely dangerous place.

But the same, here is also a treasure to be developed.

Treasure treasures that are rarely encountered in Heaven Domain can be encountered here.

Just like just now.

After these people teamed up to kill a Heavenly Venerable peak Vicious Beast, they picked it, the Heavenly Venerable Vicious Beast’s ‘Dragon Transformation Grass’.

This kind of grass does not allow people to take a dragon like a name after taking it.

However, after taking the action, the golden light is generated on the surface of the body, and a very thin Dragon Scales is generated to enhance the Defensive Ability.

Of course, if Luck is good, it is even possible to take some of the skills of all of a sudden, comprehend and understand Dragon Race.

However, this kind of thing is extremely rare and few people can encounter it.

“hēi hēi, with these Dragon Transformation Grass, our security guarantees will be enhanced.”

A figure tall, quite a leader of the blue hair you said said with a smile.

Everyone else laughed.

Rumble ~~~

At this time, in the far-reaching position, there was a loud Boom sound. In this voice, there was also the sound of Wind-Thunder, like a hidden dragon, in which the crazy roar screamed.

The original this God has a few people, the suddenly complexion has changed, and they have risen up and look into the distance.

But see the sky above, a whirlpool of sticky ink, slowly agglomerating.

All of a sudden in this vortex.

A giant door of Black, appeared.

After the black giant door, nine silhouettes appeared.

These nine people dress up in eccentricity, all of them are iron-clad iron faces, carrying huge swords, and aura overbearing.

The cultivation base is more powerful, and in the sense of all the a sudden, the blue hair youth and others feel the extremely terrifying life and death Crisis!

“quickly go !”

Blue hair youth immediately issued rhared.

Others are also aware that the situation is at stake.

This Outer World Battlefield is not only the Heaven Domain, but also the other small world Powerhouse and the countless Powerhouse. This is the most dangerous place in Battlefield.

After seeing the nine of all the a sudden, Blue Hair Youth determined that the other party is not a person in the Heaven Domain, but from other small world Powerhouses.

This kind of person is generally enemy!

At this time DD

Among the nine people, the height of two meters, clothes gold chain mail, holding a three-meter faucet knife, full of domineering, like a blonde in the invincible overlord, but it was over.

Then, under the expression of the blue hair of the youth and others, she grinned.

at that moment.

Blue hair both and others, have the illusion of being stared by terrifying Vicious Beast, one creepy, scared to the extreme.

“Oh, I didn’t expect my ‘Tyrant Blade Liu Tiannan’ to come to this inferior Battlefield and meet a few interesting prey. It seems that this trip will not be lonely!”

That named Liu Tiannan’s knife, you sneer, the knife flashed, an extremely beam of Blade Qi, an instant breaking space.

The Blade Qi extremely terrifying, when it came out, made the Outer World Battlefield, which had some Space instability, become more unstable.

Even on the sides of Blade Qi, two deep terrifying Space Cracks appeared, which spewed a large amount of sheet metal gravel.

Comet gold!

The associated with Space Crack.

Every gravel is like a shell, but when it is swept, the body will have a blood hole.

Blue hair youth and others react extremely fast, at the for a moment, they will defensive treasure.

They blocked the attack of the gilt gravel, but did not block it, the Blade Qi that followed.


Blade Qi rushed, such as flooding, unstoppable, directly shattered the defensive shield of this person, at the same time will blue hair youth and others, instantly smashed into a pile of flesh and blood.

After killing these few people, Blade Qi remained unrelenting and circumnavigated a mountain not far away. In the Boom bang, the mountains collapsed and smashed the dust, triggering a big turmoil in Outer World Battlefield.

In this regard.

Liu Tiannan didn’t care. Instead, he raised the knives in his hands and laughed loudly. The laughter was extremely wild and cozy, mixed with the contempt and lightness of this crowd.

“Prey, my Tyrant Blade Liu Tiannan is here, I will abide by the agreement and bury all of you here!”

Liu Tiannan laughed, the tongue licked the tip of the knives in the hands of the knives, and the eyes eyes flashed at the same time, with a bit of morbid madness.

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