The ninth and eighty-three chapters of the dragon, do not use

Desolate Domain, unknown on the hillside.

Butterfly Emperor Fog Beast, including Xiongba Tian Peng and others, did not affect Zhao Fang in the vicinity, but scattered in the circumference thousands of miles inside.

With their present strength, Celestial Realm lower than anyone, entering this circumference for thousands of miles, they can not understand their perception.

Of course, if they really fight, they still can’t beat Celestial Realm.

But the buffering time formed by this thousand miles is enough to make a lot of countermeasures.

Zhao Fang sits quietly on the hillside of unknown, and the Flood Domain inner core in the palm begins to shrink slowly under the package of its Spiritual Force.

This change, extremely slow, often takes an hour or two to show some clues.

In this regard.

Zhao Fang although anxious, but also knows that this matter is not going to come.

This time, unlike the refining Desolate Domain Domain Crystal Shard, the sneak into the Desolate Domain underground is a good change for him. Naturally, it won’t be too much.

Even so, the speed of the Zhao Fang refining Flood Domain inner core is faster than the speed of the last refining Desolate Domain Domain Crystal Shard, x2.

“This should be related to my Strength Upgrade. However, System calls this Domain Crystal Shard, Sect master Yuan says it is the inner core, as I see it, or Domain Crystal Shard.”

Because it is the initial refining stage, Zhao Fang is more comfortable in the mind control, but in the meantime, holding the experience of two refining comparisons.

However, the Domain Domain Shard of the Flood Domain is just beginning to refining, and there is no clue, and the conclusions are not accurate enough!

One day later.

Flood Domain Domain Crystal Shard , zoom out.

At first glance, it is difficult to see the difference.

Zhao Fang slightly frowned, “refining Desolate Domain Domain Crystal Shard, it took me thirty-five days. If this Domain Crystal Shard is the same, then I haven’t all refining yet, Liu Batian is killing!”

One hundred days pursuit…

Your own Time is still too tight.

“No, you can’t use this Rank’s conventional method of Refining.” Zhao Fang blinked and suddenly thought that this place is Desolate Domain, and he can completely adjust the power of Desolate Domain and accelerate the time of refining.

Think of it.

With Zhao Fang’s current approach, the strength of the Desolate Domain is detrimental to the Desolate Domain, and with his Strength Upgrade, the Desolate Domain can be backed up in the future.

With the addition of the Desolate Domain force, the refining speed is geometrically multiplied.

The effect of the original common one-hour refining is already comparable to yesterday’s gain.

This makes Zhao Fang very happy.

In this way, the next day, the third day…

Flood Domain, Hengling Mountains.

The two teams are facing one of them, facing the treasure from the mountains.

The two sides are deadlocked because of the serious injuries of several of their companions. Both sides are reluctant to let go, and the eyes will be at a great war again.


Suddenly, to to unhindered hundreds of thousands of miles across the Hengling Mountains, suddenly violently shaking up.

It’s like, under this huge mountain range, there is a terrifying Earth Dragon that is turning over.

As the mountains vibrate, countless gravel falls, countless treasure dust, countless Vicious Beast dies on the spot!

A danger of panic, aura, pervades all the hearts of Vicious Beast in the mountains.

The instinct of fear, urging them, ran wildly towards the Outer Circle.

There are only a few powerful Vicious Beasts that seem to be aware of them. They are looking up at the most abyss of the mountains, where they split a large abyss that does not know how many miles.

The abyss deep and unmeasurable, which propagated the sound of the dragon roar throughout the Flood Domain.

In that voice, contain the extremely powerful dignity and oppression.

The two teams that confronted each other in the Outer Circle of the Hengling Mountains were frightened by this sudden change.

They want to escape, but the dragon roar contains an extremely powerful oppressive aura, and they are allowed to be in the same place, unable to move.

When the dragon roar receded, they had not reacted.

Then I realized that, invisible, there seems to be a mouse eye sweeping, and the gaze is very indifferent, but it will contain the will of the entire Flood Domain.

In this invisible gaze, everyone has a kind of mole cricket and ants looking up to Azure Heaven.

Some people, sitting on the ground by this invisible gaze, cold sweat instantly wet the whole body.

Fortunately, the invisible gaze did not stay for too long and disappeared.

This is so.

When this group of people reacted, they were all complicated. If they were ghosts, they would not dare to stay in the Hengling Mountains. Even the treasure would not be contested.

That looks, it is estimated that I still hate my mother for two legs.

Wait until all the people have escaped.

In Void, out of the air, a white youngster with a graceful jade.

The youngster has his eyes closed and Heart Thought moves. The whole person appears within the range of perception of consciousness. It is just a few blinking skills that have already traveled through the entire Flood Domain.

“There is a Desolate Domain blessing, and my refining speed has increased greatly. It took only five days to refined the Flood Domain.

Youngster, naturally is Zhao Fang.

“However, Time is still too tight, and Liu Batian may come at any time. If it is possible, I really hope that I can refining the other seven Domain Crystal Shards now.”

Zhao Fang picked up his eyes and the figure disappeared into the Flood Domain and reappeared on the slope of the Desolate Domain.

Continue to start refining.


Heaven Domain.

It is considered a forbidden place by many Heaven Domain Powerhouses.

Gloomy and strange, the heart of the burial souls, when the fire flashes, there is a strong fleshy fragrance.

Two Celestial Vicious Beast, crouching on the ground, Old man Tian Ji sitting on the ground, backed by one of the Celestial Vicious Beast.

However, at this moment, the center of gravity of Old Man Tian Ji is completely out of the barbecue above, and his eyes are free. I don’t know what to think.

For a moment, Old man Tian Ji seems to feel something, his eyes flashed a happy color.

“There was a refined Flood Domain Domain Crystal Shard. Sure enough, Worthy is the son of the epoch, this speed is countless times faster than the Sect master Yuan Idiot.

Old man Tian Ji patted his thigh and laughed.

But very quickly, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the Heaven Domain, the happy expression in the eyes, completely replaced by a chill.

He is sinking.

Grab a few stones on the ground and throw them at random.

Old man Tian Ji glanced at the complexion and changed slightly. “The first nine, the ninety-four… Qianlong, don’t use it? This even the Old Man is somewhat incomprehensible. It is obviously a real Realm, but it is faintly felt that there is a vitality. Surviving, weird, weird Ah! ”

At the time of frowning, Old man Tian Ji threw it a few times.

But the time that every time has come up is as it was before.

After the fourth time, Old man Tian Ji will no longer be divined. He knows that God has decided!

“Hey, this Blood Light Disaster is no different. The outsiders can’t help you at all. You can only spend it by yourself. If you can spend it, the future of Martial Dao will surely triumph, and if you can’t get through, if you can’t get through, don’t But you, even the entire Martial World, will suffer!”

Old man Tian Ji blinks, obviously worried, and is more anxious than Zhao Fang.

Suddenly, he coldly snorted, “It’s really coming! Just like this, the little fellow has not refining the other seven domain Domain Crystal Shard, it is estimated that it will be found. No, can’t let him find Martial World so well, Old Man has to do something.”

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