This meal, although Chu Yuyan silent, but between the look, revealed the slightest praise, I am very satisfied, simply no longer thinking about the afternoon.

The next morning, Chu Yuyan and I went out together and took a bus to Dongling University. They were in pairs. People who didn't know thought we were lovers.

But I dressed very shabbily, walking with Chu Yuyan, just like a toad.

In order not to be misunderstood by others, Chu Yuyan was hard to do. When I got to the school gate, I found an excuse to buy something, and then told her to go first, without waiting for me.

As soon as Chu Yuyan left, I took a few thousand yuan from the nearby teller machine as my pocket money. Looking at the 1.6 billion yuan above, it turned into more than 1.599 billion yuan. I was very happy. I wanted to roar up to the sky. I felt that since I had money, the sky looked so beautiful.

Half an hour later, the bell rang.

Because I didn't have my class, I leisurely stepped into the office, went to the place Chu Yuyan arranged for me and sat down. There were many colleagues I didn't know, including men and women, all in silence. They all looked at me.

"Good morning, colleagues. My name is Li Shaobai, the head teacher of the special class of the freshman year."

Freshman special class is Ye Chen's and Xu Feng's class. Although I don't know why it is called special class, I still smile and say hello to show my identity.

As a result, all the colleagues around me looked at me with pitiful eyes and whispered, "look, where did Chu Yuyan find the person? Is this the seventh teacher in charge of a special class? "

"The special class, in fact, is specially set up to take care of those young boys and girls."

"I see, no more than three days, he will resign automatically. How can the young masters in the special class be so well disciplined?"

"I bet, two days, two days, he'll quit."

After listening to all these words, I realized that the special class didn't hear anything and turned a deaf ear to it. I leaned back on the comfortable chair, opened the information and began to check.

But at this time, ye Chen suddenly appeared outside the office door, in front of all colleagues, directly came to me, next to colleagues, have whispered, with schadenfreude look at me.

I put down the information, took a look at Ye Chen, quite sternly said: "class time, you run out, what do you do?"

"Teacher, I've come to tell you that Cao Kun knows that you've become a head teacher and come back." Ye Chen said lukewarm, his words, immediately make the colleagues around take a cold breath, look unbelievable.

"This... This teacher Li, has become the head teacher of the special class? How is that possible? "

"I heard that it was just the next day for him to go to work. Did he use only one day to deal with the group of people in the special class?"

"These unruly guys are willing to let others be class teachers?"

"Wait a minute. Did ye Chen say that just now. Is Cao Kun back? "

"The great devil, has he come back? Didn't the board approve the school to give him a long holiday

"Who can stop Cao Kun from coming back? You know, his father is the second largest shareholder of our school board. "

"When Cao Kun comes back, I don't think teacher Li will be a head teacher for a few days."


with a dry cough, I knew about Cao Kun's background, so I said, "OK, ye Chen, I know. Go back."

"I don't want you to be driven away so soon, so you'd better not let me down." Ye Chen's attitude is neither cold nor hot. After that, he turns around and goes, dressed in black and leather boots, very cold.

I smile calmly, already understand Ye Chen's meaning, he just doesn't want me to be taken away by the man named Cao Kun, because even if he loses, he also admits defeat, but he also doesn't admit defeat, he wants to win back.

Admitting defeat and not admitting defeat is a very good spirit. The more I look at Ye Chen, the more pleasing to the eye he is. He is indeed a man to be made.

As ye Chen leaves, the office becomes quiet.

"Cao Kun?" Taking advantage of this time, I went to the school's website with a computer and got to know the structure of the board of directors. Cao Kun's father is a 20% shareholder of the board of directors, only 4% of which is the largest shareholder.

It's no wonder that Cao Kun's colleagues call him the devil. Even ye Chen came to inform me in advance. It's obvious that Cao Kun is very arrogant at Dongling University, just like he is at his own door.

Unfortunately, the person Cao Kun met was me!

In front of me, even if his father is the second shareholder, he is not qualified to be arrogant in front of me.

Just when I was about to turn off the computer, a young man with small glasses and obscene appearance quietly came to my desk, looked around and whispered: "Mr. Li, my name is Lin Shu, and I'm a Chinese teacher in a special class. I tell you that Cao Kun is not easy to be provoked. I advise you to be careful."

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Lin. I have my own decision." I smile, can in so many colleagues, stand up to remind me, is really rare, also from this we can see, this person may be worth meeting, is a gentleman."Alas, balance is the key..." Lin Shu sighs and turns around silently.

However, without two steps, the door of the office was kicked open!

Bang, scared all colleagues by surprise.

A slender, Playboy dressed boy with a handsome appearance suddenly appeared in the middle of the gate. On the left and right sides of the gate stood a big man in black, like a bodyguard.

He looked proud and looked like Lao Tzu was the best in the world. "Who the hell is Li Shaobai? Stand up for me


"Cao Kun? How can Cao Kun arrive as soon as he talks about him? "

"Teacher Li, it's over this time. Cao Kun has brought his bodyguards with him. It's not impossible for him to fight in the office because of his character."

"Meet Cao Kun this evil star, this teacher Li finished."

The office is full of fear, and no one dares to stop Cao Kun's arrogance, because he has a good father, who dares to be a leader?

So, when Lin Shu looked back at me, his eyes were full of helplessness. I nodded to him, and his mouth could not help but smile.

Many colleagues, including Lin Shu, don't understand why I can still smile when I'm at this time. Almost all of them look at me with one kind of eyes, as if they are saying that I'm a psycho.

"Are you Cao Kun?" I got up and left my desk, took a few steps forward, crossed Lin Shu and faced Cao Kun.

Cao Kun's face was cruel. "Are you Li Shaobai?"

"It's me, so what? Your father didn't teach you. Do you have to be polite when you see a teacher? " My old God was there, and I yawned lazily.

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