"Lying in the trough NIMA!" I'm angry. I'm completely angry. After I step down, I push away Ling Xiaoxiao, grab Chen Wen and hit him!

Ling's family pays attention to reputation. Ling's mother used to be from the same place as my parents. When I was born, I had a baby relationship with Ling Xiaoxiao. If I didn't keep my promise, I would be criticized. Otherwise, I would not be a member of Ling's family in my capacity.

But I never thought that Ling Ma had known about Chen Wen and Ling Xiaoxiao for a long time, and she had cheated me for two years. If not for what I heard today, I would never have been in the dark.

And from the blind date, we can see that the Ling family has a long plan. Ling Xiaotie will divorce me and marry Chen Wen.

What am I? third party? shield? Green bastard?

The most important thing is that Ling's mother still wants to use my weakness to threaten me, seal my mouth and prevent things from leaking out. It is estimated that she wants to find a suitable time to tell my parents about the divorce.

No matter what, I will be blamed for the divorce.

My head is buzzing. Is it not only because of Chen Wen that Ling Xiaoxiao never let me touch her, but also because she can have an excuse to blame me for being incompetent and unable to have children after divorce?

"Damn it I held Chen Wen's chest with one knee and waved my fist like a meteor.

"How dare you hit me? How dare you hit me? " Chen Wen is full of cruel words.

It's a pity that I'm 1.8 meters tall and a child of rural origin. My strength is amazing. Chen Wen is not my opponent at all. He doesn't even have the strength to fight back. Ling Xiaoxiao panics and screams with pale face.

"Kill! To kill! Come on

Soon, the security staff of Santana Hotel rushed to me, and four security guards held me down before separating Chen Wen and me.

At this moment, Chen Wen was beaten black and blue by me. His suit was covered with dust and he was very embarrassed. Without the help of Ling Xiaoxiao and several security guards, he could not stand up at all.

The security guards around seemed to know Chen Wen, and they seemed to be used to seeing this kind of thing. There was no accident in their eyes. Instead, a man who looked like the head of the security guard said submissively, "Wen Shao, how do you deal with this?"

"Just call the police. Remember to give my name and say it was called." Chen Wen answered, and the security chief immediately took out his cell phone and called the police.

Chen Wen's face was gloomy and his eyes were fixed on me. He said with a sneer, "hum, you're a loser. You dare to move me. That's good. You've got something to do. You've got something to do! Do you know who my father is? "

"Bah, who's your father?" I did not admit defeat to spit on the ground.

"Want to know? Hum, just you? I'm not qualified to know. " Chen wenleng snorted, looked at me with contempt, and then hooked Ling Xiaoxiao's jade neck, "Li Shaobai, right? Now that you have heard it, I might as well tell you the truth. You are a spare tire. Xiao Xiao married you just to keep the reputation of the Ling family. Of course, few people will know about the divorce. "

When I heard this, I looked at Ling Xiaoxiao in Chen wenhuai shamelessly and asked, "Xiao Xiao, is what he said true?"

In my eyes, my wife, who has been married for two years, suddenly looks at me with a kind of pity, "Li Shaobai, give up your heart, I know you like me for a long time, but it's a pity that I said, I'm not a person of the same world with you."

"..." my mind was buzzing again, and the sense of powerlessness quickly filled my whole body.

Within a few minutes, a police car drove to the side of the road, and a group of police officers, a middle-aged police officer at the head, nodded to Chen Wen.

"Uncle Liu." Chen Wen also nodded in response.

My pupils suddenly contracted. It seems that Chen Wen has a lot to do with this officer Liu. Before I guess, this officer Liu turned back immediately, with a strong momentum between his brows and locked on me. "Now I suspect that you are suspected of deliberately wounding and robbing. I have the right to take you back to the Bureau for examination. Everything you say now may be used as evidence in court! Take it away

"And you two, please come with us and take a statement."

As soon as the words came out, the security guard let go. A group of police officers held me up. Chen Wen sneered even more, and I was stunned.

If it's said to hurt people intentionally, I admit it, but where did the robbery come from? This is clearly a false accusation of planting and framing!

It seems that Chen Wen is absolutely trying to cripple me. When the time comes, he will take a confession and charge me with a few charges. Don't I have to stay in jail for several years?

However, I admitted it and didn't say a word, because I knew that Chen Wen must have something to do with it. Now that he was struggling, he was bound to suffer more charges. So when the officer surnamed Chen took out his handcuffs and handcuffed my hands, I went directly with them and got into the police car.

When I got to the police station, I was escorted to the temporary detention room, where there were three young people with tattoos. Officer Liu pushed me in, locked the door and said with a smile, "new comer, take care of me."

"Yes, we will take good care of Captain Liu." The three tattooed youths all spoke together, their faces were full of flattery. As soon as officer Liu left, they suddenly changed their faces. The tallest one, like the eldest of the two nearby, grabbed my collar and put me on the wall, "brother, where are you? Captain Liu, how dare you offend? ""I've offended you. How can I do that?" I'm not in a good mood at all. Besides, listening to the tone of the tall young man, it's obvious that they are like a nest of snakes and mice with officer Liu. They collude with each other and push the tall young man away.

"Damn, it's a drag, isn't it? Call me The tall young man frowned and the two young men who were next to him rushed to fight.

My heart is full of fire. My two-year marriage is a fraud. At present, Chen Wen has brought me to the Bureau, especially what Ling Xiaoxiao said. I'm so angry that I can't help but clench my fist and hit a young man's right face mercilessly.

I was born in the countryside. I worked hard when I was a child. I couldn't get up when I hit the young man three meters backward.

"Useless things!" The tall young man was in a hurry and joined hands with the rest of the Dragon Tattoo young man.

"Go away!" I took a deep breath. My fist clattered. I grabbed Wenlong young man's neck with one hand, gritted my teeth and lifted him up. I locked my throat and threw him!

Then, the tall young man's feet came face to face. I stepped back slightly, grabbed his calf and pulled back. He fell back uncontrollably.

"Fuck! Don't let me out! " I quickly put my knee against his chest, one hand firmly grasped his hands, the other hand turned into a fist, like rain drops, fell on the tall young man's face.

"Chen Wen, right? Ling family, right

"Ling Xiao, what a Ling Xiao! What a Ling family

As I talked to myself, I beat the tall young man like a madman.

"Big brother! Brother, stop fighting, stop fighting! I'm wrong The tall young man didn't expect that I was so strong that I didn't even have the chance to resist. He had to be beaten. He was scared and begged for mercy.

In response, I warned these people with my eyes, told them not to provoke me, and then sat in a position in the detention room. The three of them moved aside and did not dare to come.

After half a sound, the tall young man seemed to endure for a long time and hesitated to come to me. His face was even more flattering than when he saw officer Chen just now. "Big brother, where are you from? My name is Mahan. Just call me pony. "

"I don't mix anywhere." I raised my head and looked at Mahan coldly. He was so scared that he couldn't help shivering.

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