It turns out that I underestimated this impostor. He is not only a real hacker, but also has the support of song Shaocheng. No wonder he dares to be so unscrupulous!

I even published that fake microblog. When did I lie in bed for half a month? It's song Shaocheng. I broke his finger bone!

Say I regret it? I have no regrets at all. If I meet song Shaocheng again, I don't mind giving it up again.

The purpose of this passage published by the impostor on Weibo is to elevate the status of song Shaocheng and achieve the effect of face slapping by belittling me. At that time, it will spread ten times and 100 times. All of them think that I was beaten by him for half a month. Even if I have 100 mouths, I can't say clearly.

The most important thing is the wedding photo. Song Shaocheng hugged Chu Yuyan on purpose. He used my own identity to provoke me, which made me unable to argue. I had to be dumb!

Originally, I didn't want to do too much. If the other party's microblog voluntarily revokes the authentication and declares an apology, I certainly won't care.

But now it's different. When it comes to song Shaocheng and Chu Yuyan, I have to use some special means.

Simply, I called Zhang Hui directly and asked coldly, "Zhang Hui, where are you? I'll be right back when the lights are fixed. "

Zhang Hui had never seen me use this tone before, and suddenly he was a little nervous, "young master? The car has just been repaired. What do you want

"Don't ask. I'll be back when it's fixed. I'll wait for you in the parking lot." With that, I immediately hung up the call, staring at the microblog interface, silently looking at the comments, no longer any action.

"What? Brother Shenhao was beaten? Or do you pick it up by yourself? "

"Damn, who is the man in the picture? Is his daughter-in-law too beautiful?"

"Damn, brother Shenhao's status in my mind has suddenly dropped a lot."

"Brother Shenhao was beaten."


after watching it for more than ten minutes, Zhang HUICAI drove an ordinary looking but actually extremely powerful steel car, Moda, and stopped in the parking space next to Veneno.

I opened the door of Veneno and stepped down to the ground. Zhang Hui came down from the cab at the same time. Seeing that I didn't look well, he quickly asked, "young master? Why don't you rest on it? What's your name

"Something to deal with." I answered and walked up to Zhang Hui. He gave way involuntarily. I immediately sat in the cab of memeda and said, "memeda, help me check a microblog account. Li Shaobai, brother Shenhao, find out all his identity information. I want it now."

"All right, master. It's a piece of cake. One minute is enough." Moda should be road, then figure disappeared in the display screen, as if left the host in general.

At this time, Zhang Hui stood by the door of the car, arched his hand, and asked suspiciously, "young master, what's the matter? Do you want to use the power of the company? "

"No, it's just a dogleg." I raised my head and shook my head at Zhang Hui. I thought that the company had not really realized the star plan. With the current strength, it would be as easy to deal with the existence of Xiang Song family. Even song Shaocheng is not so easy to deal with.

However, it is not impossible. If there is enough time to develop, I believe that no matter which one of the four families is able to compete.

Star plan will gather a large number of officials, red three generations, and business tycoons, which is absolutely a terrorist force!

That's why I don't join the club and the princeling Party of the two princes of Hualong, because in the future, I am a faction, a club and a unique force!

With the stars, you can start a prairie fire!

A minute later, MEDA reappeared and said, "master, the investigation has come out. This microblog has stolen your identity for authentication. Do you want me to hack his account?"

"Tell me about him first." I look back and look at him. I dare to be a hacker. He doesn't pay attention to me.

MEDA is always a computer. I can't guess what I think. I immediately mapped the hacker's information and his photo on the windshield.

Name: Wang Qi

age: 28

height: 170cm

weight: 150kg

Occupation: otaku, without proper occupation, is actually a domestic hacker, who specializes in stealing other people's accounts to earn profits, or pretends to be others to cheat. Due to his bad behavior, he is never seen in the hacker community.

Criminal discipline: he was sentenced to six years' imprisonment for stealing 200000 funds through bank loopholes, and was just released from prison for less than one month.

Residence: No.2 Mingyue Road, southern suburb of Dongling city.

When Zhang Hui saw the scene in front of him, he was shocked, "is this information? Did you find out in a minute? You can even find out where you live?? It's too... Fast, isn't it? "

"Well, don't underestimate me. She's not an ordinary smart computer." When I look at this picture called Wang Qi, I find that he is not only a fat man, but also a notorious hacker. He has done a lot of bad things and has just been out of prison for less than a month.Simply, I asked: "can MEDA invade each other's computer?"

"Master, this kind of small matter is simply too simple. I can tell you that there is basically nothing I can't deal with except those guys from the world's top hacker League and hate killing team. Give me 20 seconds and I'll ask him to force the video with you. Only you can watch him, but he can't see you." And then he disappeared again.

Accurate 20 seconds, no deviation at all. When memeda reappeared, the picture mapped from the windshield suddenly changed. A fat man sitting in front of the computer, biting a chicken leg, instantly appeared in front of me.

Wang Qi is engrossed in biting the drumstick. His eyes don't fall on the computer. He doesn't notice at all. I've invaded his computer through MEDA, and I can see his every move.

Until I coughed hard, Wang Qi immediately looked at me like a professional criminal, shrinking his head and being very alert. He grabbed the greasy drumstick and looked around. He didn't look at the computer and cried: "who? Who is it? "

I can't help leaning on the driver's seat, holding my chest in both hands, said unfathomably: "don't look, I have invaded your computer, you can't see me."

"It's impossible! My computer is all right. Who are you? " Wang Qi looked back in amazement. Instead of biting the drumsticks, he threw them aside and banged on the computer keyboard with oily fingers, as if insisting on his own system.

However, it's no use, I still enigmatic said: "don't look, no matter how you look, you can't find the problem."

It seems to find that the sound really came from the computer stereo, Wang Qi was very shocked, his face suddenly turned blue, "who are you?! When did you invade my system? "

"More than 20 seconds ago, you pretended to be me and hacked my account. Is it fun?" I opened my mouth and said a word.

"What? Twenty seconds ago? You are... "Wang Qi's whole body's fat suddenly trembles, the facial expression emerges the intense unbelievable.

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