Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 113: Changes

A month had already passed since Leo took possession of inner Manchester while it's already been three months since the Apocalyptic Era started.

In those days, a lot happened at Leo's territories. A squad of people who was selected to wield magic was formed and in total, there was seven of them. Leo wanted to passed the technique to learn magic to his cousin Luna but the latter declined the offer even though her eyes and body are shaking in excitement and the reason she rejected the offer was because she was already used at using melee weapons, especially when one day she saw Caleb's sword training when she saw him training in the grounds which really mesmerize her greatly.

From then on, she started coming to the training grounds everyday just to watch Caleb train and she was eventually taken noticed by Caleb and started training under him when Caleb saw she has the talent in the ways of the sword which really shocked him and he even had the thought 'Are they a family of freaks? How come that all of "them" are so good in learning combat skills?'.

What Caleb didn't know was that Leo's family was line a of Military Soldiers/Knights since Medieval Times according to their old family tree and a lot of their ancestors are martial art fanatics, that's the reason why it's already in their blood on how proficient they are in learning combat skills than some ordinary, the line only deviated when a son whose known as "Leo Wood" suddenly went to become an entertainer in the YouTube World instead of becoming a soldier like his parents and ancestors.

Fortunately for their family, the deviation was fixed when the Apocalyptic Era started but for the rest of the families in the world? It was miserable~! Talk about fate!

The Magic Squad members are, Henry, Wen Wen even though he doesn't really use magic and then there's Dylan, Shirley, Ashley, Jacob and lastly, Josh. Mark was supposed to join but he suddenly took interest in Engineering/Mechanic and was taken under the wings of Alastair and also joins in their research to further research "The Cure". He didn't even hesitate to reject the prospect to learn something only from the legends, "Magic" which really something that dumbfounded his friends as they know how much he's into things like Fantasy Books, especially stories with a lot of magic.

Michael and Tom had also started blacksmithing under Zabu while Amanda and Michelle had also started some serious training under David.

Leo had also renamed Manchester City into Hope 101 as a symbol for hope for the humanity and with the resources inside the city, it had started a massive announcement broadcast around at least half of the country, inviting survivors to join them and live peacefully inside the Town and even five days after they just started broadcasting, a wave of over two hundred people had already flock towards the town and was slowly integrated inside with their own responsibilities to do inside Hope 101, from agriculture to rearing faunas and even joining the military but the most welcomed of all are doctors and nurses as the Town really lacks of them and a small two story hospital had been specifically opened for them to work in. After all, Leo can't just always rely on the potions/medicines he buys from the System Shop. Leo had also started production of rifles but they are only improvised firearms from everyday items, like the barrel of rifle was made from a cast iron pipe.

Leo already discovered that weapons made after the start of Apocalyptic Era works, this was thanks to contribution of the punks the Alex and his group captured a month ago but Leo was only able to start this production two weeks ago that only produces two bolt action rifles everyday because he didn't have survivors or people who knows gunsmithing or someone who has knowledge of it.

But now his plan to fully arm his soldiers are already near without depending too much on the weapons that can be bought from the System Shop. After all, for Leo every penny counts especially if he wants to buy weapons of war like tanks or attack helicopters.

Right now, a convoy of multiple cars from SUV to Pick- up trucks numbering up to twenty of them, filled with armed people with seriousness written on their faces are currently making their way through along the highway as they headed towards the direction of Preston.

This time, Leo only brought Austin and Joe with him as his sidekicks along with a hundred and thirty seven armed men with him who had just finished their basic military training and this time, they are to follow Leo.

A couple of hours later, the armed convoy finally arrived at the Town of Leyland just a few minutes away from Preston City.

Thump~Thump~ Thump~

The men then hastily jumped down from their vehicles as they closed the doors behind them quickly and immediately assembled themselves behind Leo.

Every single of these men had all calm expressions on their faces, it's because they are survivors. The survivors who had been able to survive all this time amidst all of the danger around them, their minds are already wired to not be afraid of facing the zombies and the other monsters in this era. In short, they are already veteran soldiers who had always been in a life and death situation at every corner of everyday before they even joined Hope 101 so fighting zombies wouldn't even fazed but instead made their blood boil in excitement at the thought of fighting together with the leader of the camp, especially with all the rumors they had been hearing about Leo having miraculous but monstrous abilities.

All of them are equipped with bolt action rifles in their hands and a twenty one inch black machete strapped in their backs and all of them had backpacks of their own filled with food and water that could last them for a week...for emergencies just in case the people from their groups get separated from each other.

"Sir, everyone is ready" Austin said to Leo.

"Uhmm" Leo nodded and then looked at his men, the people being looked at gulped in nervousness.

"Team leaders, step forward" Leo said.

After he said that, nine people step forward. Leo then gestured towards them and as he led them at the hood of a pick-up truck and spread up a map over it.

"Team Nine and Team Eight, go and look for vehicles that can still be used. Team One and Team Two, you guys are responsible for gathering fuel from nearby gas stations. Team Three and Team Four, you and your men are responsible for gathering foods and other daily necessities for the camp and Team Six and Team guys are responsible for looking for survivors around the town, eliminate any zombies or hostiles" Leo started giving the team leaders their jobs and responsibilities. He then looked at his watch and looked at his men and said, "We'll gather back here before nightfall. You guys have only eight hours! Move out!"

""Sir!"" The eight team leaders gave them salute before moving out along with their team.

"What about us then?" Joe said while looking excited.

"You two scout around the Town and make sure to eliminate any mutated zombies you see"



Then the two of them dashed from opposite directions before disappearing at another street in the corner.

"Ohh" Leo then belatedly realized that he was all alone again, his only comfort is he would hear gunshots from the different directions of the town from time to time.

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