Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 122: A Bad Day

Five thirty in the morning as the the sun is slowly rising from the horizon, it's rays piercing through the canopy of leaves. A hooded figure riding in a blazing skeletal horse was slowly galloping towards the house where Leo is staying at.

It stopped just a meter away from the house before it slowly submerged through the shadowed ground, vanishing.


Leo's face was twitching because he felt that someone is poking his cheek, "Stop it, Amanda" he mumbled as he tried to swipe the finger away but it immediately froze in motion.

Leo's eyes immediately shot open as he immediately rolled forward and face towards the direction where he was sleeping earlier.

Over there, he saw a shivering blonde little girl looking fearfully at him.

"Eh?" Leo uttered a weird sound as he was surprised that the little girl could already got up from her bed when she was just on the verge of dying yesterday night.

"Hey, hey. Don't be afraid. I'm Leo and I just saved you last night, are you finally feeling better?" Leo smiled at her, trying to look as harmless and kind before her.

But what he did just made the little girl edge backwards. Seeing that she was a bit afraid of him, the corner of Leo's mouth twitch when he saw that.

Leo looked a bit gloomy at that so he just leaned back at the wall and looked at his wristwatch, '5:30 am, still early' Leo thought.

Then from out of nowhere, he suddenly got an idea. He opened the system shop and looked through the miscellaneous section until he finally saw what he was looking was a box of yoghurt.

The item was immediately transferred into his Inventory so he pulled over his backpack and acted like he was taking it out from inside along with a spoon and then he looked at the little girl on the bed as he slowly edge towards her and when he was about a foot away from the bed, he stopped and opened the yoghurt and offered it to the girl, "Here, breakfast?"

The little girl was panicking a bit as her eyes darted from left to right, seemingly confused at what to do.

"Come on, I'm sure you haven't eaten for days now" Leo offered it one more time, trying not to sound forceful.

The little lady was about to shake her head, when suddenly her stomach protested.


Her face suddenly blush from embarrassment, 'What should i do? Should I take it or not? But I don't know him. Mommy said not to take anything from strangers but I'm really hungry and thirsty. I haven't properly eaten or drank anything for three days now since mommy and daddy left' her thoughts were contradicting each other.

But maybe because she was truly hungry, she carefully took the cup of yoghurt from Leo's hand but she didn't immediately eat it. She just keep looking back and forth between the food on her hands and at Leo.

"Come on, I'll go outside for a bit so make sure to eat, alright? After that, we can leave this place together and meet up with my group. Don't worry, as I said before I'm not a bad guy and I'll this bottled water here for you to drink" Leo smiled at her and placed an opened bottle of water in front of her before walking out of her room.

Outside the room.

"Man, kids this days is still so hard to please" Leo sighed to himself as he picked up the two corpse on the floor before heading downstairs.

Leo just went out of the house and just threw the corpses far away without looking back but then his head turned around when he was about to enter the house again and he noticed the scene outside, "Ohh~" his voice slowly trailed off.

The scene if front of him was a mess, there were severed limbs and blood splattered everywhere on the ground. There were even small mutated beasts having a party on the meat of the deceased mutated beasts. These are probably those fearless beast who charged towards the house when they sense some living humans inside the house that they had even disregarded the savage aura of the Death Knight last night but their ends was so..sad.

Leo rubbed his glabella as he felt a headache coming, 'Dammit! This would have been fine if I was alone but there's an innocent little..wait. Is she still an innocent girl? It's already been over two months since the apocalypse started so it's impossible that she still hasn't seen this gruesome looks of man eating zombies' Leo thought inside.

"Don't tell me I need to clean this up myself?" Leo said in annoyance before he sighed helplessly.

'Even if the little girl still has an innocent mind or not, I'll still clean it. I'm a nature loving person after all' Leo righteously thought, forgetting the fact that he probably destroyed at least over a hundred of trees and other floras when he fought that huge mutated boar before with Isaac, Austin, Joe and Alex.

"Grr..that stupid Death Knight! Couldn't he just kill them in one blow and not slice and dice them up? What does he think he is!? Some kind of a freaking Chef!? What an asshole!" Leo would pick a severed head, arm or leg and throw it angrily into the distance while murmuring with some indignation.

After he was done, Leo just started aimlessly walking around the house while mumurring angrily to himself.

"I just freaking realized! Where the heck are the Doctors and Blacksmiths these days? It's been months! Two months! But I only met three Doctors and two Modern Blacksmiths so far! There's countless doctors everywhere in the country before and there are at least hundreds of Blacksmiths that joined the TV Show "Forged In Fire" in the History Channel!"

"But where are they? Are they playing hide and seek from me!? Don't tell me that being a Doctor and a Blacksmith is some kind of a delicacy for zombies and mutated monsters that they ate them into an almost extinction!?"

"Or did the zombies and monsters received some kind of a quest or mission that says "Time Attack Quest - Eat as many Doctors and Blacksmiths as you can and received wonderful blah blah rewards!"

"Motherf*ckers!" Leo shouted in anger and punched a nearby tree, immediately toppling it down.

"Great! And here, I just said I was a freaking nature lover earlier. You're really great, Me!" Leo rolled his eyes at the tree while helplessly flailing his right hand in front of him.

Suddenly, Leo felt that someone was watching him from above so he immediately looked up and saw the head of the little girl poking out from the window from her room, staring at him and like a cat that just got discovered trying to sneak a food out from the kitchen. She immediately duck down on her bed like a scaredy cat.

Leo rolled his eyes helplessly, feeling that his luck today is worse than ever! "Just great! The little girl just saw me talking to myself like an idiot and I don't even know how long she's been watching me! Now, I look like a crazy dickhead in her eyes!"

Suddenly, Leo felt the ground trembling a bit so he immediately opened his navigation map and saw a huge swarm of red dots heading towards his direction, three klicks north of their position.

Leo's face suddenly turned dark, he closed the map and looked upwards and yelled, "Little girl! Just stay there and don't come out! I'll be back in a jiffy!" after saying those words he immediately dashed towards the direction of the swarm.

Leo was maneuvering through the dense and complicated forest like a forest beast, he was at least thrice as fast as Usain Bolt.

A few minutes later, Leo at least traversed a distance of a mile and a half from the house and he agilely climbed the tallest tree near him and once he was at the top. He saw what the swarm are, it was mutated boars and there are at least a hundreds of them.

"How amazing! Now, there's a horde of monster in front of me that probably can't wait to get a piece of me! It's obvious that this horde of monsters objective is me!"


"My day couldn't have been any better than this!"

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