Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 127: Beast Transformation

Austin's eyes suddenly turned sharp as he immediately crossed his arms above his head.


The kicks landed on his arms at the same time while the ground beneath Austin's feet sunk a bit causing spider web like cracks.

No one felt surprise that Austin could actually take those attacks head on except for Charlie and his companions as they didn't expect their attacks that's already beyond an ordinary human's capability would actually be ineffective against Austin and he didn't even issued a grunt from it in the least!

The spectators gasped in surprised when they saw how coordinated and ferocious their attacks are but the one they felt the most amazement was Austin, probably because he could actually blocked those kind of powerful attacks that could even cause his feet to sink on the ground.

The only person who wasn't surprise was Leo. After all, he was already expecting that they would have that kind of teamwork which just proved his conjecture with how they executed their attacks on Austin but he also discovered that not all of them are actually mutated humans but instead semi-mutants or something like that and the only mutant among them is the one named Charlie.

'Or else Austin would have gone all out by now' Leo thought, he wasn't really that worried that Austin was fighting alone. After all, he had already given one of the [Beast Transformation Potion(s)] to Austin which in turn made the latter have the ability to transform into something like a Tiger Beastman that has enhanced speed, strength, agility or literally all abilities that a tiger should have that you could think of.

'I wonder how Amanda and Michelle are doing right now? And today I would have at least over five hundred beast cores to harvest after I dismantle all of the mutant beast carcass from my Inventory' Leo thought as he yawned, looking a bit impatient and bored and while Leo was having a short monologue inside his head, the fight in front of him is already reaching its climax.

From the corner of his eyes while being pounded by kicks and punches, Austin noticed that Leo is getting bored so..

"Roar!" Austin suddenly opened his mouth and issued a loud roar that reverberated throughout the surroundings as his body suddenly but slowly transformed. His body slight grew and he turned bulky as he now stood over two meters tall as it ruined his clothes in the process along with golden furs started appearing from his arms, chest and legs while covered with black stripes and his eyes turned into golden slits, his ears turned from normal human ears and into that of a tiger.

Almost everyone closed their ears as Austin's sudden cry was truly piercing in the ears even worse is that some weak and fragile people among the spectators even fainted on the spot as they started foaming from their mouths.

"Quick! Quick! Disperse from here!" Joe was finally jolted awake and barked at the spectating survivors to move away.

"Wha!?" Charlie suddenly uttered a cry of disbelief as he stared at the transformed Austin with shock and fear in his eyes.

"Oh my days! H-how is that possible!?" Rose cried out in shock as she wasn't expecting that a human would be capable to wield an ability like this when they Evolved from being a normal person.

"This is super..super bad" Marcus said as his teeth started chattering.

'A man just transformed into something like a beast in front of our eyes!' he thought, screaming inside his head.

"God! He looks like those demi-humans that I've read from those manga's before!" a true manga fan yelled from among the crowd watching with a voice filled with amazement and even...yearning?

"Run! Motherf*cker!" Joe to that person's side and grabbed his neck and immediately ran into a distance.

The reason Joe was panicking a bit was because Austin had the tendency to lose control of his new mutated ability. Especially remembering the day when Austin shapeshifted like this and had lose control of his rationality for a brief moment and started attacking the soldiers around him and if wasn't for Leo stopping him in time then they would have suffered some deaths that day.

But the most infuriating part for him is that he also had a transforming ability like Austin but his ability doesn't have any offensive ability at all! His new ability just grants him a huge bat wings that grows at his back, the ability to fly in the sky!

If only Leo know what this dude is thinking then he would have punch him in his face already for not realizing how useful and awesome his new skill is.

It's because his ability has endless potential! He could scout through the air, act as aerial artillery support, he could escape through the skies if he ever got surrounded by zombies from all sides or he could act as rescuer and rescue trapped soldiers or survivors and many more that he could possibly think of!

Charlie was about to create more distance between him and Austin and because he was the nearest to Austin, he could certainly feel that threatening aura assaulting his senses coming from Austin but there was a that he blinked his eyes and what met his him was a huge furry hand that immediately grabbed his whole face!

He started struggling as he felt his body being lifted off the ground and out of nowhere, he suddenly felt that he got tossed away as he felt the wind colliding against him and the terrified voices of his companions that slowly got softer.

"Oh my god! Charlie!"

"We're coming!"

'That so f*cked up. I didn't even know that an Evolver would be capable of having that kind of ability! So unfair!' A few moments later, he finally landed and rolled roughly along on the ground and that was his last thoughts before he was met with darkness!

He got knockout because he was feeling immense pain all over his body especially his face! He felt like someone was viciously grinding his face on the rough bark of a tree.


Three day later.

A middle-aged man is currently and peacefully resting with his eyes closed in one of the beds inside one of the built Guard Quarters first floor, now turned into a small hospital within Dawn Stronghold.

The structure of the small hospital was that there were ten beds on the first floor and another fifteen beds on the second floor and each bed was separated only by a sheet of cloth like those public wards in hospitals.

"Ughh...where am I?" Charlie slowly opened his eyes and then groggily looked around while pinching his right temple.

Suddenly, he heard multiple footsteps and voices heading towards him.

"It's already been three days since he's been unconscious. There's really nothing wrong with him, right?"

"Rose, you worry way too much about Charlie" Marcus with a bit of annoyance in his tone.

"Of course I'd worry about him! He's the strongest among us! You already saw it, this place isn't ordinary! There's even a platoon of Evolvers routinely guarding the walls of this place like they are statues! Even the ordinary soldiers here are already adept at fighting! Can you confidently say that you could beat one of them if you didn't have a powerful physique today!?"

"I...of cour-"

"Of course you can't! So just shut it!" Rose immediate cut him off and angrily opened the medical curtain that acts as a divider between the beds in the hospital.

But the moment Rose opened the curtain, what greeted was a man looking at them with shock plastered on his face with his mouth shaped in 'O'.

"Wow, you really looked f*cked up" it was the words that suddenly came out of Rose's mouth the moment her gaze landed on him again.

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