Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 13: Meeting The Family

While Leo and the group continued their journey by the car, his family back at U.K are also busy within the walled encampment and worried about Leo from time to time.

"Do you think brother would be okay out there mom?" Aria worriedly asked her mom while they are preparing for lunch.

"I'm sure he's okay" Rachel said calmly but her eyes betrayed her as she is also worried because she saw that the outbreak got worse from the news before they communication from the outside world or from the city.

"Well, he's got that awesome Armor with him but you can't help but be worried that he's out there on the other side of the world probably trying to rescue his so called "girlfriend" while we're here doing fine and safe from the grasp of those Zombies or whatever" Aria rolled her eyes and made a gesture with her fingers from both hands when she said "girlfriend".

"Alright, alright. Stop worrying about your brother, he wouldn't do something he isn't confident of instead go call your father, lunch is ready" Rachel said to Aria after putting the last dish on the table.

"You're right mom. I'm sure he's doing fine out there" Aria said before walking out from the Main Hall.

"I hope Leo is okay too" murmured Rachel filled with worry before she sat down and tried to shrugged off her worries.

Los Angeles City, USA.

Los Angeles City, a once boisterous city now turned into a battlefield between the living and the dead with roaring gun fires, screams for help and booming sounds coming from explosives or some kind that can be heard around the city.

In one of its Avenues was a Red Pick-up Truck speeding along the asphalt road with a guy standing at the back of the car shooting the Zombies that blocks the car's way. The car then made a sharp turn as it entered a neighborhood as it sped up and stopped in front of 2 story house surrounded by walls with a huge gate at the front.

Leo shot down a small crowd of Zombies wandering around them before getting off, followed by the others.

Amanda limped towards the gate and pressed the button of the intercom and said: "Mom, are you there!? It's me Amanda, let us inside, quick!"

"Amanda is that really you!? Thank god! I'm opening the gate now!" a woman's voice sounded at the other side of the intercom as the gate slowly opened and the group hastily entered as the gate behind them closed itself immediately.

"Amanda, Michelle and....the rest! Thank god you guys are okay! I was so worried and I can't even contact you guys!" a group of people ran towards them with a woman that looks like Amanda on the lead. She then hugged Amanda and cried for a bit.

She then invited them inside the house as they chatted about what happened while walking.

Leo looked at the new group of people " Wow, this mother and daughter really looks alike and those must be her siblings and a toddler, must be her niece. They got a nice house too and here I was worried that their house are like those houses with no fences surrounding it, good thing this one is walled pretty high." he thought as made himself familiar with the new surroundings.

Leo and the rest entered the house as a young man around Leo's age thoroughly locked the door and when the man saw Leo was looking at him, he just flashed a smile before heading back to his family.

"Amanda, care to introduce your friends?" her mom asked.

"Ah yes, this great couple here are actually Michelle's parents Tom and Angie Smith and this is my Mom Melinda" Amanda said as she introduced her family one by one. Her older sister Amalie, her brothers respectively from oldest to youngest Joe, Michael, Josh and her niece Jess, daughter of Amalie.

"Nice to meet all of you" all of them shook each other's hands.

And Amanda's family then looked at Leo with a wary look as except Tom who's already strapped his AKM behind his back while Leo is still holding both Ar-15 rifle on both hands.

Leo also looked at them confused at why they looking at him like and he belatedly realized that he's still holding both rifles so he chuckled embarrass before he strapped them on his shoulders.

"*cough* and he's Leo, the one who saved and helped us get here" Amanda blushed and fidgeted while her eyes moved from left to right because Leo was staring at her, smiling.

"Ohhh" her family said in understanding when they saw Amanda's fidgeting around.

"Hi there, as Amanda said I'm Leo and I came all the way here from UK to rescue Amanda and of course you guys too" Leo said as he shook their hands enthusiastically.

"Thank you that kept you them safe Leo" Amalie hugged Leo instead.

"Of course, Amanda wouldn't be here standing now if not for Michelle helping her" Leo didn't forget to mention Michelle's act of saving her bestfriend.

When they heard him, they were curious about it and when they heard the story they became were shocked and also thankful towards Michelle for not leaving Amanda behind. Especially Amalie, that he hugged Michelle emotionally while Amanda's siblings also express their thanks.

Leo then asked Amalie if he can go upstairs on their balcony so that he can get at least get a rough view around their surroundings which she agreed immediately. Leo then went towards the balcony and took out his M110 SASS from his Inventory while also storing both AR-15 inside while Amalie then went to the kitchen along with his two daughters to get some refreshments for their stressed and weary adventure coming here.

"Hey Uncle" a cute voice sounded and Leo felt someone tugging his shirt.

Leo then noticed the little girl Jess who was beside him, looking at him cutely and also noticed Josh standing at the doorway of the balcony staring at him with curiosity but was mostly directed to his sniper rifle.

Leo ignored him and instead looked at Jess warmly " Hey there Jess, what are you doing up here?" he asked as he sat in front of her so that their eyes are leveled with each other.

"Uhmm...uhmm..t-thank y-y-you...for...s-saving my big s-sis Amanda" Jess fidgeted around from shyness.

"'re welcome" Leo smiled and patted her head.

Jess is 4 1/2 years old, with light blonde hair styled in pig tails.

"Yes!" she gave him a wide smile as her eyes turned crescent.

"So cute!" Leo thought as he can't resist pinching her cheeks.

"S-so what a-are you d-doing here, U-uncle?" Jess asked as she tilted her head.

"I'm here looking for bad guys so they won't come eat us" Leo picked her up and told her.

"B-bad guys? Eat u-us? Will t-they eat Jess too?" she said with a bit of fear and confusion.

"Yes, if you're a bad girl but are you a bad girl?"

"No, I-I'm a good girl, m-mommy knows t-that" Jess said shaking her head furiously.

"That's good then, why don't you go back to your mommy then while Uncle here stops the bad guys, okay?" Leo said as he put her back down and patted her head.

"Okay! B-bye U-uncle" she said and waved her hand and ran back inside as Josh hurriedly followed behind her before taking a last look on the M110 SASS on Leo's hand.

"Heh, what a cute kid. I wonder where her father is though and its seems that kid Josh is interested in my gun" Leo chuckled and shook his head before resuming what he was doing earlier and didn't noticed that Amanda came up and currently standing at the doorway smiling at him warmly.

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