Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 133: Octopi Scout, Resistance Is Futile!

Suddenly, a shadow darted out of the rubble and headed towards a specific was the wall where the hidden room is located!

He was so fast that he only looked like a blur!

But Leo didn't even move a single muscle to stop him but he just grinned like he was already expecting this move from his opponent!

When the man was just a single step away from the wall and when his right foot landed on the ground, he didn't even noticed that he actually stepped on a tiny ball around the size of one cm. that was flashing with dim red lights!

The man was about to do something on the wall with his finger when he finally noticed that there was something wrong below him.

So he immediately looked down and saw a light flashing out below his right foot and at that moment, he knew he f*cked up!


Both the man and Leo almost yelled at the same time.


A massive explosion shook the entire cave as the man immediately got sent flying towards the ceiling and crashed on top while Leo cross his arms on his chest as he also crashed on the wall behind him due to the blast wave of the explosion.

"Oww~ that hurt even when I'm wearing my Armor. I didn't expect that mini bomb I bought for fun is actually that powerful" Leo emerged from the rubble while holding his back while mumbling with a surprised tone.

"Eh..? Wow, this place is actually pretty sturdy that it didn't even collapse from that powerful explosion" Leo was a bit shock at first when he saw the still intact "batcave" and that only thing that's different now is that there are more rubble and stuff littered around but the most noticeable change is that there is now a door that looks like an elevator door but much more sturdy looking near the place where the man was standing earlier.

Leo grinned happily like he just won a bet and then he turned his head from side to side as he started looking for the man among the rubbles around him.

Then not even ten seconds later, Leo found him lying on one corner of the room but interestingly enough, his body is still intact even when the bomb literally exploded beneath him but that doesn't mean he didn't suffer any consequences as he is now lying on his own pool of blood but his blood wasn't red at all like a human would but it was blue like the color of the ocean and this time he doesn't look like a human anymore and there's only one word to describe the man this time…


The man's skin already started peeling off probably due to the explosion and what he saw made his eyes constrict with a grim look on his face as he stared down coldly at the "thing" beneath him!

The man doesn't have the same appearance like a human before but he looks a combination between Davy Jones and the Predator!

He almost has the same look like Davy Jones but he only five tentacle like beard on his face and he has a full hair like the Predator's dreadlocks! He has gray ash skin and something like scales was carved on every part of his body's skin except for the face but Leo didn't know what his lower body looks like as it's still covered in human skin.

"*Cough* cough*'re..really good. Since..when..did you..know?" "It" started coughing blue blood and his voice changed into a hoarse like voice unlike his voice earlier that was still a bit mild.

"The hell are you?" Leo said with a devil like tone as his killing intent started soaring out from his body.

"You already know in your heart what am I but you only need to know one thing that resistance is futile when my people comes! Surrender and- !"


"Shut up" Leo's voice sounded really cold this time, full of immense killing intent as he stepped on "Its" head really hard causing blood and something like brains splattering on the ground.

"If it's a war you want then it's a war you'll get" Leo said darkly as he grinded his right foot more on the place where "its" head was before resulting in disgusting squishy sound.

*Squish* *Squish* *Squish*

Then Leo finally smiled when he finally heard the sound he was waiting for.


[You have successfully killed a [Level 47 Octopi Scout] and gained 30,000 Defender Coins along with a (Unique Weapon: Wrist Blades). All Items has been sent into your Inventory!]

[You have gained a level!]

[You are now Level 28 and gained five additional stats points!]

[Sufficient information has been gathered. (Locked Information: Octopi Scout) has been unblocked. Informations regarding this species is now available!]

"What?" Leo was suddenly startled with the last notification.

With a dark look, Leo hurriedly said, "System, tell me all the details about the Octopi Scout!"

[An Octopi Scout is someone sent out ahead of their main force so as to gather information about the enemy's position, strength, or movements. They are a Masters of Disguise, Infiltration, Espionage, Counter-Espionage and they are also multi linguistic and at the same time, famous for their assassinations and bluffing their enemies. Long story short, they are literally the best in their profession but they have one huge flaw..they are terrible in direct close quarters combat!]

"What? And here I thought he was just holding himself back when we were exchanging blows earlier so he actually suck at it, tsk tsk!" Leo felt like a realization just dawned on him but then he furrowed his brows because this isn't the information that he wants to hear.

"But that isn't what I want to know, System. Tell me, who the hell are the Octopi's and what is their purpose?"

[Your authorization to browse this information is not high enough. You can either raise your Stronghold to Level Seven or complete the necessary requirements to unlock it]

"Urgghh! And here I thought you're finally not being a jerk!" Leo felt frustrated again as he constantly rub his temples.

"Damn, I shouldn't have killed that guy immediately but his tone was so annoying that I couldn't help but to immediately shut him up! Tsk!" Leo continued to mumble when his body suddenly turned rigid as he finally remembered something as his head slowly turned his head towards the unexplored hidden room!

Leo immediately dashed towards the enhanced looking elevator door while yelling, "Right! How could I forget! The hidden room!"

When he Leo stood in front of the door, he immediately noticed something flashing in the middle of the door when suddenly the light started scanning his body from head to toe.

[Access Denied!] a hoarse robotic voice sounded.

"What~!?" Leo rolled his eyes then he turned around went to pick up the headless corpse while mumbling to himself, "I think it will work. It will work, right? Cause that would really suck right now"

Then he finally picked up the corpse and held it up in the air in front of him and only then did he finally get a good look at it as its human skin was finally all peeled off.

The monster on his hands literally look the same like the Predator in every Predator movie and the only difference is its head.

"F*ck! Your head and body doesn't go well with each other and whoever God created you must have a pretty twisted hobby" Leo with a scrunched up face said as he walked towards in front of the door with the corpse hanging in front of him.

Then the same scene happened again where the light appeared again but this time it was scanning the headless corpse in front of Leo.

[Access Denied!] a flat out rejection again!

"F*ck this!" Leo angrily threw the corpse at a nearby rubble on the side.

"Just f*cking open for me already!" Leo clenched his fist and out of anger punched the door in front of him.


The door immediately cave in from his attack but it still held on!

"What?" Leo felt surprised but he wasn't surprise because the door wasn't sent flying but surprised at the fact that the door was actually this fragile in the face of his fist!

"F*ck! Now I feel like an idiot for thinking that this door is actually sturdy just because of how it looked and dammit! Why do I always say "f*ck" everytime something bad or surprising happens!?"

This time Leo clenched both of his fist and punched at the door with his two fist at the same time!

Bang! Bang! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The door finally gave in and was sent flying deeper into the room as it bounced on the ground three times before stopping in place.

"Yes~!" Leo yelled and felt he was the happiest person in the world right now!

"I wonder what kind of japtems are inside?" Leo grinned while rubbing his palms as he walked past the destroyed doorway.


This time a group of armed people discovered the tunnel that leads towards the place where Leo is.

"The explosion came from here" Michelle said with curiosity as she stared at the circular tunnel just a few meters away from her and with Amanda standing just behind her.

"I'll take over from here" Austin came over to their side and said, then he signaled two of his men to go ahead and see what's beyond the tunnel.

The two survivors now turned soldiers didn't even hesitate as they just nodded and readied their rifles.

They opened their torch lights and immediately went inside.

"Now, we wait" Austin said as he stood there with all seriousness.

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