*Humm!* *Humm!* *Humm!*

The PELICAN slowly landed on the open ground as its hatched slowly opened. Alastair and Mark was the two first to come out while pushing their newly made weapon the "Death Bringer" followed by Zabu whose surprisingly wearing what looks like a Motorcycle Race Suit along with Tom but theirs wasn't just ordinary suits as their backs, chests, arms and legs are all covered in steel plates!

Zabu's choice of weapon is a freakingly huge warhammer while Tom's weapon is a FN SCAR rifle with a katana sheathed strapped at his back.

Zabu just gave him a nod before proceeding towards the walls while Mark smiled at him but Alastair just literally ignored him as he is eager to deploy his new state of the art weapon. Tom was just the one who stayed behind as he chatted for a bit with Austin as they slowly walked towards the camp's wall.

"Yo! It's been a while, Major~" Tom said teasingly to Austin he bumped fist on his chest.

"Don't tease me like that now, old man. Aren't you also a Captain now?" Austin laughed as he gave him a bro hug.

"That stupid so - in law mine, he should have at least have given me a general rank!" Tom pretended to be angry as he punched the air multiple times in front of him.

"You're really shameless, aren't you? Calling the boss your son in law already, tsk tsk!" Austin clicked his tongue at his old friend's shamelessness.

"Hmmp! What do you know? I want a grandchild soon!" Tom glare at Austin as he snorted.

And while they are talking to each other, the camp's siren suddenly blared!


"Shit!" Austin cursed as he hastily sped towards the wall.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Tom yelled but he got helplessly left behind in the end, "Damn, he sure runs fast!"


Austin was in a rush as he could already hear the rumbling sound of heavy footsteps getting nearer that he literally leapt towards the top of the wall!

When he landed on the wall, the first thing he noticed was Alastair and Mark setting up the weapon they brought with them on top of a three story commercial building near the wall and at the same time he even wondered how the heck they even got that huge weapon at the top of the building.

"They're here! Prepare for battle!" Austin yelled as he saw this survivors wearing grim looking expressions.

""Woah~!"" the survivors and soldiers on top of the wall roared.

The zombie horde was just five hundred meters away from them when Austin gave another shout again.

"Everyone! If you're able to survive today then you will get a whole chicken for you and your families to eat! You will also receive an additional fifty contribution points aside from the ten contribution points for participating!" Austin roared on top of his lungs.

"Oh yeah!"


"Ohh! Sorry but I don't plan to die this time zombie-chans!"

"With those contribution points then we could even purchase a new weapon!"

The edge of Austin's mouth twitched when a sentence from someone among the crowd.

Every single soldiers and those survivors who are brave enough to join the defense felt their blood boiling in excitement as they can't wait for the zombies to start scaling the walls!

After all for them, a sixty contribution points is worth a lot!

They could buy a M1 Carbine with just forty contribution points and they could use the remaining points for other necessities they need in the camp but one of the thing that really fired them is...chicken meat! It's because they haven't eaten any chicken meat for like ages now!

Austin knows that the base has a lot of poultry lately and they needed to at least let some of the masses have a taste of it! People might think why this people are even more enthusiastic at the thought of eating chicken meat rather than them being able to purchase weapons which could raise their survival.

It's because the chicken isn't just an ordinary chicken but a mutated chicken that's over two times bigger than the chickens before the apocalypse and their meat is far juicer and tastier without even the need of seasonings at all!

And a single mutated chicken would cost one hundred fifty contribution points! It's that freaking expensive and only the upper management could enjoy it!

Haaa~ how salivating!

*Thud* Thud* Thud* Thud* Thud*

Disorderly footsteps rang out as the zombies finally discovered the people on top of the walls as they charged towards them in craze manner!

"They're here! They're here!" excited voices rang out from the wall.

*Thud* Thud* *Roar* Thud* Roar* Thud* Roar* Thud*

Three hundred meters!

"Hold and wait for my command!" Austin yelled at the people to stop them from shooting early.

Two hundred fifty meters!


Two hundred meters!

"Ho-" Austin didn't even finished what he was about to say when the sound of gunfire rang behind them!


Because of someone suddenly opening fire and with how tense the air around them, the others also opened fire as they decimated the zombies in front of the horde. It was mostly survivors who opened fire while the soldiers didn't, they knew how severe the punishment they would receive if they didn't follow orders!

"Alastair!" Austin bellowed angrily when he realized that it was Alastair who first opened fire without his order!

"Hahaha! Face the wrath of my "Death Bringer"!" Alastair ignored him as he continued laughing maniacally at his newly invented weapon. He looks like a mad scientist who just achieved a huge achievement in the field of science while Mark who was beside was warily smiling at the side still waiting for Austin's order to let loose!

Austin took a deep breath to calm down his anger and after that, he bellowed on top of his lungs.

"Fire at will!"

*Ratatata!* BOOM!* BOOM* *Ratatata!*

Everything happened only in the span of ten seconds!

The horde of zombies wasn't able to advance within a hundred meters from the wall like there is a huge invisible wall blocking them from advancing further!

Of course this only happened because the forefront of the horde was made up of only ordinary zombies and mutated zombies are still charging at the very back and it still might take a while for them to reach the front!

"Go, go, go!" there was suddenly yelling from the top of wall.

And from out of nowhere. People started getting down from the wall, outside of its defenses!

It was Alex and his men! They started jumping down in groups of twos and when they landed on the ground they immediately stood in alert as they waited for the others.

After a while, all thirty of Alex's men all finally came down.

"Form up!" Alex said in a very cold voice.

*Clack* Thud* Thud*

His men immediately formed up in an arrowhead formation with the forefront of the formation taken by Alex.

"Weapons ready~!"

"Slaughter them!"


His men yelled full of killing intent as they charged towards the horde of terrifying zombies while orderly maintaining their formation! They look like soldiers born for the battlefield as their auras soared towards the setting skies!


Orderly footsteps rang out within the messy battlefield and people defending on top of the wall as they watch them with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

And when they just thirty meters away from colliding against the horde, Alex bellowed another order, "Spear Turret Formation!"

With his bellow, the soldiers slowed down as they broke formation and went into triangular formation without its bottom with their rifles facing forwards.

"FIRE AT WILL!" Alex commanded as he just slowly walked forward and his men immediately opened fire as they also moved at the same pace as him!

*Bang!* *Ratatata!*



*Bang!* *Ratatata!*

"Reload…!" the soldiers calmly reported their status as they changed mags after mags.

The zombies facing them and those that jumped towards their direction was welcomed with hails of bullets! Their small group was like a moving mini fortress as no zombies was able to get within ten meters from them!

"Amazing! The First Hunting Squad are truly elites!"

"I want to apply to them after this!"

"Then make sure you're still alive by then, kid!"

"Of course, I will!"

"Men!" a muscular guy named Ichiya said as he crossed his arms with two of his fingers sticking out from both of his hands as there are even stars twinkling around him.

"Who's that guy?"

"Ignore him, he always acts like that when he witness something manly or just when he likes it"

"He looks like someone from an anime I saw before. I think it was from an anime called Fairy Tail"



Suddenly, Ichiya jumped down from the wall and charged alone towards the horde without any weapons.

"Oh my god! He's sending himself to his own death!"

"Come back, you idiot!" Austin immediately noticed that small but muscular lone survivor as he immediately yelled angrily and just as he was about to jump down and rescue him, something suddenly happened which not only stupefied him but also the others!

Because when Ichiya was about to reach the front of the horde, a Charger Type Zombie suddenly appeared out of nowhere and rammed him from his side!

"Men~!" Ichiya was immediately sent flying through the skies as his surprise voice grew smaller the further he got away until he slowly disappeared through the distant horizon!

"W-what the heck just happened?" somebody asked with a disbelieving tone at what he just witnessed but no one answered him as they were also as shocked as him.

But in the end they only prayed for the little guy's safety and continued defending their positions on the wall as they killed the zombies that was able to bypass the rain of bullets.

(This part of the chapter was brought to you by Ichiya from Fairy Tail!)



The battle would have ended long ago with how powerful the support that the Gun Turret stationed on the wall along with Alastair's weapon "Death Bringer" is giving them but because the march of the horde was so loud when they were towards the base was that it also attracted all zombies from the nearby areas, mutated or not to join the horde. That even with the continuous clearing of the garrison units within Hope 101, the horde was still able to grow up to fifty thousand or maybe even more as there are still scattered zombies moving towards them due to ensuing sounds of battle that immediately attracted them over!

"Korya~!" Zabu roared as he bashed the head of a hunter zombie into pieces, that was able to scale the wall.

Zabu looked around and he finally noticed a small group of soldiers the devastating everything around them in the middle of the horde.

"This people are having a party and they didn't invite me!" Zabu bellowed in laughter as he also jumped down from the wall and charge towards the wall as he ignored the bullets barely grazing passed him.

And the people who was around him earlier have confused expressions on their faces.

'What party?'

'Is there a party going while we're fighting with our lives on the line!? Bastards!'

Clearly there was a misunderstanding over there, sadly there is no one to clear the misunderstanding.


Zabu finally landed on the asphalt road and he immediately rushed off towards the horde that's now slowly getting closer towards the wall.

"Hahaha!" Zabu laughed like a berserker he is! Zabu leapt towards the skies as he landed in the middle of the horde.


Zabu landed on the ground causing cracks to appear on the ground and his landing also sent and squashed some zombies.

Zabu wielded his warhammer and executed a full circle swing as the zombies near him was crushed to pieces!

[Whirlwind of Death]!

Zabu started spinning like a small tornado as he traversed forward deeper through the enemy lines!

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

Every zombie that Zabu passed by was all smashed into pieces!

And while Zabu is having the time of his life, Alex and his crew also charge forward deeper into the zombie horde wielding their katanas as they cleave all the zombies that got in their way into two pieces!

Austin who was monitoring the battle on top of the wall suddenly felt envious so looked over to his second in command, "You're in charge for the time being!" and with that he jumped down from the wall while his body slowly became a were-tiger!

"What? Commander! No!" his second in command ran towards the edge of the wall as he didn't want to Austin to leave his post.

"Roar!" Austin bellowed as he also charged forward but his objective wasn't just kill the ordinary zombies but to hunt down the mutated ones because he horde is already less than fifty meters away from the wall!

And it would be bad news if they get near the wall because the wall is truly fragile right now as a single charge from a Charger Type Zombie would immediately a part of it down!

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