Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 139: A Bigger Responsibility!

In those three days, Leo found a lot of things when he was talking with his System within his mind. He found out that Gaia the name of the Goddess was the only one lucky enough to survive among the kids that was sent all over through the Universe but there would been more survivors if it wasn't for the Octopi Race hunting them down.

He also learned that due to the noble sacrifice of the Gaia Race and eliminated almost ninety percent of the entire Octopi Troops during their last battle and because of it, the Octopi's Invasion of the other races in the part of the Universe immediately halted as they recuperated their losses and stayed low key ever since then for over five thousand years but even though their military grew weak, no other races wanted to mess with them during that thousand year peace that the Gaia Race gave them because they knew that the Octopi Race then are still powerful enough to send a squadron to exterminate especially their powerful planet defense system protecting the Octopi Planet which literally made the entire planet an impregnable fortress.

The Gaia Race literally became a legend in the eyes of the races in the universe but in the eyes of the Octopi's, they were considered as a stain in their plans a thousand years ago!

So during those five thousand years, the other races instead focus in the other things but all of them focus more on building and making their military stronger. Years, decades and centuries has passed, their military finally grew strong but a thousand years later. The Octopi Race had emerged again as they started another campaign towards Universe domination but their true purpose was occupying life planets like Planet Earth to extract their planet cores and what happens when the core of a planet is extracted?

The planet would slowly crumble inside out. The planet core is a necessity for every planet even if its a life planet or a wasteland planet because the core is what holds the entire planet together but the Octopi Race ignored the planet cores of millions of barren planets around the universe but instead turned their attentions towards life planet because for they have more raw energy than a wasteland core would provide which is considered as food/energy or..delicacy to them.

Yes! They are destroying planets and exterminates the races that lives in that planet just because of food!

They only see other planets except theirs as food! What maniacs they are!

The Octopi's are like termites where they destroy everything in their paths and when they finally got enough of it, they move on to another place and does the same thing.

So a thousand years later, the Octopi Race started invading other planets again and the other races banded together to resist them and in the process creating the would be known United Nations Space Command or UNSC for short which their sole purpose is to stop and resist the invasion of the Octopi Race.

Multiple races gathered under their flag because they found that the tyrants and menace is back again to cause havoc in the entire universe! So they didn't have a choice but to join because they didn't know if they are going to be the next one to disappear in the face of the universe!

But even with them banding together, they still had a hard time stopping them because they finally discovered that their technologies hasn't stagnated at all during those years buts instead advanced another level!

The two sides wage war for a hundred years and in those hundred years, they only had peace that lasted for another five years within that time frame before it started again. The Octopi's would attack another planet and the alliance would immediately respond and reinforce that said planet. The same cycle happened over and over again, attack then reinforce! The war was fierce two races was almost exterminated with two planets and another three more life planets that was probably still in its infancy was destroyed but at the same time, the alliance also destroyed a total of seven armada of the Octopi which gave them that five years of peace mentioned earlier.

But currently the war entered a stalemate with both forces facing each other in the frontline, ready to go to war at the moments notice.

But something unexpected happened within those time because a few years earlier a scout ship of from the Octopi Race disguised as an asteroid discovered Earth who is almost at the edge of universe but being discovered wasn't the worst part!

Because the pilot of that scout ship also discovered that a survivor of the Gaia Race is taking shelter in this very planet through the use of a detector which its use for is probably for hunting those remaining survivors of that honorable race.

So when the pilot discovered that there is a survivor of that hated Gaia Race in planet Earth. It immediately turned around and went back to the nearest armada of their race but of course, his journey would take at least a few years probably because he was too deep inside the UNSC territory and he was already lucky enough that he wasn't still discovered till the scout ship discovered Earth.

But the scout ship didn't left unnoticed, Gaia also discovered that scout ship when it was near the planet and she knew then that they are coming soon what she just didn't expect was there was actually someone crazy enough among them that infiltrated this deep inside UNSC territory and also at the same time she hadn't expected that she would be discovered this soon.

So she prepared countless plans to resist their future invasion on Earth and that was…


Yes! She wanted the humans to evolve! Of course, she wouldn't be able to do this back in her home planet but she landed on planet Earth. She suddenly awakened a supernatural power and that power was..Creation! Which literally made her into some kind of a Goddess!

So she thought of how to make the humans evolve and that was when it clicked to her!

Humans has the ability to explode in power when they are in the face of a life or death circumstances but the her question was, how would she make all of the humans in the entire world face a life threatening situation that would span for a long time at the same time!?

That was when she gained an inspiration from a movie she watched before, called "World War Z"!

But she didn't want the humans to get exterminated even before one of them evolve or mutated. After all, real life and movie life is very different. So what she did was to find and choose a Champion, someone who would become the ray of hope of the entire humanity.

But in the process of that, she actually made a small mistake! It was because she playing around on the internet that she accidentally pressed the button that would make a website go live! It was just suppose to be a test run just for her but she didn't expect that there would be someone who would immediately find it the moment she click that button! But because she was still reeling in shock at that time she forgot to stop it eventually leading to Leo answering those questions!

Everything that day was coincidental, it was like fate was playing her!

And everything following that was history.

The soul of another Leo, an orphan but a genius in Command and Military Strategy and the body of the original Leo who was martial genius and a master in using every kind of guns like Deadshot.

It was like the combination of a hotdog and a bread which tasted very delicious if they combine together if I say so myself.

Meanwhile, Leo who just woke up earlier immediately dove into his work and was currently staring blankly at the space in front of him as he reorganized all the information he learned from the [System] during those days his body was paralyzed while inside the conference room in the Stronghold as Austin and his mother, Rachel is having a conversation about further expansion and improvement of the base while Alex is standing just behind him like a Royal Guard and there are also Amanda, Michelle and Aria just sitting there as they listened on.

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click*

"Hey, Leo to Earth, are you there?" Rachel said while clicking her two fingers in front of Leo's face.

"Ahh, ahh! What is it mom?" Leo suddenly awoke from his daze and was startled when noticed that everyone is looking at him.

"Are you okay? You've been dazed since you arrived here. I told you that you should get more rest before resuming work" Rachel said worried for the current condition of her son.

"I'm fine mom, I just have a lot going on my mind right now. Continue to what you guys are doing. I'll leave first mom" Leo said smiling as he stood up and prepared to leave to the room.

"Alright, don't force yourself, okay?"

"Uhmm" Leo just nodded and headed to the door but as he was just about to step out, someone called out behind him.

"Leo, were coming with you" Amanda and Michelle almost said it at the same time.

Leo shook his head and gestured them to stop and said, "No, I just want to be alone for now"

After saying those words, Leo left the room and the mansion as headed towards the western side of the wall and jumped over it before he dashed through the dark forest as he headed towards the nearby hill.

A few moments later, Leo finally arrived at his destination.

Leo laid down on the ground as he stared at the rare and clear appearance of the night sky full of twinkling stars tonight

Even though it might look like Leo took his ability for granted and knowing that there was probably a story behind all of this where he suddenly gained a heaven defying ability which literally made him a superhuman.

It was just that he didn't expect that the story behind all of the things happening around was a huge conspiracy involving multiple races around the Universe!

But the most shocking of all is that the Gaia People were actually the ancestors of humans! The current appearance of the humans today was based on the appearance of the Gaia Race but its not only that but Planet Earth is actually suppose to be a reserve planet for the Gaians where it would have acted as a springboard for them to pioneer the galaxies around Milky Way Galaxy and take over them and if they were to be successful. Then they would have grown stronger by then but the plan didn't come into a fruition due the sudden appearance of the Octopi Race which literally destroyed their plans!

Then the war between the two races happened which lasted for a whole century!

Then the five thousand years peace after that.

The emergence of the Octopi again after five thousand years which prompted the other races to band together to resist their invasion resulting in another war and the same time, the United Nations Space Command or UNSC for short was born!

Then the following years after that is now what's currently happening in Planet Earth! An all out brawl between its inhabitants where the humans were kicked off in their high pedestal as the race on top of the food chain!

"I just wanted to create a sanctuary where my love ones would be safe, the people we rescued along the way and the people lucky enough to stumble upon my base" Leo murmured as he became teary eyed all of a sudden.

It was because his responsibility just increased in a thousand fold! It was also he is just a young man who had just became a real man through the baptismal of war!

He thought he just need to create a place where his fellow could live peacefully and just follow the missions of what the System assigned!

He just wasn't expecting that his true mission is bigger than what he had imagined!

To restore peace in the entire universe!

But before doing all that, he needs to create his own very army!

An army capable at resisting the incoming invasion of an armada from the Octopi Race!

And he only had less than three years to that!

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