Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 143: Defeat The Evil Villain!

"Wait! There's someone riding on the back of the mutated beast! Look!" one of the watchers squinted his eyes as he noticed a silhouette of a person on the back of the beast and pointed towards it for his companions to see.

"Holy! That's the Leader!" the other guy cried in surprise!

"False alarm! It's just leader!" the watcher who first noticed Leo yelled at the soldiers, down and on top of the wall which the latter group immediately relaxed their guards.


"Stop! Stop!" Leo immediately pulled on the reins when he saw that he was getting nearer to the outpost of the wall.


Black immediately stopped in his tracks as its feet slid off the ground and Leo immediately got down from his mouth with a face full excitement and embarrassment at the same time.

"My god, this thing could run fast" Leo said smiling as he patted the said of Black and continued, "I think it was at least going a hundred miler per hour"

He said before he took its reins and slowly led it towards the wall gate and passed through the almost outpost in front of the gate as the three soldiers in the watcher along with Noah and his other buddy at the other side of the gate gave their immediate respects as they look in amazement at that huge beast walking beside him as the huge gate slowly opened before Leo.

"Hey, isn't that a Demon Boar with an A Class Threat?" Leo suddenly heard someone whispering which made him turned towards where the voice was coming from and he saw Max and his companions whispering with each other while looking at Leo with fear and respect.

Max and his team suddenly stiffened when they noticed Leo was looking at them and they can't help but to also salute at Leo by resting their right fist in their chest.

Leo just chuckled and smiled at them before he continued to walk pass the wall gate as it slammed shut behind him.

*rumble* *rumble* *rumble* *boom!*

Max then took a deep breath and said, "God, I was so nervous that my soul was on the verge of flying out when he looked at us!"

"It felt hard to breath when he was looking at us earlier like that feeling when a massive beast is staring down you!"

"Yeah! That was what I felt too!"

"The leader is so young and handsome! I think I just wet myself when he turned towards us!" suddenly the beautiful woman with red hair who was been silent till now said it in a seductive voice.

The men who heard her stared at her beautiful face for a bit before turning their heads away, not daring to stare too much.

Max and the other men didn't dare to even have lewd thoughts towards her. People might think that Max is the leader of their group because he's always the one who negotiates things but Max and the others and the people who are close to them knows full well that the true head of this group is this seductive red haired woman who's armed with two pistols tuck in her leg holsters and another a metal hatchet in her hand.

And this beauty was dubbed as the Black Widow among fellow hunters. A former skilled assassin which made Max's team a formidable one with her as the head of the team.

The eyes of Black Widow glittered in excitement like she had just found a precious jewel and she smiled one more time before she turned around and coldly said, "Let's go!" while also thinking in her mind 'It seems joining the army might not be a bad thing after all!'

"Yes ma'am!" the others hastily followed behind her.

Noah and the rest of guards who was watching them immediately sighed in relief before cursing in their minds, 'Damn vixen!'


Leo once again rode on the back of Black as the people on the side of the road watched him riding a Mutant Boar with envy, amazement and longing at the same time!

And there was even a kid who was shouting the words "Mom! Look! Look! A knight! Like those knights in the picture books you always reads for me! He doesn't ride a horse though but a boar instead so does that mean he's a Boar Knight!?" which made Leo flush in embarrassment when he heard the kid and the mother, seeing that he is probably powerful that he could even tame a ferocious beast immediately put her hand on her son's mouth to stop him from talking more nonsense!

Then Leo continued his short journey towards the Stronghold as more and more people watch him at the side of the road like there's a parade going on!

That the Garrison Units was even forced to tighten their security to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Then Leo passed through another gate with the road connecting towards the Stronghold and while he is on the road. He also conveniently summoned the other two Dual Horned Mutant Boar as he plans to hand over it to someone who wants to have their own mounts as a means of easy travel and they wouldn't even need to worry while going outside as they would be a good deterrence like what the guy said earlier about them being A Class Threat is also true even when they are alone.

Leo already knew that those survivors who calls themselves hunters had started ranking zombies and mutated beast based on how powerful and how much of a threat they pose towards a group of survivors or hunters.

And the rankings and their examples are as follows...

S Class Threat - N/A

A Class Threat - The Big One

B Class Threat - Charger Type Zombie

C Class Threat - Hunter Type Zombie

D Class Threat - Striker Zombie

E Class Threat - Ordinary Zombie

Alex's black panther pet named "Kitty" is also ranked as A Class and that includes the three Dual Horned Mutated Boars and the mutant dogs that Leo captured before ranked as C Class Threats and those wolf cubs that Amanda and Michelle always brings with them are even stronger than The Big One. They are not actually wolf cubs because they have an ability to shrink their size and their real size are around three meters tall and over two meters long.

Amanda and Michelle's wolves doesn't possess fancy abilities like the mutant dogs of Rachel but they have the ability to call wolves of different species to gather under them and follow their commands called [Pack Leader] which makes them even far more dangerous than any other mutated monsters or zombies and being alone makes them look weak but when they use their abilities. They becomes a walking battalion of monsters which is also one of the reasons why Leo bought them for the girls and even when he is not beside them, no monsters or zombies could pose a threat to their safety except if Dragons exist.

And they are not Mutated Monsters but instead called Ferocious Beast which sent Leo to bankruptcy when he bought them before.

While Leo was thinking about those things, he finally arrived near the Stronghold and he was even near one of the Guard Statues and further up is "Kitty" looking at him or more precisely looking at the three mutant boars who's with him while salivating.

Kitty had the urge to pounce at them but didn't dare to because Leo is currently glaring at it which made it whimper but it is instead glared at the three boars menacingly like it was even their damn fault!

'Damn Pigs! Watch how I'll capture one of your fellow boars and eat them in front of you!'

This time, It just shows how inaccurate the hunters rankings are because these boars who are labeled as the same threat as Kitty are all cowering in fear except for Black who's glaring angrily at it with fire spewing in his eyes!

The two mutant boars who are following behind Leo even shifted to his left side because the Black Panther is at the right side of the road!

*Growl!* *Hoink!*

And the black panther even growled towards them when they passed him by which sent the two boars shivering but Black growled back was even prepared to charge towards it and it only stopped when Leo kick it with his heels and those two a**holes would have ran away by now if Leo isn't present!

"Oi! Can't you see that you are scaring Bacon and Ham!? You stupid cat!" Leo literally named them on the spot based on the name of foods made from pork meat!

And the guards manning on top of the wall gate are watching them with dumbfounded looks, wondering why the heck are they named Bacon and Ham! A racist name against their own kind!

The wall gate rumbled loudly as it opened before Leo as couple of eyes watching him in bewildered and respect as he passed through the gate with Black, Bacon and Ham.

Suddenly, there are two silhouettes of two little girls suddenly running towards him from the side with eyes glittering in excitement and when Leo got a clear look of who they are, it was actually Austin's daughter Michelle and Amanda's niece Jess so he stopped as he wondered what their purpose are.

"Uncle! Uncle! We want to ride them too! Please!?" Jess arrived beside them and was jumping excitedly at the side while waving at Leo and Michelle is only smiling excitedly while curiously observing the humongous monsters in front of them.

'Geez, this two kids aren't even afraid' Leo helplessly shook his head before he got down and picked up the two little girls and had them ride each of their own mounts which is really careless of him as minors especially kids are prohibited to drive even if its a mount!

This time there was already a crowd forming around them as they looked curiously at three mutated boars in front them and they even had the absurd thought the one in the middle is looking at them with disdain and the mutant boar in the middle is Black which is clearly bigger than the other two.

"Don't drop them or I'll literally turn you two into Bacons and Hams" Leo said coldly at the two mutant boars which still made them shiver in fear even though they can't understand him.

"Hyahh! Mr. Bacon, let's go!" Jess is excitedly shouting while pointing forward sadly the mutant boar isn't moving at all and the same is happening on the side of Michelle while softly muttering the words along with a shy and excited look "Let's go, please move forward Mr. Pig"

Seeing them like this made Leo feel helpless, his plan was to actually show this guys to the recruits training here but he didn't to bump into these two kids the moment he walked inside.

Leo just shook his head and gave each mutant boar a soft pats at their sides which finally made them carefully walk forward as the people in the way made way for them.

"Charge and let's go defeat the evil villain and save the princess!!" Jess had became more hysterical while waving the stick in her hand like a honorable knight with Michelle also doing the same thing as the kids on the side is watching them in envy like Andy, Flash and the other kids.

Except that their actually riding a boar and not a horse which made it look comical for the adults watching them.

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