Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 153: Wait! That Didn't Come Out Right!

Leo wouldn't have mind getting laid with her but he wasn't some dense idiot that he wouldn't even notice that Hancock fancies Marie and at the same time, he's gonna be a father soon and he doesn't really want to have any relationship to just any random woman. He'd rather go back to main base and go at it with his two beautiful girlfriends.

And he didn't travel all the way here to just get laid, he was here with a mission and at the same time he wants to recruit Hancock within his ranks as he really admired his bravery, his fighting skills and courageousness and it seems that he still upholds his good morality just from how the kids weren't even afraid to tease him earlier and it seems that they have a really high opinion about the guy and seems to respect him a lot.

Leo then glance at a corner and then looked at Hancock who went outside with an Axe on his hands and he said, "You guys go hide inside that building and someone will pick you guys up later"

"Huh? You brought us all the way here and you aren't coming with us?" if Hancock had some misgivings and a bit of suspicions about Leo earlier then this time he wasn't, he at least figured out that this guy was truly genuine on helping them escape from this city. Especially knowing that he probably had a lot of men under him with how loud the commotion they are causing right now and that they even saw a couple of Black Hawk helicopters passing by above them earlier.

"No, I think something is coming for me and it would only endanger you guys if you guys still stick with me" Leo said to him while shaking his head.

"What are you talking about? It's not like I can't fight multiple zombies at once" Hancock angrily said as he felt like Leo is looking down on him by saying those words.

"You?" Leo snorted and said, "You can't even handle a single Hunter Zombie while even the weakest of my men could kill them without breaking a sweat!"

Of course, Leo wasn't referring to the ordinary soldiers under him but those members within the three hunting squads and while both of them are arguing with each other, the others had already come down from the bus and was watching both of them bicker with each other.

"You!" Hancock pointed at him angrily.

"Shut up, lead the others and already go inside! We don't have too much time left!" Leo as he urged them to hurriedly go inside the building that Leo pointed at

"Come on, he must have his reasons for wanting us to hide for now" Marie said as she tugged Hancock's arm.

Hancock just sighed helplessly and then he started leading the kids and the rest inside the three story building and Leo was even generous enough to give them some food and water to eat.

"Here, use this" Leo said as he handed a Springfield Armory XDM to Hancock pistol and another set of magazine full of bullets.

"You know how to use it, right?" Leo asked.

"Of course. Do I look like someone who doesn't?" Hancock said a bit irritated as he took the pistol from Leo's hands and started checking it out.

Leo just ignored his antics and looked over at the kids, "Don't cause trouble to your elders, alright?"


"Alright, I'm going. You guys just hide inside and wait for my men to pick you guys up!" Leo said hurriedly said as he waved his hand towards them.

"Take care and be careful out there, mister and thank you!" a child said as the other kids also followed suit as they gave their thanks to Leo.

Leo just smiled and gave them a thumbs up and immediately departed from there in a cool way, showing some swagger!


Leo immediately headed to the opposite direction of where the others are.

"So they really are coming for me" Leo said, glancing at the minimap from the corner of his eyes as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop of the buildings around the city, he was like a modern day ninja.

"How the heck does those monsters even know where the heck am I?" Leo mumbled as he was confused of how this monsters are able to track him down when they haven't seen or met each other before.

"Alex, how is it going on your side?" Leo said pinched the near invisible earpiece connected at the back of his right ear.

[It's going well so far, Commander. We have already secured Girton College and the nearby University Farm but the only problem is that there are still a lot of zombies around us] the voice of Alex said from the intercom.

"Good! We'll make that place our temporary base here until we cleared out all of the zombies in the city and make sure to have our men use silencers or kill the zombies as silent as possible by using melee weapons. We don't want to attract all zombies towards you now so I plan to create a distraction where I'm at right now and I think I'm at..." Leo said as he started looking around until he spotted something from the distance.

"Wow, I actually travelled pretty far. Anyway, I'm currently located near a superstore called Tesco" Leo replied after looking around.


"Alright, just make sure that none of our soldiers die. After all, we have limited soldiers right now and even losing one of them would already be pretty huge loss for us" Leo said before cutting off the call.

"Now then, this time it's a waiting game for me" Leo said looking at the holographic map in front of him as the monsters targeting him are just over a mile away from his current position.

A little while later.

Multiple huge shadows arrived at his location as they landed in front of him but they didn't immediately attacked him and so Leo had the chance to observe them.

In front of him are six mutated lions as big as an elephant with one male and five females and behind them are seven "The Big One" zombies and the weird thing about is that they are very different to the ones Leo had met and killed before because this seven in front of him are almost greyed in color unlike the others who were colored dark red all over and their eyes that was supposed to be red were instead a hazy yellow green color and Leo probably knew the reason behind it.

[Level 40] [The Big One(Controlled)]

'They're under someone's control?' Leo thought with interest and then turned his head towards the biggest lion at the forefront of the group who was gazing at Leo with eyes filled with disdain, clearly showing intelligence on par with the humans and wasn't even bothered about Leo checking them out.

'Now this one is pretty interesting' Leo's eyes suddenly became sharp as his smile suddenly turned into a devilish smirk as a bright idea immediately struck him.

[Level 55] [Demonic Lion (Alpha)]

[Skills] [Pride Leader] [Enchant] [Lion's Roar] [King's Intimidation]

This one was the highest level among them and the rest has levels between forty and fifty.

Seeing the skills, Leo already had an inkling of what those skills are which him more happy and joyful.

"I'll have all of you to be our mounts, little kitties!" Leo grinned from ear to ear, he didn't even care if their levels was two times his.

All of the mutated lions suddenly flinch when Leo said those words like they actually understood what he said.


And their leader suddenly looked like it was angry after Leo said those words as it suddenly issued a savage roar!

"Oh shit!" Leo's face suddenly hardened when he saw those six lionesses disappeared and suddenly reappeared in front of him with their jaws wide open and claws heading towards him.

Leo turned ghostly as the attacks passed through his body like a smoke.


Leo then immediately a few meters away from them and the place he was standing earlier turned into a deep pit of destruction.

"Damn, this guys are fast even with their huge bodies!" Leo cursed as cold sweat dripped down from his head and then he opened his mouth towards the "Big One's" charging towards him as he lets loose a deafening roar along with a tornado-like blast like Wendy Marvell's Sky Dragon's Roar but two times bigger and anything that was on the way of the skill was sent flying and the zombies who were the targets was sliced to chunk bits of pieces!

[Primal Roar!]

[You killed a Level 40 Mutated Zombie (The Big One)! Gained 14,737 Defender Coins!]

[You killed a Level 43 Mutated Zombie (The Big One)! Gained 17,737 Defender Coins!]

[You killed a Level 45 Mutated Zombie (The Big One)! Gained 21,107 Defender Coins!]

[You killed a Level…]

[You killed a…]

[You have gained a level!]

[You have acquired +5 Stats!]

[You are now Level 28!]

Before Leo could even assign the new stats, Leo was forced to dodge backwards again in a zigzag motion from the simultaneous attacks from the mutated lions!

"Dammit! Could you guys at least give me some small breather to assign my stats!?" Leo cursed angrily at them!

Leo was truly surprised! Surprised at the fact that these mutated lionesses are almost as fast as him! Now, he even wonders how fast would their leader be if he joins the fight right now!

"Come on!" Leo yelled excitedly as he left two deep footprints below his feet as his [Powered Armor] covered him entirely as he blocked the monsters attacks by crossing his arms above his head and then he opened his arms with immense force that it generated a gale around him, throwing those monsters in the air as some of them landed heavily at the nearby buildings, destroying it in the process!

*Shatter* *Shatter* *Shatter*

"Ahhh!" Leo also released his own roar that it reverberated towards his surrounding as the windows of buildings around them shattered into pieces!

Leo felt his blood boiling from excitement! Excited at the fact that he's facing another worthy opponents!

"Come on! FIGHT!" Leo yelled as he provoked the Alpha Male with his finger!


The Alpha felt that his dignity is being looked down upon as it immediately went into a pouncing position as the ground beneath its feet started cracking from the immense force he's trying to generate!

The other mutated lions immediately stepped with now plans to interfere in this fight!

Then the Alpha Male turned into a shadow because of how fast it moved that it immediately appeared in front of Leo!

Leo grinned from inside his armor as he immediately tried to block the attack coming towards his left.

*Swoosh!* *Boom!*

But his block wasn't enough because he got sent flying towards the opposite direction and crashed towards a small convenience store!

"HAHAHA! Good! Good! Good!" Leo started laughing like mad as he slowly stood up from the rumbled that he was on.

"Now, you're truly worthy to become my mount!" Leo said as he pulled out his sword from the back and he leapt into the air towards the Alpha Male as his sword started getting covered in flames!

"[Sword Quake!!!]"

Leo yelled the name of his most powerful skill right now.


A powerful shockwave along with an immense blast of heat as it spread through the surroundings even sending the other mutated lions tumbling on the ground!

A little while later, the smoke slowly got cleared thanks to the wind and it revealed a deep pit on the once asphalt street along with a huge bloodied lion thoroughly planted on the ground with a huge sword scar on its back!

"It actually managed to not get cut into halves!" Leo exclaimed into surprised as he didn't expect that it would actually survived his attack and at the same time feeling relieved because he actually got too excited that he immediately executed this skill without thinking of the consequences!

"Oi! I know you're still alive! Get up!" Leo walked over and he started poking it with his sword.

Getting no reaction whatsoever, Leo started getting worried that it might have died due to blood loss.

'But I still haven't received any confirmation for the kill though' Leo thought as he continued poking its body.

"You're still alive, right?"

"You're still not dead, are you?"

"Oh my god! You're not gonna really die, are you!?"

"It's really hard to look for a suitable mount you know as Black, Ham and Bacon aren't suitable to become one! I would look like a dumba** riding a pig!" Leo started getting anxious as he's not seeing any reaction at all!

Even the mutated lioness are whining from the side as they looked towards the direction of Leo and all of them are also covered in small wounds due being in the range of Leo's attack earlier.

"Come on, stop playing dead o-or I'll f*ck your wives!"

"Wait! That didn't come out right!"

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