Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 160: Codename: Project Starburst!

One month has already passed and a lot of things had happened.

By now they had already successfully built the wall which was made from galvanized roof and sturdy planks and with cars now the place was heavily fortified with machine guns mounted at every thirty meters along the wall and with soldiers posted at every ten meters.

And the farms that they had acquired are being used to grow potatoes and corn or maize which could grow on every climate.

The population has grown exponentially to over two thousand and almost reaching three thousand and the place was really great because the dormitory rooms were only reserved for female students before!

And Leo and his men had already cleaned out one quarter of the city. This time, the "cleaning" is really taking a lot of time because they are not going full force on it and they were instead more focus on the improvement of the base here and more on rescuing survivors trapped in the city unlike when they took over Manchester city and mostly because there are a lot more zombies and more powerful at that compared to when Leo took his men and "cleaned" out Manchester City where there were fewer of them and weaker than the zombies.

And they finally knew the purpose of the soldiers who were captured before, it was because they were sent here to meet the person who captured Manchester City and because their commanding officer wanted to assimilate the three remaining companies under him to them but on the condition that he would meet their leader first.

Leo immediately complied when he heard about it as he really wanted people who are already soldiers and doesn't need to be trained on how to properly shoot a gun and at the same time, they would also save a lot on the ammo that would have been used in training over four hundred people.

And so Leo had sent a Chinook helicopter to send them back while being escorted by a Black Hawk helicopter and a group of fully armed soldiers and a week later, Leo and Colonel Russell finally met face to face and the latter was shocked in disbelief at how young the person is that commands a militia that already resembles a proper army and a military base at that when he saw the lined up Battle Tanks, Helicopters and Military Vehicles that vary with each other.

Which utterly convinced him that his decision for an assimilation was correct but even with his all his efforts to prevent a rebellion. It still happened but it was immediately quelled especially when it happened in front of Leo and Alex who was staying at their military based at that time and this people who rebelled would had only been captured alive but their leaders had made one grave mistake and that is to capture Leo's women and have them as hostages but it was immediately found out and so their rebellion didn't even last a minute before they were all killed and captured and thrown to be fed at the zombies.

And this ruthlessness that Leo had shown had terrified even the most battle hardened soldiers like Colonel Russell much less his men and even the soldiers under Leo who was there to witness the event weren't an exception as they finally witnessed how scary Leo could be when someone "pokes" his reverse scales.

After all of that, Colonel Russell and his soldiers was fully merged into the group but there were all scattered around to prevent them from forming groups of their own and some were even lucky enough to join the Hunting Squads like Captain Reeds and his men who travelled miles and miles away to just reach them and they didn't even suffer a single loss which just goes to show how much experience they have in dealing with the zombies and how high their survival rates are when they are outside the protection of the wall.

A week after all the events, their progress in invading the Capital is slowly coming into fruition as military vehicles after vehicles, fighter aircraft after fighter aircraft and tanks after tanks are slowly increasing in numbers which really confused a lot of people as they didn't even know where they are coming from, especially when they all know that they don't even have a production line for all those things which just added another veil of mystery around their leader, Leo.

And Leo knows fully well that what he's been doing until now wouldn't last long as even his parents are already asking him of where those things are coming from, so he had already made plans with Alex to capture a company named ACE Systems that were once a well-known arms company in the world and was once the largest weapons manufacturer for military weapons in UK but now the place are mostly abandoned and the only lucky thing is that the place where the production line was located wasn't destroyed during the chaos a few months ago.

Leo is currently at the largest production line of the company and accompanying him are Alex, David, Alastair, Zabu and the two women who are left behind at the PELICAN. These are the only people...and an android who knows about Leo's secrets except for the two women but Amanda and Michelle had a gist of it and they at least had a hunch that someone is supplying Leo with these weapons but!

They didn't know that it wasn't someone at all!

But instead an A.I system that only Leo could only see and use which is something that can't be explained at all by logic reasoning because even Leo, who is the host don't even know where to start on to how to properly explain it!

But Leo had also learned about the [System] a bit and that Zabu, Alastair and David are actually one of the few surviving people of their respective races!

So, Alex who is an android and the other androids and robots actually came from the same origin as Gaia because they were a creation of Gaia's people who also fought alongside them during the war and there are only a few of them because they are Gaia's own personnel who was with her during her escape from her planet and which they are now being used and commanded by Leo in her stead.

And Alastair came from a race called High Humans and they once lived in a planet called Rock Point Planet from a very far away galaxy before it eventually got destroyed by the Octopi Race.

High Humans are an intelligent beings which are on par or even smarter than Tony Stark and due to this, their reproduction rate is very low and resulting in very low rate of population that doesn't even exceed a hundred thousand but they boast of their technology which only a few races could compare with but in the face of Gaia Race's technology.

It's like comparing an adult fist from a baby's fist.

And they are also very prideful and arrogant which almost caused the extinction of their entire race.

While David and Zabu are of the same race called Galactic Humans and are a race centered in military advancement and they are only one of the few races that cause so much headache when the Octopi Race tried to destroy them.

And they are generally a Fighting Race because even a person who works in a company in their planet were also warriors so they are generally a planet full of warriors who are bathed in blood by their enemies and their reproduction rates are also as fast as the Earth Humans and they are one of the few races in the Universe that are very simple minded because they don't have anything called Internal Conflicts or Politics where people tries to win over or even kill their opponents!

But instead they would settle their grudges in a place called Life Arena where they would fight each other barehanded where they would unleash all their hate and anger onto their opponent!

And the above mentioned are what caused a headache for the Octopi Race and the most important thing is that they are unafraid of death!

Unlike Earth Humans that almost half of its population are full of cowards where they would sell their own just for a small benefits.

But in the end, the Galactic Humans still lost the war.

But that wasn't the end for all of them because the only surviving member of the Gaia Race, Gaia gathered all of the surviving people of every race that got destroyed by the Octopi Race and who also hates the Octopi's a lot and made a deal with them.

And that deal is now progress through Leo!

And the contents of the deal is for them to assist the "Chosen One" in his endeavor to destroy the Octopi Race and cleanse this cancer of the Universe that destroys all life on their path!

And the deal was made and they had their bodies and souls sucked or integrated into the [System] where they would slumber for an unknown amount of time until the deal that was agreed upon was accomplished or where they would be summoned like Zabu, Alastair and David.

[Codename: Project Starburst!]

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