Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 166: A New Mutated

Leo had just arrived at Cambridge City when he suddenly received a message from David through the private intercom that he had bought before.

So he gestured towards the girls to wait for him and he moved a bit distance away from them and answered the call while Alex had already somewhere.

"What is it, David?" Leo said as he pressed the intercom behind his left ear.

"Sir, a man called Robert arrived here and he said that he was once one of the leaders of the three survivor camps around here and they came here for the purpose of surrendering to us along with the men that had followed him. What do we do with them, Sir?" David replied.

Leo thought for a bit and said, "How many of them are there?"

"Almost a hundred sir"

"Alright, take them in and assign them some task to do and make sure to keep a close eye on them as we don't know if this is just one of their ploys and probably wants to attack us" Leo warned him.

After instructing him another set of orders, Leo then cut off the call with a smile on his face and walked back to where Amanda and Michelle is waiting for him.

"You seem happy?" Amanda said when she that wide smile plastered on his face.

"Of course, one of the leaders in one of the three survivor camps at Northwich just surrendered to us" Leo said as the three of them walked through the tiled road that leads them inside the former main college building but, now turned into a military building that acts as the Headquarters for their base here.

Leo walked through the upper floors with the two ladies tailing behind him and they entered a room on the second floor and inside were three men dressed differently from each other and the armbands in their arms showed their ranks as Captains in the army.



The three men saluted at the same time, their voice filled with deep respect.

Leo nodded and passed by them while the two women sat on a nearby sofa as they planned to listen to the meeting that would happen.

Leo then sat down on his chair and then he looked at the three men in front of him and said, "So, tell me why the operation on ridding the zombies in the city suddenly came into a sudden halt?"

The three men eyed each other before one of them stepped forward and the man took a deep breath and said, "It's because we suddenly encountered a weird problem, Sir?"

"Problem? What problem?" Leo raised an eyebrow, especially when he heard the word "weird" as he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The zombies, Sir. It seems that they suddenly gained intelligence" after a few seconds had passed, the man finally answered reluctantly.

After the man in front of him said those words, that feeling Leo felt earlier suddenly intensified as he suddenly had a foreboding feeling that something bad is coming.

So he immediately spun his chair with the back of the chair facing them, Leo immediately opened his [Map] and looked through the map of the city but he didn't spot anything weird at all as he only saw the zombies scattered throughout the areas of the cities that wasn't properly cleaned up yet except…

"Except that the life signals of mutated beasts that should be present in every town, city and villages are missing" Leo softly mumbled because he had already learned on how to identify the life signals between zombies and mutated beasts.

Leo stood up from his chair and stared at the sky through the window as he suddenly felt the dark clouds hovering above city had just became darker and thicker.

"Sir?" one of them called out.

Leo turned around and asked them with a deep voice, "Tell me, how weird they are"

The men looked at each other as they suddenly felt that something bad is coming.

Another man stepped forward and tried to calm his nerves before carefully saying, "Sir, the zombies seems to have gained intelligence as they suddenly knew how to employ guerilla tactics by ambushing us and if wasn't for the three mutants deployed for every company and us already experienced enough in properly dealing with them, then we would have suffered our first casualties since the day we arrived in this city"

He took another deep because he felt suffocated from how intense, Leo looks at him.

"W-we felt that the zombies have evolved again with how they are able to employ human tactics like ambushes and sometimes they would even retreat if they saw that they can't break through our defense line"

The last words that the man said sent great waves through Leo and for the first time in quite a while now, his composure broke as that damnable feeling is sending warning bells inside him.

"Quick! Get our men outside to immediately abandon their posts and to immediately retreat back to base! Fronto!" Leo raised his voice as he snapped his arm towards them.

""Yes sir!""

The men were suddenly startled by his reaction but they immediately saluted and left the room.

And outside the room, Leo could hear their voices.

"Eagle Company! Immediately retreat back to base! Commander's orders!"

"Direwolf Company! Immediately retreat back to base! This are the Commander's orders!"

"Alpha Company! Immediately retreat back to base! This are the Commander's orders!"

Leo slumped onto his chairs as he felt nervous at what's happening but at the same time he can't help but feel excited!

Amanda and Michelle immediately walked over after the rest had left and they worriedly asked Leo.

"Are you okay?"

"Did something bad happen? You had never lose your composure like that before"


Leo smiled at them and pulled them and made both of them sit on his lap and he said, "It's gonna fine"

Michelle eyed him sternly and said, "It surely doesn't sound fine as you guys were clearly talking about the zombies evolving and suddenly gaining intelligence"

"Uhmm, what she said. Zombies gaining intelligence would surely pose more threat to the humans now rather than the mutated beasts"

Leo just smiled as he softly caressed their tummies and said, "It's not that the zombies suddenly evolved and gained intelligence but my guess is that there's an unknown evolved zombie lurking in the city and its able to command the zombies around it and have them do his bidding"

"That's the reason why I had the soldiers to immediately retreat back here. After all, I don't know the capacity of its intelligence so it's better to be careful for now"

What Leo didn't know is that he made the right decision of making his men retreat as the mutated zombie that they are talking about, actually had plans to pick off and eliminate the small military post scattered through the safe zones around the city.

In a deserted building at the south end of the city.

"Dammit! How did they know!?"

A bald zombie that almost looks like the vampiric mutants, called Darkseekers in the movie "I Am Legend" angrily punched through the wall beside him as his eyes burned with anger and rage while the zombies around him shivered as they started backing away in fear.

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