Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 173: Scout Ship

Three days later.

"Are everything ready?" Leo said as he approached a Captain with Bacon standing beside the soldier.

"Good morning, sir!" the Captain was startled a bit but he saluted immediately upon seeing Leo beside him.

"And yes sir, the men are already waiting for you behind the walls," the Captain continued as he led Leo towards the West Gate.

Passing through the gate, they were met by a disciplined rank of three hundred soldiers and the most surprising thing is that they are all wearing MTP or Multi-Terrain Pattern of camouflage meant for British Soldiers with their ranks printed on their upper left arm and an insignia of a crimson bear with its jaws open on their left arms.

"Attention!" a Major shouted when he saw Leo making his appearance.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

The soldiers immediately stood in attention with chins up and on their faces are full of proudness and pride for becoming one of the first soldiers that were made to wear the official military uniforms and the soldiers manning West Wall are looking at them with a bit of envy in their eyes.

"At ease" Leo said as the soldiers immediately ease their postures with their hands behind their backs.

Leo observed every single soldier in front of him and he noticed that the soldiers at the first two rows are clearly nervous that they are even gulping out of nervousness.

While looking at the neat soldiers standing in rows in front of him, Leo can't help but have some complicated feelings, because the soldiers in front of him are even older than him but the most amazing thing is that they look up to him in respect.

'I wouldn't have many people looking at me like that if the "Chaos" didn't happen' Leo thought as he can't help be proud of himself at having reliable soldiers and people around him.

"Alex, you will be taking charge in cleaning the remaining zombies in London. I'll send you the details later about the places that you should focus on clearing up and places you should avoid" Leo said without looking back.

"Yes, commander" Alex's voice rang behind him.

Leo had taken this opportunity that some places around London only had a few zombies left because of the Dark Seeker controlled them and brought them with him for the siege three days ago.

Around them are some group of civilians and armed soldiers burning the remaining mess from the recent battle as the smoke flew towards the skies.

"Eagle Company, Direwolf Company, Move out!" Leo ordered sternly.

*Vroom* *Vroom*

*Thud* *Thud* *Clank*

The soldiers immediately dispersed and started boarding the Humvee's, Tank and military trucks as the vehicles engines immediately roared to life.

""GO! GO! GO!""

The Captains of both company of soldiers yelled while riding Bacon and Ham.

After that, the armed convoy slowly drove towards London, leaving the safety of the walls behind them.

Leo turned to Alex who's still waiting at the side, "Here, you and the soldiers focus on cleaning these places and make sure to at least build a small outpost"

Leo said as he sent the data to Alex's CPU. Alex eyes flashed as he successfully received it.

"You can go now" Leo said while Alex nodded and whistled.


His whistle echoed towards the surroundings and from a distance, Kitty could be seen hurrying over while creating a small dust cloud behind her.

A moment later, Kitty arrived beside them, where Alex immediately jumped and sat on her back.

"Let's go" Alex said while patting the side of Kitty's neck.


The Black Panther roared as it rushed forward and in no time, it already caught with the rest of the convoy.

Leo turned his head towards the sun while putting on of his hands over his squinting eyes.

"There's a lot of work today. Hmm.. it's gonna be a long day" Leo slowly mumbled before walking back inside as he went to attend matters that needed his decision and presence.

Leo finished all the matters inside the base while he brought Amanda and Michelle as they flew back to Manchester City while he left the only Captain in the base in charge at the Manchester Base for the time being

Almost an hour later.

The PELICAN slowly landed on a flat area inside the Stronghold as the hatch at the back open, Leo and the girls along with their two pets slowly walked out as Leo's parents, Amanda's mother, Michelle's parents and Aira was waiting for them from a bit distance away with smiles on their faces.

Leo walked in front of his family as he smiled and said, "We're back"

Rachel smiled and walked towards him as she gave him a tight hug while saying, "Welcome back, son"

His father gave him a good tap on his shoulders while wearing a huge grin on his face and then showed him a thumbs up, "Good job, son!"

Henry was clearly referring to him about getting his ladies pregnant.

Aria punched his chest and said, "It seems I'm gonna be an Aunt soon, huh?"

"Sure thing" Leo replied with a smile.

"Right, how was the zombie horde at Cambridge?" Aria asked with eyes full of curiosity.

"It's already, they others are just cleaning the mess now" Leo replied.

While Leo was having a family reunion himself, his two ladies are also having their own reunion with their families.

A few moments later, Leo was left all alone as his excitedly brought Amanda and Michelle inside the mansion, followed by the others.

"Well… that was very anticlimactic" Leo mumbled as he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Now that their two pregnant daughters in-law are back again, they seem to have forgotten about me, their son" Leo said while scratching the back of his head and after that, he started to look around the base.

"Wow, a lot has changed since then, huh?" Leo mumbled as he took in the changes of the Stronghold even without his interference.

The place has now bigger farmlands, more building of different kinds like two story structures for Tailors, Blacksmiths and more residences.

"Now, this place is now looking like a regular village" Leo commented at his surroundings.

There are kids playing around, new recruits training at the grounds, men and women busy at their own chores, some are hammering the anvil in front of them, women are doing their own laundry while some are busy making clothes and the like.

And every survivor that he passed by would greet him with eyes full of respect, longing, desire and even lust.

Leo then jumped towards a part of the wall, where he was greeted by the soldiers there.


Leo just them a smile and nod before surveying the scenery in front of him.

"Wahh~ the forest has really grown again and I was just away for a few weeks" Leo said as he felt amazed at how fast the forest is expanding around them.

"They are probably having a party everyday now that Global Warming is gone, how nice" Leo smiled.

"Alright then, I should head towards the cave now" Leo said as jumped towards the other side of the wall.

As he dashed through the forest like a cheetah as he headed towards the cave where Alastair and his team are working on opening the Scout Ship.

And this was the reason why Leo had instead Alex led the armed convoy earlier instead of him, it was because he just received a report from Alastair that they had successfully opened the alien scout ship.

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