Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 185: Large Gift Box

"Hahaha! You won't be able to save them! Resistance is futile human! The Ga-AHHHH!" the Darkseeker screamed in agony as Leo flattened his head with his foot before it could even finish what it was about to say as his last words before dying.

[You have killed a [Level 70] Darkseeker! You have been rewarded 20,000 Defender Coins and 3 Thirty Meters Tall Wind Turbine (300kw) for successfully killing a mutated zombie over twenty levels higher than you!]

"Fuck!" Leo suddenly cursed his impulsive, as he belatedly realized that the [Darkseeker] was about to reveal a critical information.

But then, he noticed the reward he got from killing the [Darkseeker], "What the hell!? How the heck would I even set up a freaking Wind Turbine!? You should've at least given me a freaking tank, for goodness sake!"

"I don't even know if there's anyone who has knowledge of setting up a freaking Wind Turbine!" Leo cursed angrily, that he started beating up the dead body of the [Darkseeker] again.

But he suddenly stopped as he grimaced in pain, after all, he didn't come out unscatched with his fight against the [Darkseeker] earlier, as his body are riddled in wounds of different sizes, and if it wasn't for his tanky constitution..then he would have died ten times by now from how severe his wounds are.

Leo then limply walked towards a fallen log and sat down on it, and then he rummaged through his [Inventory] and took out a two [High Potion] and gulped them both at the same time!

"Ahh!" Leo exhaled, like he just chugged down two bottles of cold soda at the same time.

After doing that, the wounds on his body started healing at a visible rate, unlike the ordinary [Potion] that could only close external wounds, the [High Potion] instead could heal both internal and external injuries and even replace the loss of blood, which makes it one of the most expensive potions in the [System], that cost 50,000 Defender Coins each.

But the most expensive of all would probably be the potion called the [Second Chance], which could even save someone on the brink of death, but its price is so shocking that it would probably choked someone just by looking at it.

And its priced exactly ten million defender coins, not a cent less or whatever the currency lower than one defender coin is called.

"Ha~ I wonder what the heck is that [Darkseeker] was about to say earlier. I shouldn't have immediately killed him, and now, the curiosity is killing me!" Leo sighed helplessly while thinking of what the [Darkseeker] was trying to tell him earlier, while he waited for his body to fully heal.

Suddenly, the deafening drill of a helicopter's rotors attracted Leo's attention, as he looked towards the sky where the sound is coming from, and he saw one of his Attack Helicopters heading towards him.

"Right, they were definitely attracted by the sounds of fighting earlier and probably only decided to check it out when the fighting stopped" Leo said, as he stood up and started stretching his body, as the bones in his body started crackling.

Then the helicopter slowly came down, as it hovered just a foot above the ground while five soldiers immediately came down and ran towards Leo, while the helicopter took off again and started to look for a nearby open land where it could land.


They shouted worriedly while running, but as they got nearer to him, they slowly slowed down as they noticed that huge and familiar body lying headless on the blood soaked ground in front of them.

Lexi slowly came over to Leo's side and said, "Boss" while she gave a quick glance at the headless corpse of the [Darkseeker].

"I know" Leo replied as he already knew what Lexi is trying to say.

After all, their encounters with [Darkseekers] are too frequent, which means that are least one [Darkseeker] every ten or fifteen million zombies, which might sound like a small chance, but if you think about it, there's over sixty six million people around the country, meaning that there's around sixty [Darkseeker] around the country, which Leo already killed three of them, which still really poses a huge threat towards them in the long run if they are left alone.

"Burn it and let's go back" Leo ordered as he slowly walked towards where the helicopter landed.

"Yes, sir" Lexi said, as she pointed her open palm towards the corpse of the [Darkseeker] as a ball of fire, the size of a basketball gathered around at her palm.


And she sent it flying towards the dead body of the [Darkseeker], as it immediately erupted into flames.

"Done" she said, as she hurriedly followed the rest of them, and also boarded the helicopter and left for their campsite.

A few minutes later, the [Darkseeker] finally "returned" back to the embrace of mother earth.


"What now, sir?" Lexi turned to Leo and asked.

Leo didn't answer immediately but looked towards the horizon, before he turned towards her and said, "I won't be coming back with you guys, and starting tomorrow, I will be roaming around the country, and start hunting the remaining [Darkseekers]. I just can't let them roam free, and become powerful as days passed"

"What!? No! You're mother's gonna kill me when we go back without you!" Lexi immediately screamed in rejection, as she even forgot formalities in front of the other soldiers, who looked at her with mouths agape and disbelief written on their faces.

Leo smiled and put one of his hands and said, "It's gonna be okay"

"No, no, no. Oh my god Leo, Rachel is gonna kill me, you know that, right!?" Lexi angrily said as she grabbed his collar, and the soldiers watching her had dumbfounded looks on their faces, like their brains just short circuited as they can't process the scene happening in front of their eyes!

"Chill, I know she won't kill you though" Leo raised his hands in defeat while saying those words.

"Ohh yeah~ She won't kill me, but she'd beat the shit out of me" Lexi growled as she angrily let go of him.

"Come on, except for my dad, you're the only one who could handle her, weren't you her second in command in the army before?" Leo tried to butter up to her, it's because this person is a long time friend of their family, and she and Leo also has a little bit of "history" with each other before.

"Grr, do you know what your mother was called in the army before?"

"Hmm..yeah, what about it?"

Lexi suddenly grinned and said, "Yeah, right. When we were still in the army before, your mother was really famous amongst men"

"Yeah, I already know that" Leo said, only an idiot would say that his mother is not hot even for her age.

"Hmmp! She was famous, but no one dared to hit on her, why? Because she was like a Valkyrie in the battlefield, and when were still low ranking officers back then, we've had ran into multiple deadly situations back then, I don't know if were just lucky or your mother was just badass woman, but we were able to survive every single ordeal thanks to her"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Leo said, as his curiosity was suddenly piqued hearing what she said.

"You already know about it, just from the word Valkyrie alone. You're mother was one heck of a dangerous individual back then, and she still is" Lexi grinned, seemingly proud of her friend.

"Yeah right, how the heck would someone like my mom would even fall for my dad" Leo scoffed, still not believing what she said, after all, it sounded ridiculous, and he was even curious about it and only to turn out to be another ridiculous story.

They didn't even notice that they already landed on their camp, as they still continued talking that even the soldiers who came with Lexi seems to not noticed it too as they still listened to her, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.

"I can actually understand you, as I would also react the same as you if I heard something like that, but believe me it was all real, and about your father? He's the same as your mother, both of them are dangerous individuals. Have you never been curious of why both you and Aria are so skilled in almost everything related to weapons, especially cold weapons?" Lexi grinned at him.

"Uhh.." Leo suddenly didn't know what to say, as a memory just surface on his mind, about the trainings he had suffered as a kid back then, and how he showed an amazing talent on wielding weapons even when he was a kid.

"Now that I think about it, yeah" Leo said, and this time, he really wanted to hear more as he knows there won't be another chance like this, about learning more about his parents or the former Leo's parents.

"Your father might look like a wimp in front of your mother and you two siblings, but if it was someone else, heck, you can expect some bones breaking here and there, because your father is as equally dangerous as your mother"

"I wasn't supposed to say this, but what the heck, the country is already in shambles, with no chain of command at all. Here goes, your parents are actually one of the few personal guards of the queen"

"What~!?" Leo's eyes suddenly widened in shock as he didn't expect that kind of a revelation.

"Shocking, right? But it's real, like Caleb, they were the same as him but different. Caleb is in the light while your parents are all in the dark, and they were known as "Queen's Shadows". Well, not until they retired from the group and joined the army"

"Now you know why you and Aria are very talented in martial arts, because you're parents are genius fighters that only appears every one thousand years. Easterners are not the only ones who has talented martial artist you know" Lexi smiled, as she was satisfied seeing their dumbfounded faces.

A few seconds after that, the other soldiers finally snapped out of their dazed and immediately got down from the helicopter as they only know realized that they already arrived, leaving the two behind to chat.

" the heck do you even know these things?"

And just as Lexi was about to leave the helicopter, Leo immediately stopped her and asked.

"Because there's no such thing as secrets between me and Rachel" Lexi smiled at him.

"Wait..what!? Does that mean that mom knows about us before!?" Leo almost yelled in shock, but managed to keep his voice low.

Lexi grinned at him and said, "Of course not, she'd kill me if she knows I laid my hands on her darling son"

"Hmmp! More like we hooked up" Leo grinned, as he also got down from the aircraft, and started arranging his men for the upcoming night.

And while he was giving orders to his men, he was also thinking to himself, 'Oh god, I didn't know this asshole actually dated his mom's friend before, and she's even to MILF's! Tsk! Tsk!'

'But how come the memories are just showing up now? Could it be that some memories would only resurface if something or someone triggers it, like earlier when our past was brought up? It must be or it wouldn't have happened'

"Now, it feels awkward just by being around her" Leo mumbled as he glanced towards Lexi who is currently talking to her husband.

" I'm starting to miss Amanda and Michelle, and tomorrow, I would need to leave and start hunting those bastards, or they would be too much of a threat in the future" Leo mumbled to himself.

"And I could always go back and see them, It's not like I don't have another PELICAN with me" Leo said, and after that, he also started helping around, which really impressed the newly rescued survivors, but the soldiers wasn't even surprised one bit as they are already used to Leo doing this, helping around.

"But seriously though, I didn't expect that my parents have that kind of a history about them, and why am I not surprised? More like proud about it instead. God, I didn't expect that I actually have cool parents!" Leo smiled like an idiot, but when a memory about his childhood, he suddenly grimaced, and even though he didn't go through those painful times, he still grimaced like he was pain just thinking about it.

"But seriously though, for Rachel to labelled as Valkyrie? She must be one badass of a woman, and Henry too, he...doesn't look and even sound dangerous at all" Leo chuckled, as he was reminded about his face every time his mother scolds Henry.

After that, the group had a short dinner, as the soldiers and survivors mingled with each other.

Leo, after having his fill, immediately went into his tent, and started thinking about things that happened today and the places he needs to visit.

"Right, I remember I received a reward after reaching [Level 35]. I wonder what surprises awaits me" Leo said, as he immediately sat up from his bed and opened his [Inventory] and browsed through the items inside.

"There it is" Leo said as he finally spotted the item he was looking for, a red box wrapped like a gift.

"Now then" Leo grinned as he rubbed his palms together.

Leo then click on the item and pressed [Open].

[Opening [Large Gift Box]...]

[You received 500,000 Defender Coins!]

[You have received 1 Winter-Class Light Prowler and has been stored into your [Inventory]!]

[You have received 1 [Second Chance] Potion and has been stored into your [Inventory]!]

[You have received 2 [Scorpion] Main Battle Tank and has been stored into your [Inventory]!]

[You have received 1 [Level 5 Stronghold Blueprint] and has been stored into your [Inventory]!]

[You have received 1 [Level 6 Stronghold Blueprint] and has been stored into your [Inventory]!]


"Hell yeah!" Leo immediately jumped from his bed, as he started dancing in happiness!

"Holy shit! What a great night! Wooh~!"

"Oh yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about! Whew!" Leo shouted in happiness, as he plopped down on his bed, with a huge smile on his face.


The next day.

"I'll leave the explanations to mom to you then" Leo smiled while waving his hand towards the departing convoy.

Lexi just gave him a thumbs up while thinking to herself, 'I'm so gonna die when I tell Rachel about this, this brat is still as troublesome as ever!'

Leo then waved his hand, as a Harley Davidson Bike appeared in front of him.

"Let's finish this quick" Leo muttered, as the motorcycle roared to life.

*Vroom!* *Vroom!* *Vroom!*

"Let's get it" Leo pulled down the throttle, as the bike immediately dashed forward through the dirt road heading towards the nearby forest.

Leo speedily passed by the tree line, as he headed towards the direction of a hamlet called Hardingham, according to his [Map].

"This place would have been a great camping destination if it wasn't for the Apocalypse" Leo muttered, seeing how lush the forest is.

"Well, this forest wouldn't have been turned this beautiful if the Apocalypse didn't happen. I guess the blame is on us humans with how destructive we are"

"Humans doesn't know how lucky we are that we're living in this beautiful planet, and we don't even pay for rent, and we instead tries to destroy this place"

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