Three days later.

Large and small convoys of military and aerial vehicles are pouring out from every Survivor Base of Leo, from Hope 101, to Cambridge Base, Northwich Survivor Camp, Budworth Village Camp and Buxworth Village Camp.

Leo had ordered a mass military mobilization, the task is too sweep the nearby towns and villages, the main purpose is to rescue as many survivors as they can while clearing out the remaining supplies from those places and transporting them back to the nearest camp or base, and at the same time clearing road obstacles and killing zombies.

Leo's plan is to have the bases and camps to shelter and rescue as many survivors as they can before winter arrives. For Leo, the survivors still living outside his bases are very important to him, no matter how old they are, because for him, every human is vital to his plans as this people could contribute a lot and increase production at every base or camps they are sent to.

For Leo, sheltering ten thousand people for almost an entire year wouldn't be a problem. That just shows how much resources they had gathered for the past few months and how stable their crop production is, well..even though the crop production could only sustain five hundred people for the time being.

"Are you really going? That place is very far, you know" Rachel said to Leo after hugging him.

"Yes mom, I need to do this, you know why" Leo replied to her.

"Alright...but be careful out there, okay?" Rachel said as she put one of her hands on his cheek.

"Don't worry mom, I got this" Leo said as he smiled.

Leo said goodbyes to Amanda and Michelle, and the rest of his family, this time, Leo plans to travel to the Philippines. He wanted to see if his friends are still alive, especially when he found out a few months ago that he actually died and awoken in the same world.

And his other purpose, is to build an external outpost over there and maybe to other countries too.

"I'll be going now!" Leo waved at them with his back facing them.

Amanda and Michelle watched him with reddish eyes, and even though they know that he could always come back, they just can't help but feel the feeling of sadness washes over them when he always leaves.

Leo looked for a secluded spot from the forest, away from prying eyes.

He opened his [Inventory] and pulled out the [Winter Class Prowler] and put it over the space of land before him.


An almost one hundred meters in length ship appeared before him, it had a sleek design of silver and black, and it had the same resemblance of its little brother, the F-22 Raptor, a stealth tactical fighter aircraft.

"Kakaka, so awesome!" Leo rubbed his hands happily as he immediately went inside, sat inside the cockpit. Leo immediately activated his [Power Armor], as he started hacking the system of the aircraft, just like how he did it to the PELICAN before and with the help of the super A.I [Gideon].

[Installation Complete!]

[Welcome to the Winter Class Prowler, Commander]

After a few moments, the familiar voice rang beside his ear, as [Gideo] had successfully infiltrated the system of the aircraft or spacecraft.

"From now on, the name of this craft is [Winter], the current name is too long and it sounds lame" Leo said.

[Affirmative Commander] Gideon replied.

"Set course to the Philippines" Leo ordered as he just patiently sat down and let [Gideon] do all the work.

[Destination Confirmed]

[Setting course to the Philippines] Gideon said.

*Buzz!* *Buzz!* *Buzz!*

Leo heard soft buzzing sounds as the ship slowly took from the ground.

If there were others who witnessed this scene, then they would see that the ship suddenly slowly vanishing like it has some kind of cloaking system.


The ship sped towards the direction of its destination, breaking the sound barrier with almost no sound at all.

"Oh boy, I hope I won't buy a lot of fuel from the [System] using this ship" Leo commented when he noticed how the ship is going.

[Don't worry Commander, this ship runs through a Fusion Drive] Gideon replied.

"Fusion Drive?" Leo asked as he had never heard those before.

[Fusion Drive, also known as a fusion engine, and more formally referred to as a deuterium fusion reactor, is a type of spacecraft propulsion system which serves as the primary form of sublight propulsion for this ship]

[A Fusion Drive is an inertial electrostatic fusion reactor or a series of such reactors. The plasma generated by the reactors is channeled into a series of exhaust manifolds, which vector it into the ship's engine nozzles. The drive exhaust serves as reaction mass, providing propulsion for the ship. The drive system also includes an exotic mechanism that utilizes higher-order manifolds to eliminate the otherwise devastating fusion backblast. As suggested by its technical name, the deuterium fusion reactor is powered by nuclear fusion reactions between deuterium atoms]

[And this runs through a fuel called Triamino hydrazine, with a root material known as hydrazine and has been used as a rocket fuel since Earth's Second World War]

Gideon gave him a series of information.

"Wow, I didn't understand a single thing that you just said" Leo said as he didn't really understand anything about what he had just heard from Gideon, and it reminded him of his teachers during his school years.


[Nevermind] Gideon listlessly replied.


Three days later, [Winter] had finally arrived at the Philippines largest island, Luzon.

The ship hovered above a city called San Nicolas.

"We're here" Leo said, as he looked at the city below through the window from the cockpit, and then he suddenly felt a rush of emotions and memories from his past self.

"I wonder if they're still alive" Leo muttered, as he opened his [Map] and he immediately noticed three small survivor camps, one of them is located at the city's old and largest church, another one is near the river and the last one is near the outskirts of the city.

"Gideon, find a place to land" Leo ordered.

[Affirmative Commander] Gideon replied.

The cloaked ship slowly around the city as it headed towards a very spacious land, and the ship landed behind the largest mall in the city.

"Look after the ship, Gideo"

[I will commander]

Leo slowly walked out of the ship, while wearing his [Power Armor].

He disabled his [Power Armor] and put on cloak with his huge sword, with its handle sticking out behind his cloak, and then he strapped two gun holsters on both of his legs and put two Desert Eagle on each of the gun holsters.

Then he opened his [Map] and inspected the whole city and its surroundings and saw that there aren't a lot of zombies.

"It seems there is a mutant or two leading the survivor camp, and they did a good job cleaning up the zombies around here. Sadly, there's still a lot of zombies at the neighboring city and it seems someone bombed the bridge to prevent more of them crossing over here and it seems there are a group of people inside the mall" Leo muttered as he saw the general situation in and out of the city through his [Map].

"Hmm..let's check the survivor camp first and see how's it going" Leo said and hid his face using the hood on his cloak as he walked towards the direction of the nearest survivor camp, the church.


Suddenly, a piercing voice of a woman reverberated, coming from the direction of the nearby mall.

Leo immediately looked over, and saw a black haired woman running, and behind her are five armed guys chasing behind while laughing like maniacs.

The woman saw him, and started running and yelling towards him for help.

"Oh boy" Leo muttered when he saw her actions, and just as he was about to go and help her.

'Tsk, what an actress' Leo clicked his tongue as he noticed that there was clearly no indication of fear in her eyes.

"Please help me! They are trying to rape!" the woman said while breathing heavily as she immediately ran behind him.

Even after knowing that she was just faking it and that these people are probably in cahoots with each other, Leo just let her be. After all, without much entertainment inside the ship, he was really bored during the entire trip and at the same time, he wanted to see what these people are up to.

When the woman hid behind him, she showed a very cold smile but then she saw something that startled her, it was the huge blade tip of Leo's sword sticking below his cloak.

'What the!?' the woman almost screamed when she saw that, after all, who the heck would something big like that as a woman, but the most important question in her mind is where the heck did this guy in front of her get this kind of weapon!

'Nevermind, you will still die by my hand' the woman smiled coldly as she pulled out a short knife behind her.

Then the five guys shortly arrived after her and stopped just ten meters in front of Leo, and pointed their weapons towards him, and Leo even noticed that one of them is carrying boomstick!

The boomstick shotgun is made up of a steel pipe and hard wooden planks, and duct tape was used instead of screws to hold the parts together.

"Look buddy, I don't care who you are or what you are that you even need to hide yourself using a freaking cloak, but if you don't want any trouble, then it's better if you walk away right here, right now!" the man holding the boomstick arrogantly said, and the same as his companions, they wore the same cold grin on their faces.


Leo was about to say something when he felt a sudden poke on his back.

"Hahaha! What an idiot!"

"He actually fell for it!"

"Man, using a lady as bait for these lone travellers are really a good idea!"

The five men suddenly started laughing loudly when they saw their female companion attacking Leo from his back, but what they didn't notice is that the woman had a bewildered look on her face.

*Poke* *Poke* *Poke*

Because the woman didn't felt the sensation of her knife burying itself in the flesh, she stabbed Leo numerous times, and every unsuccessful stab made the woman panic, as she still can't feel it and see blood flowing down on the ground.


The woman dropped her knife on the ground as she slowly moved back in horror, with her hands on her mouth.

"You guys are dead"


Five heads flew up in the air, and then they dropped on the ground, rolling over.

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