Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 209: Post Apocalyptic Era

A day later.

Leo, along with three more people as an addition to his small group finally arrived back in San Nicolas city after passing through the wide river with the help of the humongous turtle named..[Tyrant].

"Wahh! You're awesome Mr. Tyrant!" Ada giggled happily as she and Jason rode on the back of the huge turtle while Leo and Dan walked along the streets.


Suddenly, they heard the rumbling sound of multiple engine getting nearer, and not a moment later, they saw three cars speeding towards them.

Dan and the two kids suddenly became alert, while Leo just smiled because he already expected them when he spotted a man earlier when they had just arrived at the other shore of the river.


Someone was waving towards them with half of his body out from the window.

Leo recognized that person, he is one of John's most trusted men, and even thought Leo isn't their boss, they still call him boss.

"Boss! You're back! We've been waiting for you!"

A muscular man with a scar across his face jumped down from the leading vehicle and strode towards Leo and the rest, while the two kids at the back almost screamed in fear when they saw the guy with his scary face.

"Ash, how come you guys are here?" Leo asked, as he scanned the rest of the men who followed Ash here.

"One of our lookouts reported that he spotted you guys heading towards here, so we immediately our way over" Ash laughed.

"Come on, John was busy and can't personally welcome you" Ash said as he winked multiple towards him.

Leo then grinned as he immediately got what he meant.

'Haa, I miss Michelle and Amanda' Leo sighed as they slowly followed behind a convoy of vehicles, by riding at the back of [Tyrant].

"Leo, who were they? That man with a s-scar on his face is scary!" Ada tugged on his shirt and whispered with a shivering voice.

"They are members of one of the two ruling camps in the city, don't be scared about them, they don't bite" Leo smiled at her, he actually wanted to say they are good people, but refrained from saying it. After all, everyone would always have a dark side of them.

"Big bro, is he also uhmm..a mutant?" Jason asked him with sparkling eyes.

Leo just laughed and told the kid, "Of course not, Becoming a mutant is not an easy thing to do kiddo. You will need luck, will and most of all, coincidence"

"But of course, you two probably wouldn't even understand it what I just said, instead you two should just learn from watching us, alright? But learn the good one and not the bad one, okay?"


"I will"

While Dan just nodded on the side, as he listened to what Leo said.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived at John's survivor camp, as Leo and the others even saw people already waiting for them in front of the gate, and one of them is John and his two lovely wives.

[Tyrant] strode over in front of them, as most of the people back away in awe and fear at that huge monster in front of them that looks like something that came from the prehistoric era of dinosaurs.

Leo immediately got down from his pet as he helped the two kids down, and Dan followed suit after as they stood behind Leo, as they observed the armed crowd in front of them.

"Leo! It's been over a month! I thought you aren't coming back to visit!" John strode over gave Leo a bro hug.

"Oh my, who is this little cutie here?" Lhea happily as she hugged Ada tightly into her embrace, and the poor little kid seems to be a little uncomfortable with the sudden physical contact.

"I'm A-ada big sis" Ada said with a bit of difficulty from getting her face squished by those two soft mountains.

"So cute, how about becoming my little sister?" even though her face is not that really clean, Lhea didn't even hesitate to kiss Ada's cheek.

Leo just shook his head, as he didn't expect that Lhea has this side of her, and on the other hand, Dan just looked at the scene in front of him with the edge of his mouth twitching.

A couple of hours later.

"Y-you're inviting us to join you? W-wait, you really have your own base of operations up north?" John stummered as he didn't expect Leo to suddenly become a leader of a huge survivor group, that even has soldiers of the former country within his camp.

Lhea and Lesley was also shocked by the sudden revelation. After all, for him to be able to erect a large survivor camp within a month is a shocking matter, mostly because rescuing and managing the rowdy survivors is not an easy thing to do, especially those soldiers who joined him, and for the man in front of them to do that in a month is already amazing for him.

"If you guys join, you guys would still be the one managing this camp, but you're military rank would start from Private like the rest were, and just so you guys know, I would also offer the same to Martha and Kurt when I go head over to their place"

"Does that mean everyone would join the army?" Lesley, who had been silent up until now finally opened her mouth.

"Yes and no, everyone would need to join the army except for the disabled, the children, and the women who does not want to, instead they would work around the camp just like the other women back at Sanchez Outpost"

"So what do you guys think?" Leo tapped his fingers on the table, as he sat opposite in front of John, Lhea and Lesley.

John and the others looked at each other for a moment, then John turned back to Leo and said, "Would it be okay if we think more about your offer?"

"Sure, take your time, in the meanwhile. I'll go see Martha and Kurt for now" Leo said as he stood up and left the room, while heard the soft murmurings behind him.


Leo exited the building, as Dan and the kids are already waiting for him outside.

"So how did it go?" Dan asked, as Leo already told them before the purpose of his visit here while they were still on the road.

"I guess it went fine" Leo just smiled at him, then turned towards Ada and Jason, "Come on, let's go see the other camp at the city outskirts"

"Yey! Finally! I was already getting bored here, the kids here won't even play with us" Ada said, a bit sad.

Leo then led them towards the direction of the camp where Martha and Kurt are.


Back at the small room.

"What do you guys think about his offer?" John turned towards his two wives.

"I think we should just agree with it, after all, we're already running out of supplies" Lhea immediately replied to him.

"I agree with her, our supplies wouldn't last as a month" Lesley seconded.

John just sighed and leaned on his chair and said, "I was also thinking about the same thing, as we don't have any place to loot for additional supplies anymore, or else I wouldn't even thinking about accepting his offer"

"It's tough living in the post apocalyptic world"

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