Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 216: It's Just The Beginning

"Holy mother of god! What a freaking plot twist!"

Leo yelled as he ran towards the exit of the underground metro station after he destroyed the statue he found at the end of the hole earlier.

'Shit!' he cursed inside, as he doesn't know what to think anymore, especially when he remembered that he had talked with the woman who identified herself as someone of the Gaia Race. Well, he assumed she's from the Gaia Race even though he could only see a shadowy silhouette of her face, and he even assumed that she was a goddess of earth, who clearly is just someone who had godly powers from a certain perspective of an ordinary person.

"I should go back and rethink my plans from now on" Leo said helplessly, and then he circled around the scattered zombie horde and made his way back towards the nearby stronghold of humans inside the city.

On the way, countless thoughts are going through his mind, but what really worries him is the matter that he had just discovered, as he really doesn't know who to believe anymore, and if the [System] is even worth his trust now, and the only good thing that came out of it is that he could still use the functions of the [System], but it doesn't respond to his queries anymore, like it was suddenly snuffed out of its life.

Leo checked his mini map and saw that the zombie horde that has been surrounding the White House are slowly being picked off one by one by the soldiers, as they slowly disappeared on his map.

Worried, Leo called his mother back in Europe, "Mom, any important news over there?"

A few seconds later, his mother replied, "Nothing much, It's the same everyday, killing zombies, looking for supplies, you know what I mean. Why are you asking? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, ju..just checking up on you guys" Leo smiled to himself, and it's not like he could just tell her that the world is on the verge of being invaded by an alien race, and he would surely sound as a lunatic to his mother if he suddenly tells her that.

"Okay, take care of yourself over there, okay? Make sure to come back soon, your two girlfriends misses you already. Make sure to give them a call later, alright?" she said through the intercom, and Leo could hear the worry in her voice.

"Yeah, I will. Bye" 

"Take care!"

Leo then ended the call, and sighed with a bit of relief that nothing big is going on back home. After all, if something is happening over there just after he had discovered the "thing" from earlier, then that would be really bad news to him, because not only would he be forced to purchase a Portal Stone, his plans before would also become useless, as they would be going to war much earlier than expected, especially that the Stronghold hiding in the middle of the forest and Hope 101, are the only two walled encampment that has a solid defense among the other bases that he had established.

And if a war happens between the living and the dead, and maybe they would even face a horde of mutated beasts, then all of his hard work during the past few months would immediately go up in smoke, and their chances of resisting the invasion in the future would be become as dim as the stars today!

And he can't really afford for something like that to happen right now, that's why he was so relieved that nothing's happening over there on the other side of the world.

Leo then made a short stop on the seventh floor of an abandoned ten story building. He opened his [Inventory] space, and took out two large rectangular wooden cargo boxes, and inside of them are exactly one hundred AK-47, while the other box is full of ammunition.

This is one of his purpose of coming here and answering their SOS signal, and it was to sell them this weapons and take as much gold as he could get from them, even better if he could get all of their stored gold bars that's quietly sitting under the White House.

"I'll make sure to rip off these guys" he chuckled to himself.

"But I wouldn't really call it a rip off for them though, as gold bars are totally useless now, and I'm probably the only one who has uses for it in the entire world"

Leo then left the building as he jumped off from the floor he's at and landed safely on the ground before continuing his way over towards the White House.

What he didn't know was there was a pair of eyes watching him, before disappearing into nothingness.

'Hmm? What was that?' Leo thought as he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned his head around at every direction as he felt something really weird just a few seconds ago.

'It felt like a beast was just watching me. Hmm..maybe it's just my imagination with how many problems I have right now that needs some thorough fixing, especially of how big the thing I just discovered today'

Then he just decided to shrugged off the matter and continued on his way.


The last of the zombies has finally been killed while the rest are already too far away from the wall for them to still chase after them.

""WE WON! OUUHH!!!""


The survivors raised their weapons in the air, and uttered a long cry of victory over the undead! Some of them were crying, hugging each other, and jumping around in joy, as they truly felt that being alive is great!

Some of them had finally realized that the human race has truly been dethroned as the so called "ruler of the planet", they realized how truly weak they are in the face of hundreds of thousands of undead even though they could also undergo a mutation, and become even stronger than an Ox.

Humans are like lions, but the zombies are like a colony of mega ants that would jump at you at the same time and devour you altogether without giving you the chance to even resist.

"Mr. President, we did it!" an old general smiled on top of the wall, as he turned his head towards the hulking man beside him who stands over two meters, some parts of his body like his arms and legs are covered in black fur, and on his chest is a crossed shaped fur, and he also has a couple of bear ears on the top of his head, while covered in injuries and bruises when he fought off the mutated zombies who tried to break in inside the encampment through his side earlier.

It was the President who transformed into a demi-human, with the DNA of a black bear flowing through his veins.

"En, it was also thanks to our friend Leo for taking out a chunk of the zombie horde earlier, or else they would have already broken through inside, and killed our loved ones" McKinley smiled, while his body slowly returned to normal, as he once again returned and became a middle aged man who is half naked.

McKinley smiled at the soldiers and survivors alike who are celebrating below, and he slowly raised one his hand in the air, while his blood is pumping in excitement!


His voice boomed throughout the battlefield, and soldiers who were celebrating stopped and looked towards where the voice came from, and when they saw that it was their president the one behind it, they quickly followed suit, and this time, their warcry have become louder than the first one, and that Leo who is still on the road could even hear them.

When he heard their cry of joy from where he is, Leo quickly enlarged his mini map, and saw that the throng of zombies that had been surrounding the place earlier are finally gone, signalling that the war between the living and the dead are finally over..for now.

But Leo on the other hand wasn't even the least bit happy about it, as he knew that their hardships have truly just started now.

The current humans are so weak right now, that they would immediately disappear in the face of the planet like a puff of smoke if they even just make a small mistake.

A couple of minutes later, Leo finally arrived at his destination.

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