Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 220: An Island

"Sir, asking for permission to go down"

The soldiers who had accompanied Alex earlier asked through their intercom.

[Permission Granted]

When they heard the reply coming from their intercom, the two soldiers smiled at each other with a nod as the Pelican slightly lowered its altitude as the hatch behind it opened up and the two soldiers quickly jumped down without hesitation as they weren't afraid because of the EXO-skeleton suit that they are wearing.

Boom! Boom!

The two soldiers landed with loud thud on top of a zombie, turning them into a ground paste as they protected the couple in between them with guns blazing.

"KORAAAAA! Die, you rotten bastards!"

The miniguns attached to their left arms blazed through the ranks of the zombie horde and created an invisible wall that the zombie can't pass through, and with the aerial support that the Pelican provided.

It became easier for the two soldiers to protect the couple which would have been impossible with just the two of them.

"Holy sh*t, did we have that kind of aircraft and soldiers like them before? Are we in a sci-fi movie or something?"

Even though Austin was heavily injured with that scary-looking claw injury on his chest. He still couldn't help but let out a yelp of amazement when he saw the scene before his eyes, and his girlfriend Anna was also the same, as she had only realized now that those weapons and aircraft are something they haven't seen or heard of before.

Even when the world was still at peace!

"Reloading! Cover me!"

A soldier yelled in a calm manner, and when that happened the Pelican flying above them quickly adjusted its position and allowed the soldier to reload his minigun.

The soldier opened an ammo box hanging on his waist and pulled out an ammunition belt and loaded it on his minigun.

"RC!" the soldier quickly yelled, which meant Reloading Complete for faster and easier articulation.

"Reloading! Cover me!"

Just as the soldier was done with his, his fellow soldier on the other side quickly yelled soon after.

The soldier on the right shot the Hunter class zombie that pounced at him and slashed it in half with the blade attached to the right of his EXO-skeleton.

"There's too many of them! We need to get out of here fast before we run out of bullets!"

The two soldiers quickly realize the predicament they are in because they might be able to stop the horde right now but the bad news is that they would soon run out of bullets, and their miniguns would overheat soon and would become unusable for the time being.

It wouldn't have been a problem though if Alex personally steps out but it would be useless if he does that as their soldiers don't have a lot of experience fighting with a horde of zombies.

So this is also considered training for them under his observation, and so far, he was satisfied with their performance as they showed valiance and the willingness to help even under an unfavorable situation.

[Provide cover for the Pelican to land]

Alex's voice sounded from their intercom, and soon after, the aircraft slowly prepared to land on the zombie-infested street under the rain shower of bullets.


The Pelican hovered over one meter from the ground which allowed the rotary gun to still operate, and soon, the hatch opened and Alex came out with an assault rifle in his hands and quickly gestured for the soldiers to quickly board the aircraft.

"Go, go, go!"

One soldier picked up the injured Austin, while the other picked up Anna as they hastily made a dash towards the Pelican.

And while that was happening, Alex provided cover fire for the two, with the rotary gun keeping the zombies on the other side in check.

Of course, there were also Hunter-class zombies who had jumped down on top of the aircraft but Alex just ignored it as those kinds of zombies don't have the capability to penetrate the aircraft's armor.

"Let's go!"

Alex slashed two Hunter Zombies in half before he turned around and entered the Pelican before it quickly flew up, and zoomed towards the distance as the zombies who tried to hang on dropped towards the ground, dead or incapacitated.


Leo, who was piloting the other Pelican discovered an inhabited island and landed there along with his two men who accompanied him.

Looking at the lush island before him, he turned towards one of his soldiers and said, "Give me a map"

"Yes sir"

The soldier quickly took out a map from somewhere on his waist and gave it to Leo as he went back to being a lookout in case of danger.

Leo rolled out the world map in his hands and looked towards the Hawaii islands.

'Was there an island this big here before?'

Leo thought because he'd travelled around the neighboring main island before while on a vacation, but he doesn't remember there being an island a few miles away from the mainland being here because the locals would have certainly mentioned a beautiful and lush island like this where it would have been suitable to build a resort.

"Are there also changes in the geography of the planet?"

Leo  was muttering to himself while his men had already started surveying their nearby surroundings.

They had already inspected the island through the air and made a mental calculation on how big the island could be, and by estimation, the island is as big as three to four football stadiums combined together.

This is the reason why it confused Leo because the island is this big and he should have been able to spot this island from the mainland when he came here for a vacation.

'It's like a mushroom that just popped out from nowhere, but I'm also not a native here so I'm not sure. I can only ask if we happen to rescue any locals here'


One of the soldiers hurried back towards him and saluted.

Leo turned his head away from the map and to the soldier, "What is it?"

"There doesn't seem to be any zombies around here, sir!"

"How so?"

"Because the fauna is really abundant on the island sir! We only discovered tracks from animals but not a single trace of their rotten tracks at all" answered the soldier, a little nervous.

Leo didn't immediately issue an order and thought for a bit.

'It would be a waste to leave this island be. It would a great place to build a base here without worrying any attacks from the zombies'

'I just need to build a couple of buildings and ask around if there are residents willing to migrate, but of course, I still need to check if this island wouldn't sink if the tide rises'

Leo already had the thought of building a base here when he discovered this place, and he became more determined when he saw that state of the land.

'But looking at the debris that was washed up here, it doesn't seem feasible that it would sink because the debris doesn't even reach halfway through the beach'

"Alright, go with the pilot and once again survey the land through the air. We need to make sure that there's really no zombies here, and also keep an eye if there are mutated monsters or if there are survivors who escaped here" ordered Leo.

"Yes sir!"

The soldier saluted and quickly brought the pilot who was resting with him, and the Pelican once again took off.

"I'll leave looking for usable battleships to Alex for the time being"

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