"H-how did you guys get here? Did you all kill all the zombies on the way here?"

With a backpack strapped on her back, Min couldn't help but ask Alex while they were going down the stairs with the other children behind them who had also packed their own belongings in their own backpacks.

Alex looked at her and replied with that same dry expression that rarely change, "The zombies are too slow to catch us"

"Impossible, those speed type zombies are almost as fast as olympic athletes, not the mention that there's also those zombies that shoots out those disgusting tentacle from their mouths, and let's not forget that zombie that has too much muscle in one part of his body that looks like an oversized football player who taken too much steroids"

Min couldn't quite believe that Alex and his group could have bypassed those monsters she had mentioned.

After all, they were living a really hard life not because of the zombies surrounding them, but those mutant zombies that can move faster than those slow moving zombies that can only be considered a threat when they are moving in groups, and easy to kill if there are only one or three of them.

She could understand if there's only those ordinary zombies, but it's those mutant zombies that they are talking about!

Arriving on the streets.

"We ran kid, and we killed any mutant zombie that we met on our way here"

One of the two soldiers who are keeping a look out below the building they were at happened to hear the conversation between the girl and their commander as they were coming down and couldn't help but answer in the latter's stead.

"Wow, amazing!"

"Then you guys are strong!"


The kids' eyes shone when they heard what Soldier One said and couldn't help but let out a voice of amazement, while Min on the other hand was dumbfounded as she knew full well how scary those mutated zombies are.

"How di-"


Alex's hand suddenly flashed and the sound of a gun rang out, followed by the sound of something heavy dropping on the ground, which interrupted Min when she was about to say something, but now, she can only stare dumbfoundedly at Hunter Zombie lying on its pool of dirty black blood on the road with a hole in its head.

Even the kids that were in the middle of the group widened their eyes at the sight. They were already numb to the killings but even they couldn't help but feel amazed with what just happened.

Because everything happened too fast!

They didn't even see when Alex had drawn his gun!

"Oh my~ god! There wasn't a gun earlier, then there's already a gun a second later in his hand!" Merlin was mind blown!

After all, he had been watching Alex since earlier and had never taken his eyes off of him, but even he didn't manage to follow Alex's insanely fast quick draw!

In fact, Leo would have also been shocked if he had witnessed the scene as even he, who already surpassed the limits of being a human, couldn't do that.

"So cool!"

Even Art who had always been cool headed among their group couldn't help but once again start acting like a child of his age as he gazed at Alex with shining eyes.

And the rest of the  kids started getting rowdy because of what happened and that they seemed to suddenly forget where they were, and when Min tried to stop them because she was afraid of what would happen if they attracted the attention of a lot of zombies.

"It's fine"

Alex quickly cuts her off even before she can say anything, like he already knew what she was worried about.


"Don't you see these two, they can take care of any zombie by themselves"

Alex once again cut her off and pointed towards the two soldiers who were keeping an eye on their rear and at the side with his thumb.



"Motherf*cker, scared the shit out of me!"

Two zombies suddenly fell down from above them and towards Soldier One, and the latter quickly skewered the two zombies like barbecue with his blade and riddled their heads with bullets while cursing at them.

Then Min saw Alex mouthing the words to her as silently as possible.

"I told you"

'Did we actually follow a bunch of madmen?'

The edge of Min's eye twitched when she saw his actions and couldn't help but have those thoughts, especially when looking at the two armed men laughing as they killed the zombies that were attracted to their group.

"So where are we going now?" asked Min out of curiosity.

"Get a naval ship that's still operational. Have you kids seen one?"

Alex slashed a zombie into two while throwing a question back to Min.

The kids looked at each other when they heard what Alex said, and then Art gave Min a subtle nod.

"Well, there's one we know" said Min after hesitating for a couple of seconds.

"Where?" Soldier Two who was walking beside the kids was the first to open his mouth.

"Over there"

The group had already walked into an open area and where they could see the sea, and they saw a lone ship way out of the harbor and floating amidst the wreckage of many ships.

"How do you know?" Alex asked.

"Well, we would see that ship coming ashore every two weeks or so, and with soldiers...I think" answered Min, but she wasn't sure if the people they had seen occupying the ship before were soldiers or civilians, or maybe a mixed of the two.

"You guys never asked for help from them?" Alex asked while looking at the ship in the distance.

"No, we have some bad memories with soldiers," Min said with a hollow laugh.

"She's right, not all soldiers are good, some of them are incredibly selfish" Art couldn't help but add his thoughts into the conversation.

"Well, not all of them are not bad, but a lot of them are certainly not worthy of their uniforms," Merlin said while nodding in agreement to what he said.

"I see, let's head there then after dropping you kids off" Alex said after hearing their thoughts, he didn't bother to ask what they had experienced as it wasn't that really important to him.

"Dropping us where?" Min quickly walked beside Alex and asked, a little bit worried.

After all, the safest place right now is probably beside this group of armed "crazy" people.

"At the ship, you guys will be safe there. Let's go" Alex said as he took the lead.

"Is he talking about that flying aircraft that we saw?" Art mumbled.

And Merlin, who happened to hear him, said, "Could be, and I just realized this now, but doesn't it remind you of something familiar?"


"Dummy, you know, Halo Pelican or the Avengers Quinjet?" Merlin leaned towards him and whispered.

Art's eyes widened and turned his head towards Merlin, "Right, it certainly looks like those. How could I not notice such obvious details?"

"Tsk, stop talking like that, like you are some smarty pants or something" Merlin clicked his tongue when he heard how Art started talking he was some kind of a genius.

Art sent a condescending look to Merlin and said, "But I am that some smarty pants, unlike someone"


"What? Are you indirectly telling me that I'm dumb?"

"Huh!? Did you hear me say that? You stupid!"

The two kids bumped their heads together and shot a glare to each other.

"Enough, mind where we are. We're not safe yet"

Min quickly walked back to the group and broke the two up and by pulling their ears.

"Ow, ow, ow! S-stop!"

"Y-you're gonna tear it off!"

'I really can't understand these two kids. Sometimes they'd act too mature for their age, then reverts to being kids again'

Soldier One let out a silent laugh when he saw them, but at the same time, he was also glad.

'I'm glad that they had managed to survive this long. I'm already wondering how they'd fare if we didn't stop by here, poor kids. They should have been enjoying their childhood days instead of being embroiled in this chaos'

This place might not have a lot of zombies like from other places, but at the same time, its resources are also limited as the places like malls where there's a lot of food stored are now considered too far from here in regards to safety.

So the kids would certainly not survive that long if no rescue comes for them.

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