Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 228: Bloody Hell! It's a GT!


The sound of the blade slicing a flesh, followed by the sound of blood spraying sounded, then the sound of a heavy object falling on the ground.

"That's a big as* cat if you ask me"

Soldier One looked at the beheaded mutated cat whose size is almost comparable to that of a small car, like a Prius.

Then he looked at Alex who was cleaning the leftover blood on his blade and said, "Are we bringing the carcass with us sir?"

Alex looked at the sun that's already setting and replied, "Uhmm, put it on the back of the truck. The meat of a mutated animals would be a good nourishment for the kids"

The two people who heard what Alex said couldn' help but twiched their mouths subconsciously and thought to themselves.

'Those kids are certainly lucky that it was us who found them. I wonder if the commander would keep looking after them when we go back. If he does, then they'd just won the lottery of doomsday'

'Dang! Those kids sure are lucky that we just happen to stumble upon a mutated beast. I wonder why this one came down from the mountains or probably forests if there is one nearby'

Animals that mutated, now either called mutated animals or mutated beasts.

A few days after the apocalyptic event, animals in the wild or the beloved pets of humans started showing signs of mutation.

These animals who are already above in terms of physical capabilities compared to humans started changing.

They became bigger, nimbler, and stronger. Some parts of their appearances had undergone a change, some grew horns, additional tails or even a pair of wings.

But of course, their numbers are few or they would have already dominated the world by now like they did millions of years ago, and even a horde of zombies wouldn't be able to stop them, even if its an army of mutated zombies.

After all, Leo had already determined that animals are immune to the zombie virus that was spread through the air from unknown sources and infected every human on the planet.

Fortunately, the virus is dormant while the carrier is still alive, but the prerequisite is that they do not die or get bitten from a zombie or they would have no choice but to join the army of the dead.

Soldier One and Two started deboning the cat's carcass on the spot white Alex entered the dimly lit shopping center thanks to the sun still shining above them.

Then suddenly, Alex's pair of eyes softly lit up with a flash before disappearing like a light bulb that's slowly losing its light.

Alex started walking forward with his blade and pistol in hand.

And inside, he saw a couple of corpses, from humans to animals, and shelves that are lying on the ground, various debris, bullet shells, and many more.

But most of all, there are still shelves filled with various types of canned food.

"Hmm, there are still remaining zombies upstairs"

Alex mumbled to himself while looking up, then he looked back and saw that his two men outside were still busy.



He suddenly bent his knees and the floor beneath his feet cave in from the pressure before his body suddenly shot upwards and arrived at the second floor of the building like he was flying!

Alex walked forward and stabbed his sword through a zombie's head before swiping to the side, splashing brain matter and black blood as the zombie fell down on the floor.

The second floor was so dark that no one would be able to walk around without stumbling into something without a torchlight because the places that only have sunlight coming from are those destroyed holes on the ceiling that looked like it was caused by something big and mean.

But to Alex, it wasn't a problem as he pretty much has night vision because of his physique as a cyborg.

Alex saw a bulletin board beside the glass railings and walked over.

And on the bulletin board, there is a map of the whole shopping center on it.

Alex studied the board for a minute and took note of every nook and cranny of the place through the map, and he turned around soon after and walked towards the direction of where the reflection of the sunlight can't reach anymore.

His surroundings are so quiet that the only sound that can be heard are either his footsteps rapping against the floor while occasionally stepping on broken debris like shattered glasses and wood or the creepy moans of the zombies around the building.


Alex saw a zombie walking out from a small store in front of him, and hearing the sound that Alex is causing while walking through the messy floor.

The zombie turned its head towards his direction and started moving towards him with its arms outstretched in front..


The zombie was limping, impairing its movement that Alex just stepped to the side as the zombie lunged towards him, but because Alex dodged to the side. The zombie actually fell comically on the floor, and if Alex was a normal human, then he would have at least snorted in laughter seeing the scene before his eyes.

"Hmmm...this zombie is weird"

Alex couldn't help but utter those words seeing the zombie before his eyes sprawled along the floor, and is having a hard time getting up even with all of its limbs still intact.

So he just shook his head and walked forward and thrust his sword through the zombie's head and gave it peace.

"I wonder what the boss is doing right now"

Alex mumbled to himself as he whipped his sword to the side to get rid of the mess on the blade, and after that, he walked deeper towards the darkness with his footsteps echoing through the dark hallway of the shopping center.


"I wonder if the marine creatures have started mutating too?"

Leo mumbled to himself while casting his lure into the distance.


The lure landed on the water and Leo slowly retrieved it like an experienced fisherman.

Then Leo quickly felt a hard tug on his fishing rod after a couple of seconds, and he quickly pulled the rod towards him for the hook set as the line went taut immediately.

"Okay! I wonder what fish this is? It's been a while since I've done some fishing"

Leo couldn't help but feel excited as he slowly but surely reeled in the fish towards the shore while the soldier that was left behind on the island with him is busy starting a fire.

The two of them are currently taking a long break to prepare for dinner as it would still be a few days for their reinforcement to arrive, and make the work on the island easier.

And so the two of them could only rely on the food on the island or the surrounding seawater around them.

Of course, Leo could always take out his stock of food from his [Inventory], but he would only do so when they really have no options anymore, and at the same time, he doesn't want other people finding out about his strange ability as people would certainly look at him more differently than ever!

And even with his extraordinary physique, Leo couldn't help but admit at how hard it is to live without modern day machines assisting them.

"Bloody Hell! It's a big GT!"

When Leo saw the appearance of the fish and how big it is, he couldn't help but let out a shout of surprise and quickly jumped down from the rock he's standing on and quickly walked over towards the fish, and pulled the line and quickly walked back to the beach with the fish skidding on the sandy beach.

Leo turned around and raised both of his hands up and yelled towards his mate.

"Anthony! We got dinner man! Woo!"

During the few hours, they had been together.

The boss and subordinate couldn't help but start getting closer as after all, it's only the two of them on the island, and who else would they talk to but each other.

"Hurry over, and quickly prepare it. I'm gonna continue fishing as I'm pretty sure that this big boy has companions with him"

"Yes sir. Leave it to me"

Leo gave a tap on one of Anthony's shoulders before he hurried back to where he was standing from earlier while Anthony quickly carried the fish that's around two to three kilograms and walked to shallower waters and started cleaning it up.

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