Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 234: New Island

" we're just gonna ignore them?"

Min quickly caught up to Lin who was descending the stairs along with her.

"Yeah, the commander only told me to take a look, but never gave the order to open the gates for them"

Lin didn't stop as he answered her question. Call him cold, but he doesn't really care about people that have no relations with him.

"So, we're just gonna leave them?"

"Yeah, but don't worry, We'll make sure to open the gates before we leave"

Lin stopped at the foot of the stairs and turned his head towards her as he knew that this kid might be feeling a bit guilty about leaving those people outside, which made him appreciate her more.

"Let us in! God dammit!"

"Open the damn gates or we'll open fire!"

"Selfish bastards!"

The people outside continued yelling, some of them even started throwing stones out of anger!

Unfortunately for them, the stones can't really reach where Alex and the rest are, and they also didn't dare to shoot at them.

The people inside just ignored the stones being thrown towards them and instead quickened their pace so they could leave this place as soon as possible.

"Dammit! Are we just gonna wait here to die!? If that horde really makes their way over here, we'll be dead!"

"To think that f*cking b*tch of a kid Min had actually managed to get acquainted with them, just thinking about it is making my blood boil!"

"Dammit! Dammit all!"

"You should've treated those kids better!"

"You're one to talk! You're the one who always wanted to capture them so we can order them around!"

"Shut it, all of you! This is not the time and place to keep talking sh*t to each other! We need to think how we can get inside the military compound or another option so we don't stumble on the path of the incoming horde"

"How would we even know that!? We don't even know if they are really heading this way or not! All of us just escaped in panic the moment we spotted the horde! Dammit, just why is there a horde here of all places!?"

Carl who is leaning behind the gate couldn't help but smirk to himself while eavesdropping on the argument happening on the other side.

'Wow, these people are really selfish, aren't they? Are they the people Min told us about who had always wanted to capture them?'

The three survivor groups with people from varied ages kept arguing to each other, shifting the blame to one another then another, and this kind of behaviour made Carl come to a conclusion that there's no leader figure among them.

'I wonder how they had survived all this time with that kind of attitude. I pity those kids who are with them. Sadly, the commander doesn't seem to really care about them at all. Well, they probably would just become another troublesome group of people if they ever live at the base, so I think it's best that they just stay here and live however they want'

After having those thoughts inside his mind, Carl just shook his head and walked back to where the others are already waiting for him.

'Anyway, the horde is probably coming after us as Min and even those people don't have any clue that there's actually a horde hidden in this city. Well, we were too high profile when we arrived at this place and it probably want to kill us as it might have felt threatened or some sorts'

"Start boarding!"

Alex looked at the people before his eyes and ordered.

"Yahoo! Finally!"

Merlin, who's been getting impatient for a long time yelled in excitement as he rushed inside the PELICAN, followed by the other kids who are also pretty much excited and already looking forward to their new future!

"Kids will still be kids"

Austin suddenly walked over and stood beside Alex and smiled while looking at the kids who were very excited and kept fidgeting on their seats.

Alex slowly turned his head towards him and stared, "Get your as*s on board, soldier!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

He didn't know what suddenly happened to him, but Austin quickly stood ramrod and saluted to Alex before he hurriedly boarded the aircraft, and when he realized what happened and saw the kids and the others snickering at him, he couldn't help but get flushed red in embarrassment, and hurriedly sat beside Anna, making the latter smile helplessly at her fiance.

"Sir, everything and everyone is already on board"

Carl stood before Alex and gave a short report.

"Good, let's go!"

Alex nodded his head, then he slowly turned around and made his way inside the aircraft with Carl following behind him as the hatch slowly closed behind them.


The aircraft slowly lifted off from the ground and hovered for a couple of seconds in the air before flying forward towards the horizon!

"Bastards! They really left us!"

The people that got left behind started cursing in anger when they saw the PELICAN flying away as they felt a burning anger in their chest!


"Selfish motherf*ckers!"

One of them even threw a bottle on the ground of anger, while the kids who were with them finally felt the danger slowly creeping upon them which them more scared, especially seeing the adults who are just angry, but at the same time, panicking as they seem to started losing their minds, especially when they saw the silhouette of the horde in the distance!

"Oh my god! They're almost here!"

Seeing the horde of black mass a couple of miles away from them, all of them quickly scrambled towards their vehicles in panic, some even tripped themselves out of fear, which is so unlike someone who had been surviving till now against the dangers posed by zombies and mutated beasts.


Up in the air, the PELICAN is cruising through the greyish black sky, and with only a little bit of sunlight left for the creatures on this side of the world.

"Sir, where are we going?" asked Dirk to Alex, who is sitting alongside him at the other pilot seat.

"Head back to the island"

Alex answered before closing his eyes with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yes sir, plotting course to New Island"

Dirk then started pressing buttons on the cockpit, and the aircraft soon increased its speed.

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