"The women and kids will sleep in the other cabin, while the rest of the men will sleep on blankets outside"

After a short dinner where the kids and the others enjoyed their first delicious barbeque from the meat of the mutated beast that Alex and the others had brought.

Leo had already delegated that the women and children will sleep in one of the two vacant cabins, who also happens to be his. While the rest of the men will sleep on the flat ground in blankets outside, with the warmth of the fire to keep them warm.

Then he looked at their dirty and uncomfortable faces, and laughed, "There's a drum of freshwater at the back of my cabin. Clean your faces and arms before going to bed, you can only have a proper bath when the rest of the crew arrives here. So bear with it until tomorrow and take a bath at the sea if you want, or hope that it rains tomorrow"

"But remember, you can only use two scoops of water and no more than that. If you disobey my instructions and the rules implemented here, then prepare yourself to get kicked out the next day"

His instructions were followed by a strict warning, which made the new arrivals nervous as they gulped their saliva down their throats.

Lin and the other two soldiers just smiled at the scene, because they were more scared of Alex than Leo as the former is especially stricter and harder to approach than the latter, who is more amiable and understanding sometimes.

After that, the kids and women washed up while the men prepared their blankets to go to sleep.

Meanwhile at Manchester.

The view of a walled city slowly came into the view of the crew who were assigned to return back and send the news that they needed people at the island base on the other side of the globe.

"We're back boys!"

As the PELICAN slowly came into view, the survivors living inside the base also spotted it and started pointing at it, especially the kids who were kind of really excited as they gazed at it with glowing eyes.

The PELICAN flew over people who were busy making abatis, or people who were improving the defenses of the wall as they flew across the survivor base before landing at a spacious yard in front of a school turned into a military barrack.


As the aircraft slowly landed, a few people wearing combat uniforms slowly made their way over, while soldiers in training just glanced at it from the corner of their eyes and continued with their training.

After that, two soldiers walked down from the hatch, where the pilot soon followed after.


The three gave a salute towards the middle aged man standing in front of the small group of soldiers behind him..

Caleb gave a short salute and said, "Where's the Boss and the commander? Did something happen?"

He asked as the base has a hard time establishing communications that can reach all the way to the other side of the globe. As unfortunately, internet communication had long gone down over two months ago so he didn't know and was worried that a mishap might have happened in Washington.

The pilot, who had the highest rank among the three of them gave a short report about what happened after their mission at Washington, and recent events that happened after that.

"An unknown island that just appeared from out of nowhere and now under our jurisdiction? How did you guys know that it's an unknown island...Lt. Howard?" asked Caleb after a short contemplation after hearing his report.

Lt. Howard took a moment before answering, "The information came directly from the boss, sir!"

Caleb gave a nod, and didn't question him anymore as he just waved his hand while saying, "Alright, I'll arrange for someone to prepare for the things that the boss asked. You guys go and have a rest as you'll be deployed once again the next day"


Soon after that, Caleb ordered his men to attend to Leo's orders, and he also didn't forget to order someone to personally head to Dawn Village and inform Leo's family of his current circumstances.


"So that kid is not coming back yet? He should just focus his expansions and improving his camps here rather than going all the way to the other side of the globe"

Rachel couldn't help but grumble after hearing the report from the soldier.

While Amanda and Michelle who are present just smiled to themselves in understanding, as they knew that they are living a good life even now because of what Leo is doing.



The horde of zombies gathered at the edge of the bay and started roaring towards the sea under the mantle of the night.

All of them looked frenzied like they were in a berserk state.

Some of the mutated zombies even tried to move forward, but when a small wave of saltwater hit their legs, they quickly reeled back in pain and anger as the sound similar to a flesh getting burned sounded softly!



"They are really persistent"

The young man on the naval ship mumbled to himself as he looked towards the darkness through the window of their ship.

And even though he really can't see anything except for the darkness outside, he already knows that there's literally thousands of zombies roaring towards them from the bay.

After all, this kind of scene always happens every other night.

"Fortunately, they can't swim or this world would be rid of humans by now"

Just thinking about how humans fell from the top of the food chain made the young man sighed with nostalgia as he remembered the days where his only worries were his work and his family that he left behind due to his duty he had sworn in.

And now, he doesn't even know if his wife and son are still alive out there. Where he can only turtle here, which made him really powerless, and made him realize how fragile humans truly are.

"Humans are like the blocks of Jenga, just one mistake will make our world and dreams crumble...just like now"

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