Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 36: Man And Beast

In a building's massive hallway was a group of people being escorted by multiple men dressed in variety of colors from someone wearing a uniform in red, dress in a formal military dress and someone in a black suit "Go, go, go! Colonel, you're now in charge. Get the royal family out of here and escort them to safety! I'll hold this monster off so that you guys have more ample time to escape from this place" a katana wielding blonde haired man in a suit, around forty years old yelled at the group behind him as he stood in front of a of rabid looking dog with saliva mixed with blood dripping from its mouth, it was over a meter in height and length. Just based on its racial traits it looks like a mutated Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and if Leo was here he would be surprised and overjoyed to find out that this monster is actually level 10.

"But Commander-"

"Colonel, this is an order! Go!"

One of the men wanted to convince him to just escape with them but the man called Commander, snapped at him angrily.

The man gritted his teeth as he hurriedly followed the group who already went ahead of them.

"Now, it's just the two of us, Isabelle" the man said as he did a sideway stance with his katana handle being at an eye level with the blade tip pointed towards the front.

Grrrr~~ Rawr~~!

The rapid gave a roar as it leapt at the man with its menacing fangs that can't wait to plunge their way inside a human flesh.

Commander immediately dodged backwards and the moment that the monster landed on the ground, he dashed forward as he executed a sideway slash towards its neck, wanting to end it quickly.

Unfortunately, the monster managed to blocked his strike using its mouth by locking the blade between its surprisingly sturdy mouth as it didn't even bleed.

The man tried to pry it back but failed to and instead did something stupid as he let go of his weapon and jumped twice backwards and did a stance from some kind of martial arts.

"Come on beast!" the man tried to provoke it as he gestured towards it using his hands.

The monster seemingly gotten angry from being provoked toss the katana at the side with the man's eyes glancing at where the katana landed.


The monster sprinted and leapt towards him with its mouth and claws ready to devourer him. The man unexpectedly stumbled and landed on his back but it seems he did it on purposed as he raised both his legs aiming for the beast's abdomen.

His pair of legs successfully made contact with the beast body and the man put a lot of force on his legs and tossed the monster as hard as possible behind him.

The man hurriedly got up and sprinted towards where his weapon was tossed at with the monster already tailing near him. The man leapt towards the weapon as he gripped its handle and performed a barrel roll, sending a horizontal slash after.

A splash of blood appeared as he finally injured it on its chest.


The monster yelped in pain as looked of pure rage and hatred was directed at he man called Commander.

"I'll you kill you today bitch to avenge my men who died because of you!" the man roared with rage as he charged at the monster, as he sent slash after slash towards it.

Both monster and man started trading blows after blows, resulting their bodies covered in scratches, bite wounds and sword slashes as both monster and man being covered by their own blood.

Huff~ Huff~

The man panted hard as he use his jagged katana to support his body from falling over and the monster also panted as it started limping with its own blood dripping on the ground.

The man struggled to stand up and forced his tired arms to wield his katana as he went to the stance he did earlier before the battle started.

"This is my last hurrah, it's either you or me that will die this time!"the man bellowed.


The monster seemingly understanding what he said roared as it forced itself into a crouching position, ready to strike.

A stand of between a man and beast occurred, with the man burning with a lot of fighting spirit and it seems like a wind is moving around him as his long blonde hair is like swimming along the wind and at the other side, the mutated dog beast was releasing a disturbing malicious aura.

"Long Live Her Majesty!" the man cried out a battle cry as he dashed towards the monster.


Both man and beast charged at each other ushering their own battle cry.

The man sent a horizontal strike towards the bloodied monster in front, pouncing at him in mid air. His strike was so fast that only a flash of light was seen as both opponents passed by each other in an instant.

The man stopped at the other side crouching while still maintaining his striking stance earlier while on the other side, the mutated beast dropped on the floor on all fours.

Both of them maintained that position for a few moments before the man called commander coughed a mouthful of blood and a long gash of a claw mark can seen on him starting from his left shoulder to his side chest.

While beast's head rolled off to the ground, it was clearly beheaded by the sword strike from the man earlier, the cut on its neck was so clean that it clearly showed how the katana is still so sharp even from suffering jagged edges.

"Hoo~" the man released a huge breath of air as he forced himself to stand up and moved towards the wall limping. He rested his back at the wall before sliding downwards with a visible trail of blood on the wall.

The man smiled and muttered something under his breath before he closed his eyes. If one were to looked at him, they would think that he's dead but if someone gets close enough to him, they would noticed that he's still breathing and he just fell asleep even under heavy injuries that could kill him anytime.

A few seconds later, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed within this now silent hallway and it looks like someone is carrying something heavy to produced that kind of heavy thumping sound. Slowly, the footsteps got closer and closer to the sleeping man as a towering shadow covered the sleeping man.

The new arrival said "Interesting, truly interesting. For someone to actually exist to be able to fight a monster of that caliber head on and still prevail in the end, with the most surprising thing is that you're still alive and sleeping soundly even with your severe injuries"

"Hmm..should I help with his injuries? A man of his skills would be a great addition to the group. I'll help him with his injuries for now or he'll die sooner or later. I'll ask him to join me when he wakes up and if he doesn't agree, then I'll beat him so bad that he would eventually submit to me, kukuku" the person then took something, it was a small bottle with a green liquid inside. The man opened it and poured its content over the man's injuries. Surprisingly, the injuries started to mend themselves in just a few seconds, resulting in a new but scarred skin.

"Hmm? So it would leave a scar, huh" the man said before he looked around and spotted a chair, took it and sat opposite of the man called, Commander.

"He's probably someone important in the palace so I'll wait for him to wake up then convince him to join me and after that I'll plunder all of the treasures here!' the laughed in joy, just thinking of those treasures that he would get.

An hour earlier...

An unknown looking vehicle is making its way towards London, sitting inside was Leo driving the vehicle while Alex operated the turret on it, killing anything that gets on their way.

Two days had already passed since Leo rescued Isaac and the others, he gave everyone of them their own task to do inside the camp.

At that time, Leo didn't immediately upgraded the Stronghold as he wanted to gather more resources outside, so that after that he could focus more on supervising the place and not go outside every time to do things.

So Leo left the camp again and again handed the matters of the camp to his parents while he's away.

Leo's objective this time was,

Plunder all of the Royal Family's treasures.

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