Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 4: Quest Complete!

"Oh yeah!" Leo yelled in joy while he made a couple of jabs on the air out of excitement.

[Please name your Village]

"Right..uhmm please name it Dawn. The Village of Dawn, a nice name for new beginnings"

[Village Named Successfully]

[Village Overview]

- Lvl. 1 Main Hall

- Lvl. 1 Guards Quarters

- Lvl. 1 Residence (2)

- Lvl. 1 Walls

- Lvl. 1 Gate

After the successful creation of the Village, an Overview of it appeared in front of him.

Leo started clicking on some of the names of the buildings on the hologram.

[Main Hall - is both the Lord's residence and administrative center of your territory. You can use the stone stele inside the hall if you want to add more buildings within your territory]

[Guards Quarters - resident house for assigned territory guards. +10% healing regeneration. Accommodates up to 15 people]

[Residence - offers shelter and accommodates up to 10 people. +3% healing regeneration]

"Though the quarters looks like small rooms glued together and the main hall looks like a huge cabin with that over a meter stone stele beside the seat of the territory lord and the residence is built like a.. it's a cabin and Wow, look at that wooden wall..its huge..maybe at least 15 meters in height. The gate even has spikes on it, maybe a foot long? That's scary. Damn, it's called a village but it looks like a bandit's den for me" Leo move around his territory as he checked every single building and grimaced when he saw the front of the Gate was filled with foot long spikes.

"That watch tower is really up high" Leo said as he climb one of the watchtowers connected to the wall. "Amazing, I could at least spot someone here within the radius of 1-2 kms.".

Within a birds eye view, the village is surrounded by a huge circular wall that's made of logs with 4 watchtowers, with the 2 residence and guards quarters at the west side and the hall sits in the middle with rest of the land vacant, outside of it are some dense trees here and there with a lot of vegetation and at least a 100 meters away from the east wall is a flowing river and a group of hills on the far north of the village.

"But this is a problem, what if someone accidentally stumbled upon here and see this? I'm sure that person would panic seeing these towering walls with even watchtowers on top of it and worst, maybe they would even call the cops. That would be troublesome if that happens" Leo said when he realized how eye catching this place would be if someone sees it.

[Host shouldn't worry as the place would be invisible to the naked eye not until the Apocalypse starts]

" That's a relief, wait.. what if during the Apocalypse, Can someone just get themselves in here?"

[No, unless you gave them permission or they manage to destroy a part of the wall which would be impossible for a long time]

"Wow, regarding the walls possibly getting destroyed. Doesn't that mean, this place is practically impregnable?"

[Host is correct]

"Kukuku, I just realized. I'll become OP within these walls and maybe semi.. OP outside? Well, there's still a high chance of getting killed if I'm not careful enough" Leo was laughing evilly when he realized all of this.

[Host, shouldn't forget that weapons made before 1960 is still usable and anything beyond that would malfunction or destroyed unless that weapon came from the System Store]

"Cheat!..But hey, doesn't that mean that it's still possible for someone to drop an atomic bomb here?"

[Yes, if they survive from the attacks of mutated flying beast on the way here]

"Of course! How stupid of me. The sky is far more dangerous than the ground as you don't have any places to hide if you're up there flying" Leo slapped his thigh as it dawned upon him.

"Alright, I should get going but before that. I should see how the stele works before leaving though" Leo muttered as he got down from the tower and made his way inside the the Main Hall.

"Okay, this is turning awkward for me. I already put my hands on the stele but nothing is happening system"

[Host should say "Lord's Mode"]

"Well, thank you...You should have told me sooner"


"Just great "Lord's Mode"

A hologram as big as computer screen appeared above the stele.

[Lord's Mode]

- Build

- Resource Sites

- Wall Durability 20,000/20,000

"That's it? So much for my excitement" Lei was disappointed with it.

[You currently haven't conquered/occupied any resource sites]

"Ohhh, I know how this works now. It's like those strategy games I played before. You system, might not know it but I always ranked number 1 when I played strategy games, even though you need to occupy real life resource sites here but the essence is still the same" Leo boast to the system when he realized how this Lord's Mode works.

"Well, let's see if there are any buildings I can build" Leo clicked the Build section.

[There are currently no available buildings to create]

"Ohh! Come on!" Leo yelled out of anger.

"System, why is there nothing here?"

[More available buildings will slowly appear as the level of your territory grows but it's still possible for the host to build things manually using manpower and not only rely on the system for it]

"Ohh, haha" Leo was immediately embarrassed about what the system said. "Dammit, it's only the first day but I'm already relying too much on the System" Leo scolded himself realizing that he had really been relying on the System too much and that he even forgot that he could get someone to build those buildings if he wants to.

Leo walked out from the Main Hall and started to walk towards the Gate but just a bit away from the Gate he gazed around his surroundings.

"This place will become my foothold, In this soon to be chaotic world" Leo said with a smile before making his way outside again but just as he stepped out of the Gate, A system notification appeared in front of him which reminded him that he just finished one of his main quest.

[Congratulations! You have completed the Main Quest: Build the based of your Stronghold.]

[You have gained the following Rewards]

[Ding! You have gained £30,000, 100 Defender Coins, 1 M110 SASS, 200 7.62mm NATO round, 1 PROTECTOR-Class Armor Suit and +2 Level]

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