Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 59: Dan and an Anomaly

The next day.

A convoy of seven armored vehicles drove out of the camp as they headed towards the rough road or forest trail that connects to the highway road. Luckily, the trees hindering in front of the camp was slowly cleaned but more like cut down by Zabu and the men who helped him with it and they created a dirt road connecting the camp from the forest trail.

A minibus, a pick-up truck, a small cargo truck and 4 different SUV cars. When they arrived at the highway, they split into two groups. The minibus and two SUV's headed towards the direction of Leeds while the small cargo truck and the rest headed towards the inner city of Manchester.

The two groups were led by Caleb and Alex. Caleb was followed by David, Tom and three brothers, Joe, Michael and Josh while Alex had Edward, James, Mark and Dylan leaving behind Isaac to oversee the men and women's training.


Back at the camp.

"Are you leaving again?" Amanda said staring at Leo while standing on the hatch door of the Pelican with Michelle, Aria and even Jacob who had the look of seeing an idol in person.

Leo chuckled while looking at them, "No, we are..leaving"

"Really? You're bringing us with you!?" Jacob immediately stepped forward towards Leo, looking at him with anticipation.

"We~ but you're not included...and why are you even here? Go back to the training grounds and train more, then and only then you can come with us, alright?"

Jacob put on a sad face, full of disappointment before walking off.

"Work hard" Aria smiled as she ruffled his hair.

"You're really bringing us with you!?" Michelle said with an excited tone.

"Do we need to suit up and bring our guns!?"

"Bro, are we gonna ride the Pelican!? Bring me, okay!? I know how to shoot guns now!"

The three girls surrounded as they started a commotion around him because they felt truly excited knowing that they can go with Leo and also leave the camp for the outside 'world' that felt like years living in the camp.

For them, leaving the camp and tour outside the walls that protects them felt like being free and liberated from their limited world inside the wall.

"Chill~ Yes, I'm going to bring you guys and also train in live action. I'm sure you guys must have been bored for a long time being stuck here for so long"

"Oh my god! Thank you Leo!"

"You're really the best bro!"

"Live action? Leaving the camp to kill zombies? That's fine for me"

"Alright, suit up and bring your guns here. I'll wait for you guys"

The three girls nodded as they immediately run off to one of the Residences.

Leo smiled looking at their backs and shook his head, "Girls~"

Leo stood there and put his hands on his waist as he looked around the camp.

There are a group of five guys led by Tom building what looks like a small cabin. A twenty meter square garden with plants already in full bloom, ready to be harvested anytime. Kids running around playing or reading books by the porch. Half the women are busy moving around the camp doing chores while some of them are training with the men led by Rachel and Isaac. Henry with two guys probably his proteges armed with machetes patrolling at the top of the walls with two armed guards keeping a lookout on top of the gates.

But one of the newer things is that there's a small radio station just beside the Hall with radio antenna on top of the Hall connected to the small building where the radio is located.

Leo can also hear the clanking of metal hitting metal coming from a simple shack beside the guard quarters.

"Now, there's at least more liveliness around the camp...not so dull anymore" Leo said smiling and walked inside the aircraft and sat there as he took out his DMR and started cleaning it while waiting for the girls to come back.

A few minutes later, the girls came back all wearing different kinds of clothing like long jackets and yoga pants of different colors. All of them are armed with two pistols strapped on their thighs.

Leo raised an eyebrow, "Yoga pants? Seriously?"

"Well, we are gonna go kill some zombies and doing it on a yoga pants is better"

"It was Aria's idea" Michelle kissed him on his cheek.

Amanda smiled as she kissed him on his lips, "She has a point"

They said one by one as they walked past him and took a seat in the aircraft.

Leo shrugged off his shoulders, "Suit yourselves" as he strode inside.

Leo walked passed the excited girls and took a seat in the cockpit as he started the engine.

The Pelican finally took off in the skies.


"So where are we going!?" Michelle yelled from the back.

"Remember that guy, Dan? From the night before?" Leo replied from the cockpit.

"Ohh yeah! I remember that guy who was broadcasting from the radio before. Now that I think about it, we haven't heard from him since. I wonder if they're still alive out there" Michelle too a second to think before she finally remembered him.

"Wait, are we going there?" Aria butted in the conversation while cleaning her pistol from dust.

"They are probably dead already" Amanda said with her eyes closed but when she noticed that no one was talking. She opened her eyes, she noticed Aria and Michelle staring at her.

"What? I didn't say anything wrong. We only heard from him twice but the following days? Nada" Amanda raised an eyebrow while explaining even including gesturing with her hand.

"You're like cursing them, you know" Michelle replied to her.

"Uh-hu, we don't even know if they are just forced to abandon the place, resulting at us not hearing from him since then"

"What~? How am I cursing them? Leo tell them" Amanda yelled at Leo, wanting him to back her up.

"Well, don't ask me. All of you has a point but were still going there and check it out. I also want to see if that Dan is still alive. If he is then I'll bring him to the camp and maybe learn under Alastair. Well, that is if he was the person who made their radios" Leo didn't want to be in the middle of their argument and just gave his own opinion.

Leo knows that a guy being stuck in the middle of a girls talk is bad and bat shit happens after that.

'Let's hope that guy is still alive. If he's not then that's too bad. If that really happened then I'll just bring the girls around the cities around here and have them train in killing zombies face to face' he thought.

"Hmmm..?" Leo noticed from the corner of his eyes, that a red dot was blinking so fast before it disappeared from the map.

'I've been seeing that since we got back from the last trip back at London. Is it a glitch? But I already asked the system about but it said it wasn't. Must be just a mutated that has the ability to camouflage itself on its surroundings and if it is, now that's what I call super bad as the system map can't even detect it' Leo thought as he kept feeling something weird every time he notices that anomaly.

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