Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 64: The Cure

"My real name is Danny Burkhardt, I'm an Inventor and also a scientist on one of the hidden facilities here under the royal family before it was overrun by zombies" Dan said with a bit of unwilling tone while Leo took him to a nearby house following behind them are the three women.

While Leo was busy interrogating him, the crowd took this chance to flee in all directions which really made Leo chuckle at the sight, like they were rats that just saw their predator, a cat.

"Damn, I didn't expect that Adkins was just a fake name he was using, he's good, really good at hiding from us" a blonde haired man wearing a ragged suit while running said to the person beside him.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that but what are we gonna do then? We were given a mission to specifically capture him and now that he's in that person's hand. The difficulty just reached another level" a black man, said with an annoyance and frustration from getting played.

"If we can't get to him then we kill him"

"What!? Then what about the antidote? He's the only survivor of that facility that knows about the formula of the cure and if we kill him then we just literally signed our doom. Remember that if we do that, the higher ups would kill us" the black guy said surprised at his decision.

"Better than another group getting the formula and the people 'up there' won't kill us from killing him" the blonde told him as they stopped by under a tree.

"How can you be sure of that?"

"I have a friend, a scientist that told me before we got assigned to this assignment that he is part of a group of scientist researching the formula and the only reason that we were told to capture Dan is to get the formula from his hands so that the work of the research team would speed up. I'm pretty sure that the higher ups won't mind having their plans getting delayed of being the so called 'savior of humanity' rather than having a competitor" the man tried to convince his partner.

The black guy was surprised when he heard that and thought for a bit, "Alright, I just hope that you're right about this or we're dead"

"Ohh~ I'm pretty sure"

"So, when do we take him out?"


"Tonight? What if they just leave suddenly?"

"Then we follow them and kill Dan discreetly without them noticing us"

"I hope you are right, Donald"

Donald just smiled at him as cold lights flashed through his eyes while looking at the house where Leo and the rest are staying.

At the house.

"Now, you can tell us all of it" Leo eyed him as he figured something out from what Dan told him.

"There are people out there or maybe they already inside here that wants to capture me because of what I know but can I trust you that you're not one of them? And that scene earlier, maybe you guys are just acting it out and in the end make it looked you're another group and then made me reveal my secrets to you?" Dan looked intently at Leo's eyes not afraid anymore as he figured out that Leo must have something he wants from him.

"Who's them?" Leo didn't answer his answer.

"Are y-" Dan got cut off because Leo suddenly pushed him towards the wall with Leo's right forearm on his neck.

"Look here..You're not the one asking questions, I am and whoever or whatever group your referring to? I'm definitely not one of them" Leo said to him threateningly.

"Ohh~ If I were you I'd answer him" Aria said to Dan from the couch as she sat there with her sisters eating at their rations and just tried to ignore what was happening in front of them.

Dan looked at Aria who is smiling at him with crescent eyes which crept him out, then looked back at Leo whose forehead is filled with black lines.

Dan raised both his hands and with his head shaking a bit and said, "Alright, alright. I'll tell you guys what I know but under one condition"

"Tell me" Leo let go of him.

Dan fixed his collar then looked at Leo, "If you're telling the truth that you're not one of them then bring me with you into your camp once you leave this place. That is, if you guys have a camp of your own"

"Ohh~ We do buddy~ We do. You'll be surprise when you see it" Amanda said to him smiling with a raised eyebrow with her nodding while pointing her finger towards him.

"Now tell me, who are they and what do they want from you?"

"*Cough* As I said earlier I was once a scientist at an underground secret facility here before it got overrun by a swarm of zombies. When we first got a sample of the zombie virus, we were immediately ordered to find a cure or vaccine for it and in those few short days, a miracle happened. Me and my colleagues successfully made a vaccine after working non-stop for five days with only having 2-3 hour of rest at most"

"Of course, our success didn't come with any sacrifices. A few guards, some staffs and maybe more got infected in the process and you might have guessed it already. The virus was... airborne" Dan told them in a dark tone.

The sandwich on Amanda's hand fell on the ground, "T-the v-virus is airborne?" as she looked shocked at Dan and even Leo was shocked about the revelation.

"Okay, that is just f*cked up" Aria said with a bit of trembling tone.

Michelle was wide eyed in shock, "My god, that's seriously bad. It means-"

"We are already infected" Leo continued what she was about to say.

"Yes" Dan nodded and felt somewhat pleased from their shocked reactions.

"Then why haven't we 'turned' yet?" Michelle chimed in with a question. This time the three women didn't continue eating and instead focused their attention towards Dan.

Dan then started pacing back and forth in the room, "It's because we are still alive. You see, the virus is already in our system. Just think of it like the virus is a dormant cancer cell but they are not the same in how they do their "job" because when the host dies, the zombie virus would immediately burst into life and then we-"

"Turn" Leo unconsciously said with a pondering look while staring at the floor on his feet but was in fact consulting the system in his head.

"Yes!" Dan pointed his finger at him.

Leo suddenly looked at him and walked over towards him," But you haven't told us on how you got out of that facility and the people who are looking for you"

"About that, over a week ago, the facility suffered a power outage which.. wouldn't have worried us but we noticed that the power generators only worked for a few moments before it shut down by itself, not working anymore. What happened was, the staffs and guards that got infected escaped from their prison and the rest is basically history. The remaining guards fought valiantly just for us to escape from there but sadly I was the only person that managed to escaped at all" Dan said as his eyes got red, on the verge of tears as he remembered his friends dying one by one in front of him, just to protect the hope of mankind.

Dan immediately wiped his eyes and looked back at Leo, "Anyway, that's about that and people who wants to capture me is called "Supremacist" a huge dark organization lead by powerful and influential people like our royal family, the germans and the americans, people who wants to rule the world through the vaccine that me and my team created.

"What!? Are you saying that your own employer is the one hunting you down?"

"Yes, when we found about it. It was already too late as we already created the vaccine and there might be a spy with us back then who leaked the news to them and that's probably how they found out about it"

"So, where is the vaccine then?" Leo took a seat and asked him.

"There is a vial left at the underground facility"

"Then, why don't they just go and get it themselves rather coming here trying to abduct you?" Michelle stood up and said to him and Leo nodded, agreeing to what she said.

"Well, because they can't"

Amanda looked at him with an interested look, "Then please enlighten us"

"What she said" said Aria as her head tilted a bit towards Amanda.

Dan just looked at them and sigh, "Because there's some kind of a huge zombie inside that looks like a huge bodybuilder"

Leo immediately stood up from the sofa when he heard that and hastily said with an excited, "A huge zombie with bulging muscles that looks it was lifting weights lately?"

"The one that you guys met when you went to US?" Aria asked Leo.

"Yeah" Leo nodded.

"I didn't get a good look before the last time I went there but yeah" Dan said looking back back and forth at Aria and Leo with confusion on his face when he saw that Leo seems kind of excited about that mutated zombie.

"So that's the reason why they are coming for you instead" Leo clicked his fingers and when suddenly his face turned dark.

"It seems we have some guest"

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