Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 70: Need A Proper Title For This Chapter! Fellow Readers!

"Sir, please d-don't kill us, haha" the bald man's face was twitching as he tried to reign in his anger while nervously laughing.

Seeing this, his minions immediately sigh in relief as they also slowly and carefully stood up while warily looking at the incoming armed group consisting of Caleb and the rest.

Caleb stood beside David as he looked at the bald man up and down and did the same thing to rest in front of him.

"Edward, take the rest and looked if there are more of them inside the wreckage" Caleb immediately ordered.

"Yes" Edward nodded as he brought the rest towards the place where the grenade exploded.

"You guys sit over here and put your hands where we can see them" Caleb said the bald man and his crew while pointing at the space in front of them.


Inside the wrecked house.

"*Cough* Cough*" one of the men hiding behind the huge sofa managed to survived from the blast.

"Is anyone still alive?" he lied on the floor covered in dust, looking around.

He saw that the two people who joined him behind the sofa are not moving so he crawled towards them and started their bodies.

"Dan, Diggle, wake up" he shook them so hard that the in their bodies started flying everywhere.

Suddenly, the two immediately opened their eyes and started yelling, "Ahhh! We're going to hell!"


Both of them suddenly got slapped on their faces and looked where that slap came from, "Ray, you're also dead?"

"Shut up, we're still alive" Ray smiled at them.

"Yeah, you guys are alive and you three will come with us" Edward voice echoed behind the three of them as he gesture for the people behind him to drag them out.

"Ahhh~ We're really gonna die this time! The grenade might've not managed to kill us but these people will!" Diggle started screaming in fear while being dragged outside.

"Shut up! You f*cking coward!" one of the men sitting on the ground with another man who is also covered in dust, blood and bruises cursed at the young man, Diggle.

"Dike! You cockroach! You're still alive!" Ray was delighted seeing his companions alive and somewhat well.

The eight of them was immediately rounded up while being surrounded by the Caleb's team.

"Where's Alph?" the bald man asked.

"He's dead, I just saw him lying on his own poll of blood in the dining room of the house earlier" Dike replied.

"I see" the bald man seemed a bit sad as the image of the bearded man flashed across his eyes.


"Colt 1911 and a Parker Shotgun" Edward said as he handed it over to Caleb.

Caleb handed the Colt 1911 towards Dyland who took it happily, "Parker Shotgun, this is an antique" Caleb said as he inspected it with admiration before handing it over back to Edward.

"Keep it, the boss might like it when we get back to base"

Edward nodded as he started wiping it, "Then what are we gonna do with them?" Edward said before he strapped the shotgun at his back.

"Tie them up and we'll bring them back with us and let the boss handle them" Caleb immediately replied as he planned to let Leo gave judgement to them. After all, they were ordered to rescue survivors and in his eyes, these people in front of him seems that they gone a lot of hardships together but the most important thing is that Caleb haven't sense any killing aura around them. Meaning that these haven't killed people before.

Dyland and Michael immediately tied their hands and guarded around them.

"Why did you shoot us anyway?" Edward walked over to one of them and asked.

"Well, we came here to the supplies that my relatives here stockpiled before" the man named Diggle didn't dare to look at him and said it in a low voice.

Hearing him, the eyes of Edward and his companions immediately lit up.

"Where is it?" Edward lifted his collar and asked threateningly.

"Hey! He's just a kid!" the bald man shouted at Edward.

"Shut up!"

"Kid, now tell me" Edward said angrily even though he was just trying to scare him into telling him where it is.

"I-It's t-the house where your people are currently looting" Diggle pointed at the house where James and two others are taking out the supplies from.

"Eh?" Edward immediately let go of him, chuckling and said shamelessly while patting Diggle's shoulders, "Well, sorry kid. You guys were late so it's ours now"

"How truly shameless" Diggle's friends all muttered in low voices.

A few minutes later, everything was finally loaded up and Edward even went as far to "hijacked" another small transport truck because the cargo truck they brought with them are almost filled to the brim and the other one was use to load up some of the supplies with Caleb and David along with the prisoners rode on it.

Not even a day has passed but Caleb's team was already forced to go back because of their haul.

"I didn't expect that there's still a place in this village that was hiding something like this" Edward said to Dylan, mentioning the supplies they had just gotten.

"Yeah, when we got rescued before and passed by here. Boss Leo made us scour the supplies in this place until there was nothing left so I was really surprised when Sir Caleb decided that this would be our first stop, knowing that all of the supplies here were already looted" Dylan replied with amazement in his voice.

"But I think I saw something weird today" Dylan suddenly said.

"Oh? How weird?" Edward asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Earlier, when those people at the back where shooting at us. Sir David, he..I think he got shot on his chest but there was not bleeding whatsoever so I just thought that he was probably wearing a kevlar underneath his clothes but" Dylan said then stopped midway and took out something from his chest pocket and showed it Edward.

"And then I saw these" Dylan showed it to Edward.

Edward took at a brief glance at it and said, "Some kind of a weird...coin maybe?"

"No! It's a deformed bullet!" Dylan suddenly raised his voice.

"A bullet?" Edward questioned like he heard something wrong but then suddenly realized something from what they are talking about.

"Are you trying to tell me that, that was the bullet that shot David?"

"Uhmm..I looked around for it from where he got shot at first"

"Then he was probably wearing a kevlar then"

"No, I went to asked him earlier and he said he does not wear kevlar at all! But do you want to know what he said earlier when I asked him about this?"

Edward looked at the eager Dylan and curiously asked, "What?"

"He said, "Yes, I got shot earlier but my body is tough that most bullets doesn't really affect me and would just leave a red bruise so I don't wear kevlar…..but armor piercing might" that's what he told me before walking away! Hearing it had me in goosebumps" Dylan said with with amazement and a bit of fear.

Edward suddenly hit the breaks when he heard that, that the cars behind them hastily stopped almost crashing at heir cargo truck, "What? He said that?"

"Oy! What's the hold up for?" Caleb's voice was heard behind them as he kept tapping the roof.

"Sorry!" Edward apologized and stepped on the gas pedal as they continued their journey.

"Dylan, did he really say that?"


"Damn, don't tell me he's a mutant or an ability user like the boss?"

"I know, right?"

"It's like we're being left behind knowing this and there's Joe, Isaac and Austin who suddenly went into coma and upon waking up, they suddenly got stronger after their trip with the boss" Edward said and wasn't even surprised anymore knowing that David is a mutant but unbeknownst to them. David is just a human and not a mutant who has a specific ability but someone who had already surpassed the human limits like Caleb or Captain America but he was definitely far more stronger than both of them.

"Yeah, that's why the next time the Boss for volunteers for his next adventure then I would immediately nominate myself!"

"Yeah, right. You should train more instead!" Edward knocked on Dylan's head while thinking to himself 'Next time….definitely next time, I'll follow the boss if he ask for people to follow him'

Edward daydreamed of becoming a powerful mutant one day before he snapped out of it and focus what was in front of him.

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