Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 9: An Insane Man!

Amanda is having a breakfast consisting of a sunny side up, an apple and a glass of milk while watching the morning news.

"There have been an outbreak of people attacking multiple victims with some of them even confirmed dead and thousands of pet owners have reported that they were attacked on their sleep by their own pets and even Zoo animals were reported to have been acting strangely like they were anxious or afraid of something and experts can't figure out what makes them act like this. And because of multiple riots, the government had even dispatch a part of the Army to all Cities to quell all troubles with the police assisting them and citizens are ask not to go out at night before 7 pm from now on or you will be caught and thrown into jail if caught. Is there a cause for all of this unrest or its just people suddenly getting violent recently? We won't know until the government says something. In other news, actress...…"

"This...everything just blew up and more complicated, wasn't that the same news like yesterday?" Amanda said to her mom who came back from doing the laundry earlier.

"Yeah.. the good thing is there are not reported things like that here" her mother sighed in nervousness when she saw the happenings on the news.

"Well, I need to go mom. It's almost 9" said Amanda as she stood up and kissed her mom on the cheeks.

"'re going out?"

"Yes, I already promised my friends that were gonna go shopping today. Don't worry mom, I know you're worried but I'll be back before lunch" Amanda took her bag and left from the front door.

"Be careful out there, okay? I'll call your siblings to come here just in case" shouted her mom at the front door.

"Okay mom" Amanda waved back without looking back.

Amanda's mom went back inside and made a call.

"Jen, can you drop by here? Also, call your siblings too and tell them that I want you guys to be here right away, alright? No, I have something very important to tell you guys so make sure to hurry up" Amanda's mom lied instead because her intuition has been tingling since yesterday from that news she saw at the restaurant especially when she saw that the news is still the same thing like yesterday but it grew worse this time with even the Army intervening.

"I hope nothing bad happens today" she said worriedly while looking outside their window.

"Hey, I'm already outside the mall so where are you guys? Ohh.. you guys are already inside? In the reception desk? Alright, I can already see you guys" Amanda went inside and immediately saw her 2 friends and waved at them.

"Let's go?" Amanda said.

"Lets" one of the girls said as she lead the way.

Amanda with her 2 friends went around every store in the Mall in a shopping spree which lasted for over an hour before a chaotic mess happened that nobody expected.

Bang ~ Bang ~ Bang ~

Multiple gunshots rang inside and outside the mall while they were on second floor of the mall. Amanda bravely peeked down from the second and to her horror, she saw a group people gnawing on human's flesh and attacking those nearby people but what made her truly felt fear was those "corpses" started to stand up and also had the same behaviour like those that attacked them. When she saw all this, only one thought appeared within her mind "Zombies".

"Come on! Let's go!" Amanda yelled at her friends who stood petrified and only when they heard her shout did they realized they're in huge trouble this time.

Amanda and her friends followed a stream of people escaping from the 2nd floor as Zombie chased behind them and when they just got a hundred yards away from the mall something unexpectedly happened.

"Kyaa!!" Amanda yelled as she tripped herself. The others heard her yell and wanted to help but when they saw the crowd of Zombie nearing them, they hesitated before they continued to escape. Amanda's friend also saw her and one of her friends turned back wanting to help her but the other girl grabbed one of her arms, stopping her.

"Michelle, let's go! Leave her, at least she'll be able to buy us more time to escape" the other girl shouted.

Michelle was immediately disgusted when she heard her and flung her arms away.

"You go while I help her" she said before she ran back to Amanda and helped her get up.

"Idiot!" the other woman said in contempt before running away but just as she turned around in a corner, a Zombie suddenly jumped at her and pinned her down as "it" started to feast on her.

"No! No! He-help me!" the girl shouted for help before she was drowned out by more Zombies wanting to have a piece of her.

"You shouldn't have come back Michelle" Amanda said to her friend who was helping her up.

"What are you saying? Aren't we friends? Good friends always helps a friend in need" Michelle just smiled at her.

"You idiot…" was all Amanda could say but deep within her, she was also thankful to her as she bravely came back to help her even in this current dangerous situation they are in.

"You okay though?"

"Yeah,I think i just sprained my ankle, that's all"

"Let's get moving then, so bear with the pain for now" Michelle said to her while putting one of Amanda's arm around her shoulders as they slowly moved to safety while Amanda is limping on one leg.

Amanda looked around and she saw that a lot of "them" is moving towards them and they will be surrounded in no time with how slow they are moving.

"Michelle just go, if you leave now you might still able to escape from here" Amanda persuaded her knowing that she's risking her friends life because of her.

"There are no difference even if i leave now or earlier, if we die, we die. It means our time is up and my only regret would be that I wasn't able to say goodbye to my family" said Michelle calmly like their current situation is nothing.

"Me too..but I'm still hoping for a miracle to happen. I swear that if someone is able to save us from this then I don't becoming that persons girlfriend if he's a man" Amanda started with a laugh when she saw that they won't be able to escape this time.

"Then me too.." said Michelle said with a laugh as they both sat down on the ground.

"I'm really lucky to have a friend like you" Amanda said while looking at Michelle with a tears in her eyes.

"Me too, It was fun while it lasted"

"Yeah" and they both leisurely laughed accepting their fate.

Seconds passed as more and more zombies started to converge around them with the bloodied smell becoming more intense the nearer they got while from time to time they would hear piercing screams and occasional gunshots.

"I guess this is it huh" Michelle said while both of them smiled at each other but out of nowhere, they heard a deep but like a robotic voice and it got nearer with deep but loud footsteps while at the same time, the voice also became clearer.

"Your husband is here!! My beautiful wife!!" and they saw a huge shadow jumping over the crowd of zombies.

Thud ~

Amanda and Michelle shockingly looked with agaped mouths at the thing that landed in front them. It was something that they saw before but wasn't able to peak their interest. It was a Red Halo suit and then it performed a full circle swing as soon as it landed with the metal pole on its hand then a manifestation of a bear appeared behind him mimicking "its" movements and with every zombie the metal pole passes by would be sent flying through the air.

"What is that!?" screamed both Amanda and Michelle when they suddenly saw a silhouette of a bear appear behind him.

When the pole broke in half "it" cooly took out a gun that looks like a M4 carbine from its back and started a shooting frenzy at every zombie in sight.

Ra ta ta ~ Ra ta ta ~ Ra ta ta~

"Mwahaha! Die bitches and become my money!"

It made both Amanda and Michelle feel a shiver in their spine when they heard its maniacal laughter as it killed all the zombies surrounding them one by one.

"We are thankful that we are safe from those zombies but on the other hand, we've met an insane man instead" as both of them sighed in defeat.

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