Li Ke doesn’t know much about modern technology at all. After all, he is an ordinary white-collar worker. Tell him about hardware and software, as well as the translation of pornographic games. The technology tree should spare him. He also intends to consolidate the roughness of Freljord’s scattered system and science, and conclude.

After all, the process of converging itself is a way to make the power stronger. After all, word-of-mouth things will eventually deviate from the original track, and personal experience, quality, and personality and handling methods Failure to unify will also make some people feel that the right experience becomes a reminder for others. Those who have been brought together do not have these problems, at least it is suitable for most people.

Moreover, this move can effectively pave the way for what Li Ke plans to do next.

That is the school.

But in fact, this move is not good news for the original hunters and fighters, because it means that they have to surrender their precious experience, even the handicraft and know how. But fortunately, Freljord’s social structure, and the prestige that he and Ashe can get together. It will make this resistance become minimal, at most the level of some people complaining in the tavern.

However, it is difficult for a society with this kind of tribal system to hide crafts and things privately, so this matter is not a big problem.

But the school thing is quite powerful. It can be said that the true integration of the Freljord tribe and the stability of Ashe’s future will depend on the school thing. And Li Ke will also bring exams and test papers into Freljord without knowing how many years in advance.

Of course, he really intends to take the exam paper only politics, language and mathematics. Because he really has the skill to make something like this, as for chemistry and physics…

The periodic table and physical constants are not necessarily the same. He teaches a fart and lets Ashe find a way. Up.

“So it seems that you already have a very detailed plan?”

Aish didn’t know that Li Ke planned to throw the most difficult industrialization to himself, but Curious and happily asked Li Ke back, wanting to know what kind of surprise this man who almost fell from the sky would give him.

“Of course, after all, I only need to copy my own textbooks. And when I was in my hometown, I often argued with people I don’t know about how a country should be managed. Internationally How should things be handled, and what is this country? These questions are asked in a fixed manner, so at least… I know the wrong answer, and I know how to teach the little children of your tribe. And the other summary, the combat skills are What you need most now, so we give priority to summing up this part, but I hope you will discuss with some strong, weak fighters, strong fighters, and thin fighters, and I am just a staff member among these people. After all How to fight here or you are more connected to yourself, and after you have completed the summary, and learned how to summarize and count these, then you and those who participated in this summary will lead others to summarize the hunting and fishing. Class skills. Then we will set up a school to let all the children of your tribe come to school here, so that they can better master the skills of fighting and production.”

Li Ke, a cultural class, is going to Copy according to your own language books and math books, and most of the languages ​​have some knowledge from Noxus. As for mathematics, Li Ke himself has forgotten advanced mathematics such as Calculus, geometry, etc., and this horrible place only needs to teach how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, as well as trigonometric functions. As long as the political class is guaranteed to use Ash and The spirit of the Avarosa tribe is ok. As for fighting skills, life skills and the like are from their natives. After all, Li Ke is a guy who can’t make fire even with flint and steel, so he can only choose to drill wood to make fire.

To know that the latter is more difficult than the former, it’s just that he vigorously performs miracles that’s all.

But, the speaker is unintentional, and the listener is interested. Because of Li Ke’s words, Ashe instantly analyzed some of Li Ke’s “past”.

“Talking to different individuals all day about political issues and the governance of the country?”

She looked at her and showed different temperament from Freljord, just like in a snowy field. Li Ke, who was as bright as the flames of Li Ke, instantly thought of the powerful tribes on the warm continent, those called Prince and Princess, because in the rumors, those Prince and Princess are not only training martial arts, left The next thing is to learn from others how to rule and manage the country.

In addition to Li Ke’s non-ordinary temperament, as well as knowledge, Ashe couldn’t help but want to get crooked.

“Are you a Prince in your country? It is for this reason…”

She asked on impulse and asked Li Ke, who was about to talk about the plan, was stunned on the spot. Had to refute Ash’s strange speculation funny.

“I’m just an ordinary person, Ashe, it’s just that my country is so rich that you can’t imagine it, so that an ordinary person like me with a shortcoming can be able to point out the situation of the country and the world. Posting some completely useless remarks. So it’s not what you think Prince. And after the implementation of this plan, many times I have to ask you for advice. Do you understand what I mean? My knowledge here is limited. So I need your help.”

Aishe couldn’t help but want to take Li Ke’s arm when he heard Gao’s words, but after hesitating for a while, she put down her hand.

“This is also part of the transaction?”

Li Ke nodded.

“Yes, this is also part of the transaction. And your reward is that you have a tribe that can better inheritance.”

But Ashe just shook the head, She is not a fool, only because of her insights, there are so many things she can’t understand. But under Li Ke’s description, she can easily think of how much help these are to herself. Nothing else, just gathering all the children together to teach this matter has already shown her. A different scene.

But the premise is that the scientific method in Li Ke’s mouth is indeed an effective method, and it is as strong as his confidence in that science. And her tribe has the ability to protect and feed that many children. And all this is a huge challenge for her and her tribe.

“Then, I will believe in you, my blood.”

Ashe’s eyes became firmer, she admitted that she was bolder because of the arrival of Li Ke, but With the help of such a person, if you don’t be bold, do you have to wait for him to regret leaving after disappointment? So even if what Li Ke was going to do was undoubtedly provoking her authority as a war mother, she still decided to give her full support.

Because she will make him her true blood ally.

…… Even if you want to be completely hostile to your own sister, and give up a lot of power and Glory that she didn’t care about.

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