what the hell thing!

Li Ke raised his weapon subconsciously, but what he absolutely didn’t expect was that the guy who looked like a Kha’Zix was faster than it, and it didn’t show emotion. After taking a glance at Li Ke, he roared to the Iceborn battle formations who started shooting arrows again.

“Damn! Legule is parasitized! Prepare!”

The blind priest called out in panic, even though he tried hard to suppress his inner fear , But the broken sound in his roar still exposed his heart full of fear. After issuing the order, he vigorously waved his stick, and then activated his spell.

A cloud of black mist suddenly appeared in front of him, and then like a roaring ocean wave, like Li Ke and the monster rolled over, and the soldiers in front of him were Because I heard his order. So they squatted down to prevent their brains from being frozen into ice sculptures.

This black mist looks slow, but it is very fast. Li Ke has no time to pick up the broken shield and hide behind him. The black mist envelops him. Shield, his shield was frozen on the ground in an instant, and his hand also felt as if it had touched a flame-like burning pain, it was obviously frostbite in an instant. His beard and eyelashes were also covered with ice in an instant, and if he hadn’t poured the remaining iceborn vitality into his eyes in an instant, I am afraid his eyes would be frozen by the cold current of this instant. .

And the purple monster next to Li Ke is no exception. The two sickles in his hands are frozen in place before they are fully expanded, and the whole person becomes a sparkling ice Sculpture, the roar in the mouth is also frozen in its body.

The black wind comes and goes quickly, but even so, Li Ke feels that at the moment, he was almost without the magical power of Iceborn. Touching true ice, the feeling of being frozen together with his soul made him completely unable to move even a little bit within a few seconds of the stop of the cold, and he could only burn his own vitality quickly to damage him. The tissue repairs, and speeds up the flow of blood, so that your body warms up again.

“Quickly, kill those two monsters! Without True Ice Martial Spirit on them, my spell can’t suppress them for too long!”

Blind priest gasping For breath shouted at the soldiers, the blow just now almost exhausted all his physical strength and spirit, as well as the magic power in his bloodline. After all, he was only a male after all, even if he was cultivated for a lifetime, he would only be at this level.

The soldiers in front of him didn’t have time to take care of the old man who was slowly collapsing to the ground. They roared and rushed towards the frozen Li Ke and the monster. The sound of footsteps stimulated Li Ke. He lifted the head and saw that their formation became loose due to the charge. Knowing that this was his only chance, he touched the two true ice Longswords with his hand again and prepared to fight.

Even though the iceborn’s vitality is about to run out, his act of holding two Longswords is constantly causing intense pain and heavy oppression to his body. But none of these can stop him from standing up from the ground, using his actions to smash the solidified ice crystals on his body, waving his weapon to break the ice, moved towards the Iceborn warriors whose formation had been opened rushed over.

“Try this!”

His charge spontaneously caused these ice-born fighters to counter, so in an instant, the fighters with fishing nets faced him. Li Ke threw the nets in their hands, but these nets are not made of ordinary things, but made of steel wire and the tendons of a local creature. Even the five-meter-tall mammoth can be easily locked. live. And not only these, these fishing nets are also full of sharp barbs. The purpose is to make the prey lose the ability to struggle when the prey is caught in the net.

And such a net cast three shots against Li Ke, which perfectly blocked all his directions. But even so, they did not relax. Instead, they walked out of five robust men with chains and heavy armor, ready to wind the iron rope in their hands to Li Ke’s as soon as Li Ke fell into the net. On his body, his ability to resist was completely destroyed, and he could only be assassinated by those long spear soldiers holding shields.

For this, Li Ke has no better way to deal with this. He knows that he can’t hide from these nets, so his right hand was first swiped out and slashed fiercely on the fishing net. One click, but the effect was very little. Those tenacious fishing nets were only cut out by him about a half-meter or so, and they fell on Li Ke’s body. Those barbs were also stuck in the gaps in his armor. If Li Ke dare to do anything rashly, then his flesh and blood will be pierced by these barbs smeared with various poisons, which will bring him the pain of being delayed.

“Can’t let me live in peace for a few days, right?!”

However, for a person accustomed to pain, pain is nothing but a What a friend I like. So Li Ke simply did not care about the barbs on the fishing nets. He quickly cut a fishing net in front of his leg with a quick slash, and then pierced the pain of tearing his flesh and blood with these barbs, with those two thoughts. The soldiers who wanted to hold on to the fishing nets rushed into the gun formation.

The place where he was not protected by the armor instantly lost a large piece of flesh and skin, and some barbs also pierced deeply into his muscles and hit his bones. But fortunately, he was already very close to those gun formations when he charged before, so he did not drag the two soldiers to run for a few steps, he reached the front of the gun formation, and a dozen long spears were also there. It was shrouded in front of him at this moment, just waiting for him to hit him.

However, just when everyone else thought he would hit him, he stopped abruptly and grabbed the tip of a long spear. Although this caused his hand to be pierced by a barb, and a tent-like protrusion appeared on the back of his hand, it also caused a smile on his blood-stained face.

“I caught you.”

As he whispered in his heart, the iceborn who was caught by him in the long spear, he found that his hand was suddenly The stock froze along the cold current from the long spear. Although this level of ice can’t hurt him at all, it only takes two seconds for him to get out of trouble. But unfortunately, Li Ke calculated very well. He pulled the long spear the instant the person found his hand was frozen.

Along with the sound of his blood and flesh being torn apart, the iceborn exclaimed that he was pulled out of the formation, and the two comrades beside him grabbed his clothes in time, But apart from letting himself be taken down, it didn’t make this person really get out of trouble.

The barbs on the fishing net also pierced the iceborn who was pulled over. Although he also resisted the pain and wanted to stand up, he just lifted the head and saw a picture full of blood. His face with a wild smile, and a big hand that was severely frostbited and bloody.

“Quickly pierce the True Ice Martial Spirit into their bodies!!”

The blind priest immediately issued the correct command, and the two shots flashed true ice When the shining long spear pierced Li Ke’s body, it did not freeze Li Ke as they thought, but had no other reaction besides opening two holes in his body.


The blind priest didn’t believe the scene before him, but then he heard a voice that shocked him.

“It’s me.”

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