However, this void monster whose wings were cut off by a sword because he jumped up was obviously not in the mood to discuss with him whether it was a wise thing to jump up and attack. It roared towards Li Ke, and Li Ke also waved his weapon moved towards it and launched an attack.

Having suffered a loss, the Void monster is obviously more careful, and its attack method has become deceitful. To be more specific, it disappeared at the moment it pounced on Li Ke.

Li Ke’s sword swung towards the empty space, and it was too late when he knew it was not good. This monster’s sickle limbs directly tore his piece that was intact when it was cold in Beijing. The breastplate slapped his chest fiercely. Li Ke roared and wanted to catch the monster, but at this moment the opponent disappeared into this World in a strange and mysterious fluctuation.

“There are no footprints, no smell, no breath, or even any image. The entity only appears at the moment of the attack…”

Li Ke quickly summarized the monster’s Ability, but before he could finish it in his heart, a blue and purple limb suddenly appeared beside his neck, and he wanted to cut off his head in one go. But his years of gladiatorial career saved his life. He made a side roll at the crucial moment and barely avoided its attack, but inevitably, there was an extra line on his cheek. The irregular scars match up with Darius’s cut by Olaf.

Touching the fast-healing wound, Li Ke also found that the wound cut by Olaf of Darius hasn’t healed up to now, it just barely stopped the blood, and in the place he touched After a while, the wound began to bleed again.

“Is this his passivity?”

Li Ke didn’t care about this small wound, because he found that the void creature appeared frantically ten meters in front of him. Then he showed him the fresh blood on the limbs of his sickle, and then stretched out his purple tongue to lick the blood on Li Ke.

“I look forward to your flesh and blood, my compatriots.”

After he finished speaking, he disappeared in a wave of fluctuations, and there was still no movement of him on the snow. Only the place where it just appeared suddenly has a strange footprint.

Li Ke carefully guarded against the monster’s attack, but the moment he turned his head over, his ankle was severely chopped off, if it weren’t for the iron boots that were about to break. If you block it, I’m afraid it will be enough for Li Ke’s feet to say goodbye to him, so that he can always enjoy a -50% discount when he washes his feet. But even if he didn’t cut his foot completely, it was almost the same. Li Ke also heard the sound of his bones breaking, and in an instant he lost the feeling of his right foot. I am afraid that there is only a layer of skin and flesh left on his foot.

But at this time, Li Ke closed his eyes, because he knew that since his eyes can’t see the guy who doesn’t know where, life can’t hide himself. of. He took out a piece of potato he used to practice perception ability, put it in the piece of blood melted by his own blood, and infused his life force into it.

“We meet again.”

The faint voice appeared again, and it was like the Fire Insect at night, although it was still faint. But it no longer disappears, but the real existence on the potatoes in Li Ke’s hands. And this time is not what it was like before. It started to grow at the moment Li Ke’s consciousness did not withdraw, and it wrapped its root system around Li Ke’s severed ankle and greedily absorbed it. The flesh and blood of Li Ke.

Correspondingly, Li Ke’s consciousness and perception spread over the earth around him with the growth of its branches and leaves, and under the threat of death anytime, anywhere, he also felt some of his own Something that was not perceivable before. Those sleeping lives in the underground, as well as the intertwined roots and roots of plants, are connected to form a huge Internet. And some of the lives I feel are the central point of these rhizome Internets.

This is a surprise for him neither too big nor too small. After all, he originally only intended to use potato vines to perceive everything around him. After all, in this state, his mind is completely Open it, you can see things that he can’t normally see. But his gains this time far exceeded his expectations, allowing him to come into contact with a realm that he felt would take a long time to reach.

And most importantly, he’sees’ the bunch of red lurking behind him, lifting a sickle to his head!

He immediately opened his eyes, Ignite opened his Fire of Life, and the veins on his arm violently violently, and his arm became thicker in an instant. He used his right knee as a support Point, using all his strength, he slashed his sword to his back.

At this moment, the monster also appeared in the air with a surprise cry, and then immediately took Li Ke’s life-threatening blow with his chest. Although the chitin carapace effectively prevents the true ice above it from freezing it instantly, for true ice, which is harder than steel, the defensive power of its carapace is obviously not so sufficient.

When the purple blood fell on Li Ke’s body, it corroded Li Ke’s Skin, and the monster that was chopped into two segments, the moment his head fell to the ground, yes Li Ke’s throat shot out his fangs again. Li Ke could not completely escape this time, his neck was still partly scratched by the fangs, and the toxins on it were quickly corroding his flesh and blood.

But fortunately, this toxin did not really invade Li Ke’s body. His powerful vitality caused these toxins to be consumed quickly, and eventually healed his wounds, but it was only in the wound again. Left a hideous scar.

He was another sword, and he directly split the monster’s head in half, exposing his brain. This is to extend the hand, hold the densely packed, and pierce all his flesh and blood potato rhizomes, and then take a deep breath, like pulling out a radish, to pull out the rhizomes that have penetrated deeply into his body. Pulling out seven or eight centimeters of potato roots, he swelled a circle of calves and restored his’normal’ body shape.

But when he put his feet together and took the initiative to infuse life energy into his feet, he was speechless to find that there was still a burst of tears and tears on his calves. I felt sore, and then several potato rhizomes that were more than ten centimeters long were rejected by my body, and my boots were full of potato rhizomes.

Even if he has seen so many horrible scenes, what happened to him still made him feel a little embarrassed, because this kind of parasitic swallowed It feels that he absolutely does not want to have a second time. And when he dumped the rhizomes in his shoes, stood up again, moved his recover completely right foot, and just about to take two steps, he suddenly rushed over something in front of him, and was rubbing his After the body, he slammed into a Maokai.

“What’s this time…”

He immediately entered a state of combat, but after seeing the thing that broke Maokai directly and hit it out , He could only shook the head helplessly, and then sighed.

Because it was an incomparable gigantic giant ice crystal arrow about 6 meters in length that broke the Maokai tree.

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