“It seems that we are all being targeted by the same force, and his intelligence capabilities far exceed ours.”

All traces are It clearly pointed to the Demoness Lissandra in the permafrost, but this kind of information was not necessary to be shared with his enemies, so after receiving the information, Li Ke had completely lost interest in Darius. Although he understands what kind of hero he is indeed a foreigner, he is a well-deserved hero in troubled times. However, the difference in position is destined to meet again in the future.

But now, it is time for him to return to his post and continue to serve Li Ke’s purpose.

“I hope we can have more room for cooperation in the future, General Darius, if you are fine, you can go to your subordinates tomorrow.”

Darius froze. After a moment, he obviously didn’t expect Li Ke to let him go so easily.

“…You’d better not be an enemy of Noxus.”

Darius once again made his declaration, and Li Ke directly went back.

“I think it’s up to you.”

Darius clenched his fists and stood up, and Ashe was nodded to a guard at this time, let the guard take Darius and Draven left.

But after they all left, Ashe drew the others back, gently grabbed Li Ke’s hands, looked at his eyes with her bright eyes, and asked My own question.

“Why didn’t you kill them?”

She really didn’t understand why Li Ke had to do such a lack of wisdom and brains. After all, they were two Noxus people. She swears that these two people will never be grateful for Li Ke’s kindness, but will regard this experience as a shame, and then after returning to her army, she will immediately lead people to hunt them down.

That’s why she asked Li Ke after everyone had left.

“Because they are alive to give us more time.”

Swain will be established after the current Noxus emperor Bron Darkwell is overthrown in the future The Trifali Council, and the members of this council are Darius the Hand of Noxus, LeBlanc LeBlanc, and Swain, the tactician, representing power, tricks and far-reaching conspiracy. And Darius’ current experience is bound to be carried into the future. In the future, when Noxus weakens due to splits, coups, and some internal problems, it will be the best time for Ashe.

Because at that time, Demacia will also fall into rebellion and internal problems, and various problems will arise, and for their benefit, they will maintain their world police duties. At this time, a Freljord with a lot of power can get the most benefit between the two. Because at that time, unless the two countries join forces, no one country can stop Freljord’s rise, and Freljord will gain enough living space and development time during this stage.

At that time, Darius’s line will become dispensable, otherwise he will really be killed, and a person with a twisted Noxus will in his head will be responsible for Freljord. If a more radical person becomes a representative of Noxus, there will be a lot of twists and turns.

Of course, Li Ke also knows that things impossible have always been quite as smooth as his own. The situation of this World has also changed impossible to the same as what he saw on Earth. But this does not prevent him from making references based on these things.

“Because Darius can’t die in Freljord now, otherwise the Noxus people will attack. This is not a good thing for you and me. And… there are many other reasons, these things etc. I will explain to you in detail later. As for them to attack us, it is impossible, because he still has a villager to kill. And with a secret mastermind, he doesn’t dare to be here with him. We went to war.”

Li Ke didn’t get rid of Ash’s hand because it made her feel uneasy, and she let herself make decisions about her clan, which was enough to make him feel It’s a pleasant feeling of being trusted.

“I don’t know much about this…but will he really act as you think?”

Aish is still very nervous, even though she has repeatedly told herself that she should Believe in Li Ke, but Li Ke is different from the way she knows how to deal with things, but still makes her feel uneasy instinctively, because she doesn’t know the consequences of this, and whether it is right to do so.

“If you don’t understand, then just know that as long as he doesn’t die here, he will already help us.”

Li Ke laughed, after all, he is nothing. In the political arena, genius can control the destiny of two countries as soon as he gets started. Although he thought about a lot of things that seemed to be very difficult to deal with, he just learned from people in his family’s history. So he looked at Ashe’s eyes, and began to input vitality into her body again, which made Ashe once again feel the pleasant and comfortable feeling.

“And even if he comes to attack us, it doesn’t matter, because as long as the two of us work together, no matter how many people come, we can kill them back. And even if you don’t make a move, now I can also turn them all into ice cubes, so don’t worry too much.”

When Li Ke said this, how do you see how Ashe looks like another humanoid missile launcher? After all, whose cold weapon army can withstand her magic Inhibitor arrow burst. And if you are there, you don’t have to worry about consumption. And the vitality of the iceborn within the body is not to be trifled with. Killing all people with ice thorns may be a bit exaggerated, but the feet of the criminals in the future will all be frozen in the snow, which is powerful for the iceborn. There is still no difficulty for him.

After all, Darius is impossible to bring thousands of people here, unless he is crazy.

“…Then next time you have to at least discuss it with me.”

Aish naturally thought of this, although she is very happy that Li Ke has already included her. He lost his power, but when Li Ke looked at her, the look that was not looking at a woman still made her a little unhappy.

“This is not a sudden situation.”

Li Ke let go of Ashe’s hand, but Ashe did not, she even got closer to Li Ke.

“That is to say, do you think I am stupid?”

She asked the question she always wanted to ask, and Li Ke’s answer was also very decisive.

“Of course not.”

Aich let go of Li Ke’s hand with satisfaction, and Li Ke added his answer like cracking a joke in his heart.

“I just hate your small chest.”

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